1 1/2 Years off PS3...and GT series, so lost

  • Thread starter rantif3
To make an extremely long story short, went through a tedious job change that had me traveling for the last 19 months. Was home 2 days every 2 weeks, and spent those with family. I only really played GT games, weird, sad, whatever...its true. So, I never even turned my PS3 on since I was home so little. Haven't followed any news, read anything on GT5, and know very little about the PS4 or GT6, other than to say they are both out there. I came home Friday for good. Tonight the kids are in bed, wifes asleep, and I just cant seem to doze off. I decided to fire up my PS3 wondering if it will even work, and it does! I plug GT5 in, wait through the updates of death, looking forward to running some seasonals and dust off the old steering wheel. Well, im sure you all know how that ended up. A slack jawed mofo staring at the screen wondering wtf have I missed over the last 1 1/2 years.
So, I guess many of my questions have been answered by reading the post of questions. However, I do still have some.
1. Is it worth buying a copy of GT6 for the PS3, or is it better off on the PS4.
2. Is there DLC at this time to help get me started on the garage?
3. Is gifting still practiced in the GT6 series?
And finally,
4. Am I officially the last to know the servers are gone for good for GT5 ;-) wow how friggin sad is that!!! Still did a few runs in arcade mode for the fun of it. Can honestly say, online or no, I will definitly be firing GT5 back up now that Im home more.
1. Yes, GT6 is a lot of fun. The reworked car config screens, extra tracks, Senna events, better event settings. I'm happy with the jump to GT6. Some people moan about the lack of course editor, but as the course creator is GT5 was awful I'm not bothered.
2. You can buy extra credits if you don't want to grind out the earlier stages.
3. Sadly that's not made the jump.
Youll have to get GT6 sooner or later or wait for GT7 but youll keep waiting..
GT5 has not much to offer except 2 Ferrari F1 cars, Top Gear track,course maker (soon in gt6)
I deleted it month ago, it was hard to delete it.. not because it took over 10gb on hdd, but the times i spent playing it..
But time isnt stopping, and new things come..
To make an extremely long story short, went through a tedious job change that had me traveling for the last 19 months. Was home 2 days every 2 weeks, and spent those with family. I only really played GT games, weird, sad, whatever...its true. So, I never even turned my PS3 on since I was home so little. Haven't followed any news, read anything on GT5, and know very little about the PS4 or GT6, other than to say they are both out there. I came home Friday for good. Tonight the kids are in bed, wifes asleep, and I just cant seem to doze off. I decided to fire up my PS3 wondering if it will even work, and it does! I plug GT5 in, wait through the updates of death, looking forward to running some seasonals and dust off the old steering wheel. Well, im sure you all know how that ended up. A slack jawed mofo staring at the screen wondering wtf have I missed over the last 1 1/2 years.
So, I guess many of my questions have been answered by reading the post of questions. However, I do still have some.
1. Is it worth buying a copy of GT6 for the PS3, or is it better off on the PS4.
2. Is there DLC at this time to help get me started on the garage?
3. Is gifting still practiced in the GT6 series?
And finally,
4. Am I officially the last to know the servers are gone for good for GT5 ;-) wow how friggin sad is that!!! Still did a few runs in arcade mode for the fun of it. Can honestly say, online or no, I will definitly be firing GT5 back up now that Im home more.
GT6 is a good game, but it's not a finished product. It lacks two major features GT5 had: Course Maker and B-Spec. Luckily, Polyphony promised to bring those features in a future update. Now, if you want to buy it, you can do it now, or wait until B-Spec and Course Maker arrive, making it a finished product and a worthy upgrade to GT5 in every way (it will probably become cheaper by then).
There is no DLC currently, but there are "Vision Gran Turismo" cars which you can get for free if you complete their respective Seasonal Events (or you can buy them for million credits, but they're not paid DLC).
There are less gift cars in GT6 than in GT5.
If you have any other questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
Thanks for the help folks. I guess I completely misread the info on GT6 being on the PS4. Which is cool, just dropped by Gamestop n picked up a copy of GT6, installing it now. Im sure ill be round some, gonna try it out. Really looking forward to blasting through some seasonals. :-)
be prepared for a long wait for all the updates. plus you can't do seasonals until you reach National B races and online multiplayer is locked until National A
Try progressing as far as you can using just the prize cars [stock], do not spend any Cr. until you have no other choice.
I dont mind playin to unlock some things. Its been awhile, so It will give me a chance to get a feel for it again. But jumpin jimminy. Its been many hours just tryin to do the updates.. and still dont know how much longer its gonna take. Grrr. Oh well, if I dont get any time in today, theres always tomorrow.....if it finishes by then
Don't do the Senna Specials or Sierra Time Rally until you've accumulated your 5 day login bonus, they are large winnings but only payout once, so it's well worth the waiting for the bigger 200% bonus payouts. 👍
On ebay you can get more or less all the anniversary cars, if you want a jump start.
I wanted the anniversary GT6, but couldn't get it so for fun I bought some of the anniversary cars.
Youll have to get GT6 sooner or later or wait for GT7 but youll keep waiting..
GT5 has not much to offer except 2 Ferrari F1 cars, Top Gear track,course maker (soon in gt6)
I deleted it month ago, it was hard to delete it.. not because it took over 10gb on hdd, but the times i spent playing it..
But time isnt stopping, and new things come..
"Soon in GT6"? Don't lie to the poor guy
I'm kind of there with you rantif3 - I had to take some time off from playing because of work and life generally, but I've continued to loiter gtplanet for the news and to see rall of my former friends in the photo section. I never bought GT6, partly because of all the negativity surrounding it. I loved GT5, but nothing about GT6 seemed compelling enough to spend even $20 US on it, much less take the time to play it. Part of my decision to forego GT6 is the principle of it all. All of Kaz's promises about the game turned me off. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy GT6 and that it brings back the fun of the GT game to you. Cheers.
He wants to play GT6. Don't give him that ebay or purchase credits. He knows what he's going to do. He's no spring chicken. I have to say, why in the heck don't you have a better ISP? With eight hours of downloading and then some, goooood lord.
I dont think its my ISP, I think it has to do with my old "FatBoy" 80 gig system lol. By the time it finished downloading/installing all the updates, it needed a cold drink and a nap!!! It was wierd. When it finished, it stood up, raised its controllers in the air and yelled "yo Adrian, we did it!!!!". Seriously, I am back on the game, and so far its been pretty fun for me. Yes, there are a lot of things missing that I was hoping for, but there are a few things I do like. The new tracks and redesigns are really fun, although it kinda feels like they messed around with the driving physics from what I remember on 5. Not sure though, could just be me. As far as waiting on the seasonals. I went straight in and burned up enough stars to open up everything. Then went to bed. Anyway, thanks for the comments guys :-)
Seriously, I am back on the game, and so far its been pretty fun for me.

Hi Rantif3 - welcome back! By the way, I guess, being back on the game has a different meaning in the UK from the US!

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I dont think its my ISP, I think it has to do with my old "FatBoy" 80 gig system lol. By the time it finished downloading/installing all the updates, it needed a cold drink and a nap!!! It was wierd. When it finished, it stood up, raised its controllers in the air and yelled "yo Adrian, we did it!!!!". Seriously, I am back on the game, and so far its been pretty fun for me. Yes, there are a lot of things missing that I was hoping for, but there are a few things I do like. The new tracks and redesigns are really fun, although it kinda feels like they messed around with the driving physics from what I remember on 5. Not sure though, could just be me. As far as waiting on the seasonals. I went straight in and burned up enough stars to open up everything. Then went to bed. Anyway, thanks for the comments guys :-)
The physics have been updated and for the better, although they are still a long way off from being accurate or lifelike or close to PC sim quality.

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