:::Dick Steel's Gallery::: Toyota GT-One

  • Thread starter Dick Steel
Baby blue Lancer Evo

Wow! your gallery is growing nicely! the subaru pics are fantastic, but the baby-blue lancer is the bomb! :drool: How do you do that? Great pics mate, keep 'em coming! :dopey:
Nice I like your alfa pics but your Subaru rally shots just Rox to the max! I love the first one and feel sorry for the camera man in the last one :scared: Your EVO VI TM looks very unique with that colour and love those BBS rims 👍.
Thanks guys! :)

@ magburner: If you mean how I changed colour? It's quite easy. 1. I used Magic wand tool to select car body 2. then I used Hue and Saturation to choose new color 3. I made clean up work to finish picture.
Very nice lancer shot man! I really like that colour in some way. It really fits the car. The wheels also look great. Very big and well positioned in the shot.

Keep up this work...your on the right path.
Wow you turned an un-interesting car (well to me anyway) into one awesome looking CZ-3!!! Seeing these pics makes me wanna get one me self :lol:. Seriously they are nice :) I can see some nice racing lines in those too 👍. I like them especially the last one, the angel just looks so nice. You captured some of the nice features of the car and that Mitsubishi logo looks great! Now that I think about it, I also like pic 4, 5, 7, 6, 2, 1, hmm and 3 :cheers:. :lol: thats every one of them I guess.
I love the 1st and 2nd shots, in the 2nd shot it looks like something has been nudged up the cars nose so hard. That you cannot see what was nudged up in its nose Steel.