~ DiabolicalMask's PhotoMode Gallery ~ (Randoms)

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That's a very good-looking update, excellent work. 👍 The car looks nice and drives very nicely too, it has a great amount of lift-throttle oversteer if I recall right.
Great update with the Spirra!!!

A really nice set of pics, they are all so good I can't pic a favorite :)

Really nice update with the random pics also, very sharp and clear pics. They all look so nice!!
Your pictures are always crisp and perfectly balanced, what can I say? They are sweet! Concerning the shot with the Spirra coming from the corkscrew, the rear wheel looks fully loaded, you slide onto the sand?
First of all, thanks all for all the kind comments. They're very welcome. :) 👍

But personally the last one is the best. But nevermind that cuz I dont wanna influence you on your choice. Just saying you know.;)
Thanks anyway. I appreciate that.
The shot I chose as my final entry isn't my favourite as well, but I thought it was the most original and it turned out well with only B&C.

pretty funny to see you running at wrong direction at suzuka
Eheh. You noticed! ;)

it has a great amount of lift-throttle oversteer if I recall right.
Exactly. It's nice to drive, if a bit too soft on the suspension.

Concerning the shot with the Spirra coming from the corkscrew, the rear wheel looks fully loaded, you slide onto the sand?
Not sure what you mean, but the shot was taken on the second part of the corkscrew (already at the right-hand corner), so that's why the left of the car is loaded. If I remember well, I didn't slide off the track.
Random old shots #3




IMO, the Supra shots should've been switched. What I mean is, the second one should've been the big one, and the first should've been the thumb. I only say that because I'm really, really liking that second shot ;).

The 787B shots are both good, I am a firm believer that it's possibly the best prototype to shoot, in either of its paintjobs. The Mercedes is such a wonderful shot because of the range of colour in the reflection. I haven't shot it yet because I'm personally disappointed with its look, but that is a great way to bring interest to a monochromatic car. Wow 👍

The Esprit shots interest me because I can't tell if they're all from the exact same time, and only different angles, or if they're just from the same turn at slightly different times. The second one looks a bit different from the other two (the front wheel angle), but it's all very interesting nonetheless. That last shot is a great way to end the set, it's so fun.

All in all, what can I say? Nice as always :D
IMO, the Supra shots should've been switched. What I mean is, the second one should've been the big one, and the first should've been the thumb. I only say that because I'm really, really liking that second shot ;).
You know, I actually had that configuration but at the last minute I changed it. And it would make more sense simply because it's easier to see the more close up picture in thumb.

The Esprit shots interest me because I can't tell if they're all from the exact same time, and only different angles, or if they're just from the same turn at slightly different times. The second one looks a bit different from the other two (the front wheel angle), but it's all very interesting nonetheless.
If I remember, the full size picture and the second thumb are from the same freeze, and the first thumb was shortly after. ;)

It's always a pleasure to discuss these shots with you, Thanks a lot. 👍
Great update, the shots of the lotus at midfield are very good nice mix of colours
Thanks, 725. :)

Oh, and thanks for stopping by as well, jmx. 👍
I forgot about you earlier... :dunce:
i saw the aston martin festival in the thread name and had to check it out. the only aston i dont own in the game is the db7. i dont like it as much as its bigger brothers the db9 and vanquish, but these pics are great! 👍 it looks great in that color. the db9 is my favorite of the astons. the pics all have great angles and saturation. the green vantage pics are great aswell. my favorites would be the first db9 and the second big vantage pic.
pain killer
the only aston i dont own in the game is the db7. i dont like it as much as its bigger brothers the db9 and vanquish
Well, the DB7 is definitely not the prettiest of the three, but it is the better drive, imo. 👍

Thanks for commenting, guys.
Great Aston update DM!!

The two wheel DB7 pic is very cool 👍

I also love the first Supra pic in your "Random old shots #3" update
A genuine quality update! So many good pictures, picking some favourites becomes impossible. The reflections in the DB7 Vantage is great as the two wheeling DB7. :cheers:
While I was going to crack a joke about how its impossible to make an Aston look bad, really this update is just superb. That first DB7 thumb has such a great sense of speed, and the second big shot does too, even if it does give away that the 7 wouldn't mind being lowered a bit. The next two thumbs are possibly my favourites for the DB7; the first one reminds me of a shot I have with a much different car at nearly the same point on the track, but you captured more reflections with your shot. The second one, the car looks so real, while the angle plays tricks on the viewer and makes the hill seem far steeper than it really is. I haven't been able to work with the front straight at Autumn Ring other than for panning shots. The next big one is my preferred two-wheel shot, and the thumb after it highlights the 7's curves by having all the straight lines behind it :)

The last three DB9 shots are my favourites of that portion. I've really come around in regards to Fuji, and you've proven that less out-and-out sporty cars can look at home there. My only criticism isn't really your fault; people only seem to own the gold DB9. Am I the only one who shelled out for a proper-coloured (British Racing Green) one? ;).

The entire Festival portion is wonderful. I particularly love the first Vanquish thumb. The car looks so real, the reflections aren't overpowering, and that tiny bit of high-intensity light reflection by the passenger-side headlight just makes it feel more real.

Hot damn 👍
Arrgh, can't believe I never got around to commenting on this set— I mean complete Aston Martin compendium! Just a little bit vertical happy were we?

Autumn Ring for me is always about hitting the curbs as hard as possible and you sir went mad with the DB7. As always, perfect composition, subject, track location and lighting. Do you ever produce a bad picture :grumpy:‽
I love all of 'em, but the very last one just blows off your socks. :drool:

I missed a lot of excellent updates. I need to come in here more often. 👍 👍 👍 👍
Hehe, I can see that the two-wheel shot was general favourite. :D

Since I'm off to bed, I'll keep the comments to a minimum, but I want to thank everyone for passing by and criticising/commenting the pictures. It means a lot. 👍

ALPHA, I'll answer you the same way I answered tabs a few months ago:
Is a folder with hundreds of them enough for you...? :D
people only seem to own the gold DB9.
I don´t know the name of the colour, but I´ve got a dark sea-blueish DB9. ...and the gold one of course.:crazy:

Great work here, I love the last but one pic. I never achieved to catch that curve in a satisfactory manner.
What did you do to make the paint so glossy?

Prost! :cheers:
What did you do to make the paint so glossy?
Well, I did what I normally do to all the other pictures. I guess that, at Hong Kong it's easier to capture the reflections in the cars.
But try to use higher than normal EV values and, in PS, increase the "Shadows" value as well.

Nice work on your gallery, by the way. 👍

Here's another update:

RS200 Rally Car @ Costa Di Almafi







I found it damn difficult to find new angles and ideas at this stage. I had this "déjà vu" feeling everytime I took a shot... :crazy:
I found it damn difficult to find new angles and ideas at this stage. I had this "déjà vu" feeling everytime I took a shot... :crazy:

That's exactly why I havent taken pics there anymore for ages. There just isn't choice out of enough angles, so I lose inspiration. But, it's still a cool update, just not your best. 👍
Nice, I think the thumbs look better than the big ones in some cases.
I see what you mean. It's really hard for me to choose, and sometimes I just want to post all pictures in full size... :grumpy:

Thanks for your opinions, guys. 👍

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