Suggestions Box

  • Thread starter Kent
Well regarding the power shootout. Back in week 68 for the V6 tune the hell out of your car week, I went against everything and decided to use a TVR Cerbera 6 instead of a Supra, 300zx, Skyline, etc. And the reason why I never stopped, is that I honestly believed that even though my car had around 300hp less than other cars, I was still in the top third overall. So if we decide one some max-tune GT Mode week, we should seriously consider having the Cerbera as the car.
Not that this would interest many looking for some serious racing but...

I'd love to see lightweight FF designs run about 200hp on S3 tires in GT mode. :sly:
Ran the Honda Fit today under those specs and came out with a 4.4pwr. Was a lot of fun to tune and race on smaller tracks (although it wouldn't be quite as fun on longer tracks like Sarthe).

Just wanted to come in and throw that out there. :cheers:
I think I need a shot of an old favvie combo of mine - a short-wheelbase MR with N tyres on a twisty track that would keep you on your toes trying to keep the car from spinning.. Autumn Mini is not twisty.

One of the most enjoyable combos I drove lately was the BugR MkIII hybrid at Deep Forest. I'll try to dig up what drivetrain I used, because that MR I found was twitchy and fast - with absolutely 0 understeer. Really. 100% Oversteer, though - even RM tyres weren't enough for it.
I just got done watching a Best Motoring comparison of the Evo 9 vs Evo 8 MR and Sti Spec C.

Well it got me thinking... Would it be fun to do comparison races more often?
I know we did the Evo WRX comparison at Seattle a little while back but I believe there are plenty of great match-ups to still do.

JGTC Supra VS JGTC Skyline?
RGT vs Tuscan?
Esprit vs NSX vs Elise MS?

Just throwing those out there but I'm sure there are many, many more to run. Maybe that would interest some of the racers?

Btw, love the race this week! :cheers:
Esprit Vs. NSX should work out great (not sure if the MSE matches them everywhere - faster in twisties, less in longer tracks...), and the MR-S Vs. ASL JGTC-shootout is my favourite two-player combo - easy to control, fun, and sharp as a razor's edge.

RGT Vs. Tuscan, as great as it sounds, was used by Ron in a spotrace of his? Or was it the RUF 3400S?

And JGTC Supra Vs. Skyline, Ron's spotty did more or less the same - though with more opponents.
Nothing beats a GT Mode street car comparison race 👍
2 Lap race, Deep Forest, MR,RR cars, S1 tyres :drool:
Uh-huh. S1s and DF is a must...

Just came up with an odd comparo: Lancia Stratos (Road) Vs. BMW 2002 Turbo. Both twitchy, oversteery, yet completely different by nature.
What would you guys think about an arcade mode Lotus Elan at Citti di Aria. I really love that car, and I think the track would be just right for it.

I have a fully mentalised Elan in GT mode, and it's just such a hoot to throw around d'Aria it's unreal.

Well, seeing as I've spent most of this afternoon watching the Le mans 24 hour race my track choice should be fairly obvious but how about doing it in the old Gulf liveried GT40?
I've just been away too long in general...You should see what I've just submitted for this week. :dunce:

How about the Volvo estate round Seattle in GT mode? I'm sure you could give us some pointers Kyle. ;)
Hehehehehe... I'm sure I could, but I fear, the only way it'd be any fun is if we put it on Sports hards or harder, and with the car in full tune. Damn PD for making it soooooo overweight and underpowered!!!

But yes, you better believe it, I'd enjoy that a bit... ;)
Another take on GT Mode please. I'm thinking something old school japanese or european without more than 250hp and rwd.
I think it's funny how this thread has come back today... I stopped in here earlier and decided not to leave a message only to end up seeing another person revive the thread. :cheers:

That said, I was going to (and plan to do so now...)

I suggest we begin using more and more of the options availible for creating multiple car choices.
GT4 has so many cars and picking one car to race each week will never give users the chance to fully explore the game in the WRS.

GT mode tuning to race in PWR based races.
Arcade mode quick tuning to race in hp/kg limited races.

Both of those are something I would love to see get more use in the WRS.

With that in mind, I'm sure you could incorporate KLR's wishes and provide a race between japanese and european cars allowing any car within "these" specs. 👍

Good luck with the choices in the weeks and months to come (btw, great work with what's been done so far 👍 ).
I second your choices ,Kent.👍

And I already saw something in a earlier post from you,something with ruf and Tucsan.
Main problem will be that if some one post a fast time with a certain car,most will pick the same.Perhaps again a car silence would work.

I loved some races Cyril invented,like week 48 and the week with the Audi and the VW Golf.

Very fun weeks.

Although it means much,much more work for me I will look into it.

I have some weeks off this summer so I will dive in the possibilities.

You could run a variant of the blind theme by having a pool of cars you have tuned to match (like the Tigra/C3 etc) but not tell anyone the horsepower boosts set for them. People would select cars in a prior week, then you would roll out the track and the boosts on race week. People could practice a little in their chosen car, but they wouldn't know what PWR or where.

In fact, you could run a recurring theme, every few weeks, you could ask drivers to take the same car (or, perhaps not the same car!) and do a different track. If you had four cars and made the drivers change cars, you could run four races over a few months, and entrants who ran all four races would get carte blanche at the beginning, but Hobson's Choice at race 4.

Might be fun.
I must give credit where it is due...
A few weeks back we did an awesome lightweight FF comparison race and that was a great choice in my opinion. 👍
More races of a similar style would be a perfect answer to my request. 👍

In any case, glad to hear support for my suggestions (not that they are that far from what is done any way!). :lol: ;)
what of a country theme recurring every so many weeks, where you could pick a car from different brands from one country in a given week.
eg. one week it's the turn for uk cars. selection would be a lotus, a tvr, an aston or a jag where all those cars would have to fit the same ptw requirements. i'd be happy to help in testing and equalling those ptw's! this could be done in arcade mode so that only the power %'s would have to get matched.
i'd be happy to help in testing and equalling those ptw's!

I'd also be willing to work on that sort of stuff but I know what a trouble it can be to organize the series and I'm quite sure a request for help on a topic like this wouldn't be very common (although I know it would be made if it was needed).

That said, I've already done most of the testing I could imagine a steward of the WRS testing. :sly:

2.5 pwr is a great range in gt mode for the RUF, DB9, Esprit, Corvette, Skyline, and many more. 👍

200 hp is a great mark for light weight MR cars.

4.0 pwr is a great place for pretty much any street car.

On top of those less used concepts, there are still many well known themes to be used. Cars from the JGTC run against each other fairly well and only minimal chages are needed for a very close arcade race (and with those you can easily refference a place like GTRP to find which cars need a handicap and which ones don't).

Likewise, supercars are well matched and we've seen something along those lines work rather well in the past (zonda vs S7).

I'm sure the races of the future WRS will be just as good and better than the past so I'm not worried about my suggestions making an immediate difference... I'm just looking to throw my perspective out there and see how people react. :sly:
Well I've been running around in GT mode filling my coffers once again. And realized how much I love my fully tuned TVR Cerbera Six. I raced it back when we had the 6-cylinder challenge at Special Stage Rte 5. And I think that the car at something like Monaco would be fantastic.

And another combo with any sort of 4wd rally car/sub 300hp car at Citta D'Aria reverse could be quite fun.
In a few weeks ... I suggest we have a rally event in the Subaru or Xsara Rally cars as a memorial to a great driver and a massive loss to the Rallying world.

~ R.I.P Colin ~
Dam that sucks, we have lost two great rally drivers young now and non of them due to the driving. Its becoming a curse for a British driver to win the world rally championship :confused:. Good bye Colin McRae and may you R.I.P.

ps, Don't forget the focus
ps, Don't forget the focus

Yeah I remembered the Focus after I posted and for sure it should be a car to consider also 👍 ... although the Suby just seems the fitting choice to me overall for some reason.
I have a shortage of free time at the moment to change next week race into a rally,but week 127 will be a Suby week in memorial for Colin.

Since I am know as a non Rally expert I will contact Ron for some advice.
The Colin McRae serie for the PS1 was my first race game.
Just a quick note that losing Colin McRae is a damn shame. I feel really bad that his wife also lost her son, as well as her husband.
Just a quick note that losing Colin McRae is a damn shame. I feel really bad that his wife also lost her son, as well as her husband.

My heart goes to her and thier daughter, losing one loved one is bad enough,
but to lose a second at only five years old is terrible. :(

R.I.P. - Colin & Johnny McRae
One of those super fast LeMans cars, like the Nissan R89 or similar at New York Forward...

And at Tokyo, I recently found that the Clio race car makes for some fun driving around there...