Why should I buy GT6? Hackers are rampant!

  • Thread starter DaLunatic
Polyphony told us they were going to take care of the hackers......? Yet I have seen no attempt to do so. People are constantly jumping into our rooms with hacked cars, and we get no support from SONY or Polyphony Digital.
I search for a room and see flagrant "Hack" rooms. Sure you may have done something to the one's who corrupted your precious time trials, but you gave us online gamers no help to get rid of the cheaters,.....I mean, it's YOUR code they're hacking, surely you can identify them!
If you don't want to ban them (because they're such valuable type people), at least write a code that will make them GLOW red or something so we can identify them with no argument and escort them to the door!

Again, I'm standing here with MY MONEY in my hand for GT6.......tell me something that will make me want to run out to Gamestop and lay MY money down on YOUR game!
I have NO INTEREST in buying a game where rampant cheating is condoned.

P.S.: The fist time I ever played Gran Turismo was the original demo for the first game, I put down the controller and handed the man at the game store my money to pre-order (his FIRST pre-order!), and I have bought every Turismo installment since!! Make me want to do it again...burn these hackers and their copy of the game! Make'em go out and buy a new game!..........mo money mo money mo money!
Please, I want to play GT6! But not if you are going to allow cheating!
If you like GT life or racing bots or driving alone or tuning and testing, get GT6.

I played and enjoyed GT for YEARS before online racing even hit the scene and by your own admission, so did you.

"P.S.: The fist time I ever played Gran Turismo was the original demo for the first game, I put down the controller and handed the man at the game store my money to pre-order (his FIRST pre-order!), and I have bought every Turismo installment since!!"
The reason is - this game is coming up nearing 3 years old, what's the point of fixing something that's close to its end of lifespan? GT 6 is a whole different story, they would have learned about their security breaches and learn to prevent it. I'm positive it'll take a while before its cracked, when it DOES, PD will be prepared (if not right from the start).

This game is nearing 3 years old, get over it. Look at any game this old, they're hacked to bits and devs don't care, their new iteration is already out and focus their energy on that.
It's amazing to me how the label "Hacker" is thrown around and misused concerning people trying to hybrid and/or jacking up the BHP of their cars; and the mass majority of these people know very little of code/coding, heck most of these people know little about hex-code, thus far from deserving of the title "Hacker". Mostly people found a garage editor, and use it to change data in a savegame file, which also is far from hacking.

Shame on PD, for trying to outright eliminate hybridding, and trying to control what people want to do with their game, that they paid for. When PD must have known that every game in the series had a heavy hybridding influence making their games live on far longer than they would have without hybridding. GT4 was a great example of this, with hybridding people played this game until discs wore out, and bought it again, 7 years of longevity out of a game is unheard of, and GT3, GT2, and GT1 still get questions on hybridding two consoles later (almost three).

Really it is simple, let the hybridder hybrid their rides, cheaters cheat, and those who want to have normal cars with normal gameplay do that. Really it comes down to structuring the online gaming to analyze the cars entering races to conform to hybrid/cheat/normal styles, so you don't have a hybrid smoking a bunch of normal cars.

PD and many other gaming companies need to realize, that there will always be people who game differently than the majority, and will find every coding flaw and exploit it, no matter how many times you try to patch up the holes, another way will be found. PD should be thrilled that real hacking is not really going on, because they will really lose control when real hackers start hacking the patches and showing others how to do the same.

PD does not realize that when you buy a game, it is yours, they have surrendered control. What PD is doing, would be like Ford selling you a Mustang but saying you are not allowed to modify it, after you rigged a bigger engine into it, Ford comes by while your sleeping and switches the engine back, or bans you from driving it. The previous scenario would never happen, so why do we allow these gaming companies to do this exact thing?

PD needs to accommodate all gamers, the hackers, hybridders, cheaters, and normal players alike.
It's amazing to me how the label "Hacker" is thrown around and misused concerning people trying to hybrid and/or jacking up the BHP of their cars; and the mass majority of these people know very little of code/coding, heck most of these people know little about hex-code, thus far from deserving of the title "Hacker". Mostly people found a garage editor, and use it to change data in a savegame file, which also is far from hacking.

Shame on PD, for trying to outright eliminate hybridding, and trying to control what people want to do with their game, that they paid for. When PD must have known that every game in the series had a heavy hybridding influence making their games live on far longer than they would have without hybridding. GT4 was a great example of this, with hybridding people played this game until discs wore out, and bought it again, 7 years of longevity out of a game is unheard of, and GT3, GT2, and GT1 still get questions on hybridding two consoles later (almost three).

Really it is simple, let the hybridder hybrid their rides, cheaters cheat, and those who want to have normal cars with normal gameplay do that. Really it comes down to structuring the online gaming to analyze the cars entering races to conform to hybrid/cheat/normal styles, so you don't have a hybrid smoking a bunch of normal cars.

PD and many other gaming companies need to realize, that there will always be people who game differently than the majority, and will find every coding flaw and exploit it, no matter how many times you try to patch up the holes, another way will be found. PD should be thrilled that real hacking is not really going on, because they will really lose control when real hackers start hacking the patches and showing others how to do the same.

PD does not realize that when you buy a game, it is yours, they have surrendered control. What PD is doing, would be like Ford selling you a Mustang but saying you are not allowed to modify it, after you rigged a bigger engine into it, Ford comes by while your sleeping and switches the engine back, or bans you from driving it. The previous scenario would never happen, so why do we allow these gaming companies to do this exact thing?

PD needs to accommodate all gamers, the hackers, hybridders, cheaters, and normal players alike.

I can hardly tell if you're trolling or not.

Firstly, you don't own ANY game that you buy! You only own the physical disk, not the code on it, you own the license, not the game. Any and every piece of software in existence, except open source freeware, is like this, it's always been.

As per you're "buying a Ford" analogy, it's inaccurate. You cannot measure software and cars the same way, they are totally different things (lines of code versus physical hardware), apples and oranges.

As per accommodating the whole community, I don't think they should go that far. I hardly think they should be helping the cheaters, especially ones ruining fun for someone else. Hybridding too, I don't mind it, they need to just find a way to keep the them and no-hybridders apart, have to separate types of rooms, no foul play.
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Firstly, you don't own ANY game that you buy! You only own the physical disk, not the code on it, you own the license, not the game. Any and every piece of software in existence, except open source freeware, is like this, it's always been.

I would have thought the nonsense and fallout with the Xbone would have finally put this argument to rest.
Shame on PD, for trying to outright eliminate hybridding, and trying to control what people want to do with their game, that they paid for. When PD must have known that every game in the series had a heavy hybridding influence making their games live on far longer than they would have without hybridding. GT4 was a great example of this, with hybridding people played this game until discs wore out, and bought it again, 7 years of longevity out of a game is unheard of, and GT3, GT2, and GT1 still get questions on hybridding two consoles later (almost three).

Well you see, I'm not sure it's in their minds to allow such things. Few games actually allow "hacking". Or really, modding as I would prefer to note it as in a way.

Also, Polyphony couldn't do a thing about the previous games considering they didn't have access to the games after the disc is made and bought. With the current game they can and I don't see anything wrong with fixing something that they didn't want to happen to their game. Notice I said their. Despite owning the game yourself, it wasn't yours to develop.

Really it is simple, let the hybridder hybrid their rides, cheaters cheat, and those who want to have normal cars with normal gameplay do that. Really it comes down to structuring the online gaming to analyze the cars entering races to conform to hybrid/cheat/normal styles, so you don't have a hybrid smoking a bunch of normal cars.

Or just have the features that has all the things people are looking for, but that's not what Polyphony wants. Cheating, is what it is, cheating. It shouldn't be allowed regardless of the situation. It's simply against what ever standards are set.

PD and many other gaming companies need to realize, that there will always be people who game differently than the majority, and will find every coding flaw and exploit it, no matter how many times you try to patch up the holes, another way will be found. PD should be thrilled that real hacking is not really going on, because they will really lose control when real hackers start hacking the patches and showing others how to do the same.

To give everyone a fair game. And plus, wouldn't it be real hackers who created the garage editors? It's just a program that lesser "hackers" used to acquire their cars in a easier fashion.

PD needs to accommodate all gamers, the hackers, hybridders, cheaters, and normal players alike.

Why, just why? I see no reason for it. Hackers, hybriders, and especially cheaters should not exist.
Polyphony told us they were going to take care of the hackers......? Yet I have seen no attempt to do so. People are constantly jumping into our rooms with hacked cars, and we get no support from SONY or Polyphony Digital.
I search for a room and see flagrant "Hack" rooms. Sure you may have done something to the one's who corrupted your precious time trials, but you gave us online gamers no help to get rid of the cheaters,.....I mean, it's YOUR code they're hacking, surely you can identify them!
If you don't want to ban them (because they're such valuable type people), at least write a code that will make them GLOW red or something so we can identify them with no argument and escort them to the door!

Again, I'm standing here with MY MONEY in my hand for GT6.......tell me something that will make me want to run out to Gamestop and lay MY money down on YOUR game!
I have NO INTEREST in buying a game where rampant cheating is condoned.

P.S.: The fist time I ever played Gran Turismo was the original demo for the first game, I put down the controller and handed the man at the game store my money to pre-order (his FIRST pre-order!), and I have bought every Turismo installment since!! Make me want to do it again...burn these hackers and their copy of the game! Make'em go out and buy a new game!..........mo money mo money mo money!
Please, I want to play GT6! But not if you are going to allow cheating!

How do you know you're getting hackers/hybriders/cheaters in your rooms? Is it 1. people joining and beating everyone easily 2. weird sounding engines 3. cars that have colours they can't have (red Ferrari F2007/F10 for example) 4. unrealistically fast cars with obviously hacked power well into the quadruple digits, or 5. any combination?

1. Faster people are everywhere, trust me.
2. Different exhaust is a possibility.
3. Doesn't harm anyone, I beat cars like this all the time with my non hacked cars. These people generally change cars when asked anyway.
4. Unless you've been living under a rock and have never encountered an X201x, this is the only explanation that is perfectly valid.

No, seriously, 1. doesn't count. :P

So, with 4. being the only big problem, why aren't your rooms limited? If the power is limited, massive power can't enter and if PP is limited the cars will be painfully obvious. Just kick then block anybody stupid enough to join with these cars, eventually you'll run out of idiots. Good luck! :)👍
It's amazing to me how the label "Hacker" is thrown around and misused concerning people trying to hybrid and/or jacking up the BHP of their cars; and the mass majority of these people know very little of code/coding, heck most of these people know little about hex-code, thus far from deserving of the title "Hacker". Mostly people found a garage editor, and use it to change data in a savegame file, which also is far from hacking.

Shame on PD, for trying to outright eliminate hybridding, and trying to control what people want to do with their game, that they paid for. When PD must have known that every game in the series had a heavy hybridding influence making their games live on far longer than they would have without hybridding. GT4 was a great example of this, with hybridding people played this game until discs wore out, and bought it again, 7 years of longevity out of a game is unheard of, and GT3, GT2, and GT1 still get questions on hybridding two consoles later (almost three).

Really it is simple, let the hybridder hybrid their rides, cheaters cheat, and those who want to have normal cars with normal gameplay do that. Really it comes down to structuring the online gaming to analyze the cars entering races to conform to hybrid/cheat/normal styles, so you don't have a hybrid smoking a bunch of normal cars.

PD and many other gaming companies need to realize, that there will always be people who game differently than the majority, and will find every coding flaw and exploit it, no matter how many times you try to patch up the holes, another way will be found. PD should be thrilled that real hacking is not really going on, because they will really lose control when real hackers start hacking the patches and showing others how to do the same.

PD does not realize that when you buy a game, it is yours, they have surrendered control. What PD is doing, would be like Ford selling you a Mustang but saying you are not allowed to modify it, after you rigged a bigger engine into it, Ford comes by while your sleeping and switches the engine back, or bans you from driving it. The previous scenario would never happen, so why do we allow these gaming companies to do this exact thing?

PD needs to accommodate all gamers, the hackers, hybridders, cheaters, and normal players alike.

I have an idea,don't buy GT6 and hack away at GT5 all you want.Actually if you have ever bought a new car,you might want to look at the owners manual,it clearly states not to modify the car,without Ford installing it or using Ford authorized parts as Ford will not be responsible for failure or liability and your warranty is toast.Get the point.
I have an idea,don't buy GT6 and hack away at GT5 all you want.Actually if you have ever bought a new car,you might want to look at the owners manual,it clearly states not to modify the car,without Ford installing it or using Ford authorized parts as Ford will not be responsible for failure or liability and your warranty is toast.Get the point.

Ford won't seek damages from you in court if you modify the Ford you have purchased, nor if you sell parts to others so that they can modify the Ford they've purchased. Get the point?
Ford won't seek damages from you in court if you modify the Ford you have purchased, nor if you sell parts to others so that they can modify the Ford they've purchased. Get the point?

Why would Ford do that? They provide objects, games with an online component are an ongoing service. If you'd been paying attention, you'd have seen that killerjimbag was saying that the warranty (the ongoing service) is void and that a developer would be well within their rights to do the same. It's gaming hardware manufacturers that sue for modifications, because those modifications mean that people can steal games.
Why would Ford do that? They provide objects, games with an online component are an ongoing service. If you'd been paying attention, you'd have seen that killerjimbag was saying that the warranty (the ongoing service) is void and that a developer would be well within their rights to do the same. It's gaming hardware manufacturers that sue for modifications, because those modifications mean that people can steal games.

Thank you.👍
Polyphony told us they were going to take care of the hackers......? Yet I have seen no attempt to do so. People are constantly jumping into our rooms with hacked cars, and we get no support from SONY or Polyphony Digital.
I search for a room and see flagrant "Hack" rooms. Sure you may have done something to the one's who corrupted your precious time trials, but you gave us online gamers no help to get rid of the cheaters,.....I mean, it's YOUR code they're hacking, surely you can identify them!
If you don't want to ban them (because they're such valuable type people), at least write a code that will make them GLOW red or something so we can identify them with no argument and escort them to the door!

Again, I'm standing here with MY MONEY in my hand for GT6.......tell me something that will make me want to run out to Gamestop and lay MY money down on YOUR game!
I have NO INTEREST in buying a game where rampant cheating is condoned.

P.S.: The fist time I ever played Gran Turismo was the original demo for the first game, I put down the controller and handed the man at the game store my money to pre-order (his FIRST pre-order!), and I have bought every Turismo installment since!! Make me want to do it again...burn these hackers and their copy of the game! Make'em go out and buy a new game!..........mo money mo money mo money!
Please, I want to play GT6! But not if you are going to allow cheating!

They jump into rooms with cars with thousands of horsepower. I think they should have let the engine/transmission modding thing go but set a hard hp limit of like 2000.

It is what it is... If you don't want to play with the hackers, start a private lobby and invite people you know aren't cheating.

I'd rather buy the next Forza installment. Forza is a better game.
To the Original poster... Great topic. Great post, very well written. Kudos.

I personally have no problem with online play, and cheaters. But still, great post.
They jump into rooms with cars with thousands of horsepower. I think they should have let the engine/transmission modding thing go but set a hard hp limit of like 2000.

It is what it is... If you don't want to play with the hackers, start a private lobby and invite people you know aren't cheating.

I'd rather buy the next Forza installment. Forza is a better game.

They jump into rooms with cars with thousands of horsepower. I think they should have let the engine/transmission modding thing go but set a hard hp limit of like 2000.

It is what it is... If you don't want to play with the hackers, start a private lobby and invite people you know aren't cheating.

I'd rather buy the next Forza installment. Forza is a better game.

Or, we could oh, I dont know, SET A HORSEPOWER LIMIT!!! We have the tools to prevent it further without the need for updates, why people are still whining about it is beyond me. As has been said, there is no point fixing a 3 year old game when its replacement is just around the corner. People should stop whining "Oh, PD havent done anything" I cant twin twin turbo cars, multiply grip, swap engines, parts etc. I can multiply HP, but the kryptonite to that is the HP Restriction. it really isnt that hard people. Maybe some of you do belong offline...
You could simply set your private lounges where only people from your friends list are able to enter. Join an online racing league. Create your own league. Seems there are suitable options for those who want to continue with the GT franchise without getting frustrated.💡
By the way, installing aftermarket parts on your car doesn't void your warranty, despite the scare tactics Ford may use in their owner's manual.


In fact, in America, it would be illegal for Ford to make the claim that installing aftermarket parts will void the warranty.

You obviously didnt read the whole article, as it clearly state there are different parts to the New car warranty & some can be voided through an aftermarket part being fitted, If the aftermarket part can be proven to be the cause of failing to meet legal reguations. e.g if you fit a aftermarket exhaust to your car that causes it to fail emissions reguations part of your warranty is void.
You obviously didnt read the whole article, as it clearly state there are different parts to the New car warranty & some can be voided through an aftermarket part being fitted, If the aftermarket part can be proven to be the cause of failing to meet legal reguations. e.g if you fit a aftermarket exhaust to your car that causes it to fail emissions reguations part of your warranty is void.

No, I understand the law. If the aftermarket part does the damage, then the warranty is void. That doesn't change the point that installing aftermarket parts doesn't void any warranties, WHICH IS THE POINT THAT THE ORIGINAL COMMENTER WAS TRYING TO MAKE.
No, I understand the law. If the aftermarket part does the damage, then the warranty is void. That doesn't change the point that installing aftermarket parts doesn't void any warranties, WHICH IS THE POINT THAT THE ORIGINAL COMMENTER WAS TRYING TO MAKE.

Am I missing something here.If you or your installer puts a supercharger on a Mustang that is not authorized or installed by a Ford recognized dealer/installer and you blow up your motor you my friend are SOL.God forbid you don't get into an accident with the car, example throttle sticking, or to rich fuel mixture/explosion cause then your sorry rear end is getting sued.Try and blame that on Ford.
Am I missing something here.If you or your installer puts a supercharger on a Mustang that is not authorized or installed by a Ford recognized dealer/installer and you blow up your motor you my friend are SOL.God forbid you don't get into an accident with the car, example throttle sticking, or to rich fuel mixture/explosion cause then your sorry rear end is getting sued.Try and blame that on Ford.

I believe you are correct. Even the same goes for lawnmowers.
This game is nearing 3 years old, get over it. Look at any game this old, they're hacked to bits and devs don't care, their new iteration is already out and focus their energy on that.

That is very, very wrong. Halo 3, coming up on 6 years old, yet there are no hackers.

PD needs to fix the problems with hackers in GT5. To give excuses as to why they don't fix it is unreasonable. What happens when GT6 gets hacked and you can't find a fair match online, yet you either can't afford PS4 GT, or there isn't any? Will you be okay with your main racing game being unplayable due to lowlifes. Probably not.
Here's a thought;

Set restrictions in your room so people can't use hacked cars.

OMG what a great idea! 💡 :dopey: :ouch:

That would work.
If there actually were any restrictions that applied only to hacked cars. Which there isn't.

So no, it doesn't work.

Terrible idea.