100,000 miles

  • Thread starter wfooshee


Rather ride my FJR
United States
Panama City, FL
I meant to post a while back, but.... forgot. I'm old and senile, so it's OK. :)

I've not been doing a lot of miles on the FJR during the last 4 or 5 years, indeed only had one oil change a couple of years ago!!!! It's not because I don't want to ride, it's because I just wasn't motivated. Properly.

So now I'm seeing someone, and we live 331 miles apart. We've known each other for a hundred years, reconnected online 4 or 5 years ago, she's in town every month or so for her elderly mother, so we started getting together, one thing led to another, blah blah blah. Turns out she loves the back seat of the bike!!!! I've gotten her geared up (in pink, of course) and we take a little jaunt whenever we can.

I ride when I go to Orlando to visit, so there's another 700 miles at least every month right there! Depending on what we do and where we go there may be another 100 or 150 just getting around to have some fun.

So my point is, I'm doing more miles, not just to see her, but getting around to things locally; having a Saturday ride, go to a nearby town for something, whatever. The bike clicked over 100,000 miles back in January, which may be astonishing mileage to some, but there are FJRs (and BMW K-series bikes) out there with multi-hundred-thousands. the top FJR I know of is over 300K, and I know several over 200K. The 100K isn't really even a landmark on our forum any more unless you do it in 3 or 4 years!

Anyway, I've [finally] joined the 100K club, but my bike is over 14 years old, and 40K was in the first 4 years, by the first owner. I had two or three years of 10K+, then backed off pretty sharply, but I'm hoping to rack up the miles again and get a good bit more time astride this beast.
So now I'm seeing someone, and we live 331 miles apart. We've known each other for a hundred years, reconnected online 4 or 5 years ago, she's in town every month or so for her elderly mother, so we started getting together, one thing led to another, blah blah blah. Turns out she loves the back seat of the bike!!!! I've gotten her geared up (in pink, of course) and we take a little jaunt whenever we can.

Yes!!! :D Happy times :)

Congrats on the 100k miles! So you have driven 60k of them yourself? That is 100k kilometers :bowdown: I have driven almost 10k on mine in two years so by the year 2037 I'll reach the 100k :lol:
Here's the bike loaded up for travel. This was for camping at Sebring, so going to Orlando I don't need the tent or the chair. The tent is strapped on the top, and the chair is on the seat under the black bag. All the rest of this goes with me to her house. She leaves her helmet and jacket with me. Her helmet goes in the big black back behind me, so I have to carry them on the trips. Her jacket goes in the top case with my clothes and my laptop. The tank bag carries some clothes, one pair of shoes, and toiletries, chargers for the phone and laptop, and some other clothes go in the top section of the big bag. Camera bag goes in the left-side saddlebag and rain gear and more shoes go in the right-side bag. I have to stop once for fuel to get there, 6.5 gallons won't quite do the 330 miles.


I have a cigarette lighter socket under the seat so I can charge the phone when I need to. I have Bluetooth in the helmet and on the GPS (which you can see above the clutch lever) so I can still use the phone while riding, whether it's under the seat or in my jacket pocket. The GPS screen is my phone interface, shows me caller ID, the contacts list, or a number pad for dialing, and it forwards audio to and from the headset in my helmet, all via Bluetooth.

If we ever get to where she is willing to do more than a day trip on the bike, we're gonna have to learn to pack a little more selectively. Or get a trailer! :) Obviously I wouldn't need everything I own for an overnighter, and she'd be wearing the stuff that's in that big bag, so I can leave that at her place and give her a place to sit, but being a female girl person, she has.... needs.... when it comes to travelling. Makeup, hair stuff, choice of shoes, etc. :lol: I tried to explain the "if it doesn't fit, it doesn't go" philosophy, but it seemed to be unacceptable!
my Harley EVO has well over 100k miles on the original engine, and still running strong at only 35 years old
transmission is another story, the cowpie 4 speed make's a better boat anchor then a gearbox
working on a 5 speed upgrade next, Harley, the LEGO of motorcycles