SNAIL Racing Club Corral of Assetto Corsa-(PS4 console version)

  • Thread starter llNovall
Hey Snails,
Below is a link for a nicely organized and easy to use leaderboard.
Create your username as it appears on PSN, and then edit your profile. Each time you set a lap record in a race for yourself or just hotlapping you can easily record it using your smartphone or computer. Remember to supply a screenshot to verify the time and conditions and leave any notes specific to your laptime (wheel type, stock, tire type, abs/tc,etc). Its a good way to practice since you can search by: track and car, or by driver and car, and see where you stack up against other drivers. Enjoy.

@USERID_77a23 @vsfit @gtr3123 @aerolite @Mike Lobban @SGETI @Raw10_2u @TomMang_68 @FlipJ @ONESPACE @Schmiggz @DesertPenguin09 @Gr8_Lakes
@Alex ONeill

Snail Weekly Time Trial Challenge
Instructions to get started
*Enter this site: , and if using a smartphone, you can set a shortcut to your homescreen for easy access.
*Register your username to the same name you use for PSN, create a password, and be sure to set up your profile.
*At the top you will see a box: "New time +"
Make your entry, and be sure to include a photo screenshot of your name and laptime from the "Session" game option.
*When making the entry, please include the following notes in this order:
-Snail TT
-wheel type (g29, t300, etc)
-Stock/Tuned: (please specify)
-tire type (tire used during session)
-tc: on/off
-Abs: on/off
-Manual/smg shifted
-any other notes you decide to include

*Anytime you post a faster lap, you can edit the time and the captured picture on the far right of your time.

**Important, please read:
Everyone who successfully completed a time trial entry will be asked to post a combo of their chosing by Monday 4pm est on the psn group wall. The driver with the fastest laptime that posts a new car/track as instructed will be the new week's combo and will be anounced on the PSN wall by 8pm est the same night or as soon as I recieve the combo pick from the winning driver.

Rules and regulations:
-one entry per driver allowed. Edit original entry each time a faster lap is posted.
-a screenshot or picture must accompany the posted time to be valid
-ALL vehicles and tracks including DLC will be eligible for combo picks.
-tuning is allowed. Any adjustment available to the given car being used may be changed. (Must specify if the car was "Tuned" in the entry notes. A summary of changes made are welcome, but not required)
-No limit on tire type/compound. (Please specify in the entry notes what tire was used for your session)
-traction control and ABS can be selected to your preference.
-all time trials must be done in Hotlap mode at 12:00, 26 degrees C to be eligble.
-each week's time trial will run from:
Monday 8pm est (unless new combo is chosen earlier) to Sunday 8pm est
-a winner can only be awarded a combo pick one time per month.
-if no combo picks are posted, I will select a new combo as needed.

**Combo schedule and results**
Week ending: 1/29/2017
BMW 1M at Nurburgring GP/GT (practice)
*winner: @gtr3123

Week ending: 2/5/2017
BMW M235i Racing at Red Bull Ring GP (event #1)

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Snail Weekly Time Trial Challenge
Instrustions to get started
Enter this site: and if using a smartphone, you can set a shortcut to your homescreen for easy access.
Register your username to the same name you use for PSN and create a password. At the top you will see a box: "New time +"
Make your entry, and be sure to include a photo screenshot of your name and laptime from the "Session" game option.
When making the entry, please include the following notes in this order:
-Snail TT
-wheel type (g29, t300, etc)
-stock tune
-tire type (whatever is on the car)
-tc: on/off
-Abs: on/off
-Manual/smg shifted
-any other notes you decide to include

Anytime you post a faster lap, you can edit the time and the captured picture on the far right of your time.

As a practice run before we start a weekly challenge, run the trial combo below between now and Sunday January 29 at 8pm:
**BMW 1M at Nurburgring GP/ GT**
I will post the results Sunday night for any entries made and correctly recorded on our psn group wall.

Everyone who successfully completed a time trial entry will be asked to post a combo of their chosing by Monday 4pm est on the psn group wall. The driver with the fastest laptime that posts a new car/track as instructed will be the new week's combo which will be anounced on the wall by 8pm est.

Rules and regulations:
-one entry per driver allowed. Edit original entry each time a faster lap is posted.
-a screenshot or picture must accompany the posted time to be valid
-car must remain completely stock (since there is no way to govern this, we will have to rely on the honor system)
-traction control and abs can be selected to your preference.
-each week's time trial will run from:
Monday 8pm est to Sunday 8pm est
-winner can only be awarded combo pick once per month.
-if no combo picks are posted, I will select a new combo as needed.
I like it. Hope many join in and it can grow.

Just a question: the new combo suggestion is on the Monday after the ending of the TT, so deadline to post in 1600, then a new combo gets announced and it's on from 2000 on, right?

EDIT: Actually, another question: add fuel load at start in the notes?
I like it. Hope many join in and it can grow.

Just a question: the new combo suggestion is on the Monday after the ending of the TT, so deadline to post in 1600, then a new combo gets announced and it's on from 2000 on, right?

EDIT: Actually, another question: add fuel load at start in the notes?
Thats is correct on the times. Deadline to post is 4pm est (1600) combo will be announced before 8pm (2000) and will start at that time. Since there no tuning, the fuel load should start the same for everyone.
From the AC last update for console:

Firstly, we want to thank our console players for their continued patience regarding private lobbies. We get asked almost every day when they’re likely to land on console and be rest assured, our team have been working incredibly hard to make them happen. It’s not an easy task for the developers but today, we’re happy to announce that private lobbies are heading into QA next week, so watch this space… The finish line is in sight!"

Better than nothing, I guess...
From the AC last update for console:

Firstly, we want to thank our console players for their continued patience regarding private lobbies. We get asked almost every day when they’re likely to land on console and be rest assured, our team have been working incredibly hard to make them happen. It’s not an easy task for the developers but today, we’re happy to announce that private lobbies are heading into QA next week, so watch this space… The finish line is in sight!"

Better than nothing, I guess...
Registered and TT done.
Don't have any DLC so probably won't be able to do all combos. Waiting for next discount to get package.
Registered and TT done.
Don't have any DLC so probably won't be able to do all combos. Waiting for next discount to get package.
Hopefully most will chose cars that are open to all, but I did want to leave the option open for the dlc cars to be used if desired. Glad to see you onboard the TT.
sorry, accidentally posted my time in the community thread on PS4. Is there a way to save the screen shot on PS4 then upload the screenshot directly to the time posting?
sorry, accidentally posted my time in the community thread on PS4. Is there a way to save the screen shot on PS4 then upload the screenshot directly to the time posting?
I dont think so. I just take a pic and load it direct to the ac leaderboard.
What combo are you guys doing?
The BMW 1M at Nuburgring GP/GT

It is our trial run TT until tonight (Sunday) at 8pm est. Then every driver that placed a tt submits a combo of their choice by 4pm est the next day (Monday). The driver with the fastest time that submitted a combo choice will be the next week's combo. Give it a go. Everyone in the PSN Club Group is on the club driver's list and is eligible. Enjoy.