The Funny GIF Thread

  • Thread starter Peter
Rats make such awesome pets. You've got to get them when they are very young, and handle them a lot. I think females are the best.

They are so smart. You will fall in love with it.

The only down side is they can't control when or where they poop. But it is small and hard.

Oh, but the sad part is they only live for about two years, and you will most likely be very attached to it when it dies.:(
Rats make such awesome pets. You've got to get them when they are very young, and handle them a lot. I think females are the best.

They are so smart. You will fall in love with it.

The only down side is they can't control when or where they poop. But it is small and hard.

Oh, but the sad part is they only live for about two years, and you will most likely be very attached to it when it dies.:(

They're pets. Sure.