The Good Racecraft Guide

  • Thread starter VBR
We should have something like "A Class Drivers Club".. Membership would be awarded to the drivers by the drivers. There could be online events held just for the A Class drivers, and candidates too.
Good guide but you may want to add some things about when you have made an unfair overtake (such as corner cutting) and yeilding the place back or when to rejoin if you've gone off track. Many people just drive back on as soon which causes lots of incidents and can ruin close races.
Good guide but you may want to add some things about when you have made an unfair overtake (such as corner cutting) and yeilding the place back or when to rejoin if you've gone off track. Many people just drive back on as soon which causes lots of incidents and can ruin close races.

You're right, it isn't by any means comprehensive, but then again the OLR is, & that's why I put a link to it as it discuses the matters you brought up. I guess I could expand upon it, but am far too busy with other things at the moment.

You should also add if you haven't,

-Just because you seem faster then the car ahead of you, doesn't mean you get the right to overtake anywhere you want, this will cause a crash.

This mostly happens to me online on the 'ring. People tend to think if your catching on a car ahead they will overtake you, without thinking. They either ram you accidentally or cause both of you an accident.

I really don't know how to explain it well but, know when to overtake and when not.
You should also add if you haven't,

-Just because you seem faster then the car ahead of you, doesn't mean you get the right to overtake anywhere you want, this will cause a crash.

This mostly happens to me online on the 'ring. People tend to think if your catching on a car ahead they will overtake you, without thinking. They either ram you accidentally or cause both of you an accident.
I really don't know how to explain it well but, know when to overtake and when not.

I had that happen the other night online. After the first highspeed section at the corner with the gravel trap (can't remember the name of the corner, but it's at the end of the first AMG driving event). Two cars ahead went into the turn too quick and went wide. I went to overtake the two of them on the inside and suddenly realised my car wasn't slowing down. Turns out the guy behind me was riding my bumper and caused me to slam into the two other cars, putting the 3 of us in the gravel :mad:
MY GOD VBR, you have definitly put at least 6 hours of work into the SSCS RULES. Its making me feel a bit nervous lol. I will absolutly work on my racecraft for saturday. Newbies drive black cars right?
Reviving an old thread!!

Seriously, this thread deserves more attention. This very useful guide compliments the GTP OLR Rules & Guidelines. I think this should be stickied, or referred to in the Rules and Guidelines thread, so that more people would be able to read it. 👍👍
Adding my 👍 Especially in the sense that most of us are racing for pleasure not profession, so the nonsense we're often seeing in F1 nowadays with cars side-by-side constantly unyielding and slowing each other down appallingly (or crashing out of a good finishing position) is not to be taken as an example of high racecraft (or at least gentlemanly racecraft). I'd rather bolster camaraderie than red mist win-or-crash-trying.

Two cars racing clean to help catch the leader while having a good dice here and there, that's just awesome.
Bump for a great thread VBR!!!!!!!!!!!

Adding my 👍 Especially in the sense that most of us are racing for pleasure not profession, so the nonsense we're often seeing in F1 nowadays with cars side-by-side constantly unyielding and slowing each other down appallingly (or crashing out of a good finishing position) is not to be taken as an example of high racecraft (or at least gentlemanly racecraft). I'd rather bolster camaraderie than red mist win-or-crash-trying.

Two cars racing clean to help catch the leader while having a good dice here and there, that's just awesome.

Totally agree!!
Well done VBR. It captures 99% of my approach to online racing from day 1. I am borrowing it, with proper credit of course, for my own group, as that is the exact philosophy we have advocated from the beginning, just not in as great a detail as you have here.

Well done:tup:👍
This is a bloody good guide and when you add the video guides , it really does help for an idiot like me "get it" with things like the dynamics of racing.
Best outlining i have ever seen. I will use these guidelines in every aspect of my virtual racing career. i don't play often, i play online at my mates. I am a careful but firm driver and would like to be respected when i race
Excellent VBR, and thank you for adding us to the League List. I hope people take the GRG on board and promote the values of good clean racing. After all a clean race is a great race.
Swe, Hawk and Kev are still turning laps. Pop in for a spin and a laugh some time. We are doing a lot of racing with GT-Club nowadays and also have pile of new and zayney clean guys. Great fun and good lads all. Kev and I have run in GTPlanet PURE JGTS and really enjoyed it. Met some excellent clean guys in JGTS. Greets to Wardez and all the others. The forums seem to be intermixing a lot now. Gotta be good for the racing and the future of all forums. We won GTfusion last season. Don't ask me how but we did. GTfusion 2013 Round 1 kicks off this month on the 15, 16 and 17.

Just wanted to thank you for this. We have used parts of it as a general reminder for the P.A.R.C. series that CRAP are running at the moment.

This is a really great guide! Thanks for putting it together. I organize a series too and I would like to use this guide. What do I have to do?
This is a really great guide! Thanks for putting it together. I organize a series too and I would like to use this guide. What do I have to do?

Thanks! You're welcome. After posting a link to the GRG in your event & encouraging your members to read & apply it, just follow the post script at the very bottom of the GRG as quoted below;

PS: If anyone wishes to use the GRG for a club, league, or race series here on GT Planet, they are more than welcome (PM me to be added to the list). Anyone wishing to copy & paste this article onto another website may do so, as long as they credit me (VBR from GT Planet) as the original author, & provide a link back to the first post in this thread.

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