~The All Cars & Colours Club~

  • Thread starter LeGeNd-1
I have 224 trade slots so far. I have at least one instance of all tradeable cars, and think I'm close to having all colours.

Edit: I was missing two tradeable Skyline Vspec II, so now I'm up to 226.
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Here we go:

I thought I had them all ages ago, till I checked the manufactures list and realised that I had a few duplicates. It seems like I was in a happy mood when buying them. I went and found the few I missed and now its complete. Cheers.

You're in. Congrats :cheers:.

1st place in ad-hoc for 99 laps of the ring is Cr1,521,750.
I don't believe you'll ever reliably manage more than a 4x multiplier.
But you can sometimes win every else's money too. Which can slightly more than double your winnings if you have three opponents. (Add AI).
S rank doesn't make any difference to prize money, although it makes a difference to your autopilot's ability.

Thanks for that, greatly appreciated 👍. How about the least distance though? How much does a 2 lap AdHoc race at the Test Course pays?
I think, before multipliers, ad-hoc races pay the same as S class,

I believe you can check with only one PSP. You can do just about everything but start the race. You need your networking switch on, though.
^I see. I'll take your word for it then. I'm going to check but I'm feeling lazy atm :P (I've cleaned my PSP and put it back in its box to keep it safe until GT5 arrives lol).

All Colours Club requirements added to Post 1 for anyone who's eligible. With this thread's response rate so far though, I think it's safe to say that I'll be the only member for quite some time :lol:
The difficulty with completing the collection is the cost of tradeable cars. I have 4409 and have 56 tradeable cars to get at a cost of over 100,000,000 cr. That is a lot of grinding and/or racing which I just do not have the appetite for at the moment.
Well, you could use the rubberband trick with the Pescarolo I posted in the other thread. You could do anything while your PSP is grinding away. No appetite needed for that ;)
I finally got hold of my last car: the F1 2007

I think I am eligible for class 3 (cars).

Now bring on GT5 :)
WOW I could be in the class 1 soon (all cars). I've got around 690 or so cars (mostly the cheap useless ones) and something like 86mil credits. 180mil left to get the other 140?? :scared:
*UPDATE* I've now got 20 mil left until i have 830 unique cars! Sounds like a lot, but im not busy so nothing will get in the way! In 24 hours or so i should have a snapshot. I'm not cheating or duplicating because you can do the formula of money gained take away money owned. I have 2 corvettes zr1 so i would have 831 cars :)
All colours? I could do it before the new year, but im currently working on a different gaming milestone. Then again, it's good to be in an exclusive club of three! This milestone is probably the one i'm most dedicated to, leaving the psp for up to 18 hours a day.
I'm thinking to get all colours before the new year. I figured out that I need 1 hour of racing every day. I hope to join a club of one!
Class 3 member (probably) right here. However I lack the red Mercedes and the white ZR1.
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