Fastest 400M & 1000M Times.

  • Thread starter GGhost
2 psi?
are you sure its not 2 BAR?
because 2 bar is about 32 psi or somthing around that
and low 9s is good 2
im getting the game 2morow so i wanna know what is a good time, just 1 question tho
do the cars still sufer from chronic wheel spin?
in gt2 i pulled an 8.1 in the escudo...
and youd think the HKS GTR qould b quickest..
but it wheel spined up the whole track,,,
do you have this problem?
good luck... your best bet is to buy a sprinter as your first car... you start out with 18,000 and most cars are well over that. the sprinter is under 14,000 and you would have enough to add some mods to help you w/ the sunday cup
did u buy the sprinter?
the sprinter is the corolla...
im prolly gonna buy a stage 1 turbo and some new tyres with my change
do u think this is a good idea?
GGhost... i wasnt replying because i was at work :D but im home now for lunch... anyways yeah my first car was the sprinter, and i put a semi-racing muffler and racing chip right as soon as i bought it... with just that i could win (easily) all of the races in the first 2 circuts.
Quote: from Evolution VI RS on 8:52 am on Aug. 9, 2001[br]good luck... your best bet is to buy a sprinter as your first car... you start out with 18,000 and most cars are well over that. the sprinter is under 14,000 and you would have enough to add some mods to help you w/ the sunday cup

Good call on the sprinter. :)
Does anyone ever start off with the PT ....i did and i still won the first two cups that i raced.....maxed out my PT has 318HP with the stage 2 turbo
Quote: from GT Spiff on 4:00 pm on Aug. 9, 2001[br]Does anyone ever start off with the PT ....i did and i still won the first two cups that i raced.....maxed out my PT has 318HP with the stage 2 turbo

I haven't, but I might have to try it just to have some PT fun.  :)

BTW - I'll do the 1/4 tonight and post my times tomarrow.
simulation and sports tires are both 5k and the racing ones are even more. You won't have enough right away and the sprinter doesn't really have enough speed to spin out of control. Buy a pt cruiser because even though the miata and sprinter trueno are the best, you win them in the first two cups.
By that logic you should get a Bug because you'll need it for the Beetle Cup Race.  The PT would never get used again.

But really when you are just starting out it would make the most sense to put the little money you have in to one car, not three.

Thus the Miata is the best because it is the One car that will take you the furthest.
Quote: from TwinTurbo on 5:05 pm on Aug. 9, 2001[br]By that logic you should get a Bug because you'll need it for the Beetle Cup Race.  The PT would never get used again.

But really when you are just starting out it would make the most sense to put the little money you have in to one car, not three.

Thus the Miata is the best because it is the One car that will take you the furthest.

i totally agree... but i am anti-bug... really sucks for me because i need one to beat that cup
There is no Nos, therefore below 10 secs. is hard for most cars tuned under 1000hp.
The f1s pull 400m/1/4 mile under 10secs. because of their redline (16000rpm)
My F090/s does it in 8.343!!! KICKASS TIME!!!
actually  your best bet is not to buy a car off the 18grand...go beat the liscence testes first....try and beat the A or  better liscence tests ALL GOLD..isnt that hard..the S liscence is hard man..anyways u will get a rx-8 for the A liscence and a Z concept for the IB..use those and use the 18 grand to soupe it up some and u will have alot easier time taking shyt out :)