2 player drag racing

  • Thread starter F20


Does any one know a good way to drag race? Usually I just go to a track with some one go to then end of the straight away and at a certain time (e.g. oo.30 seconds) we both go and the first one to the end wins. Is there any other ways?:banghead:
1p 400m/1000m for 2p race i´ve seen a gameshark code for that somewhere. If you have one or sommething similar try it. Sorry I can remember the place where I saw it but someone in this forum must know. Just hang around
Because drag racing is boring. You can't tune cars in 2-player mode anyhow. Yes, the manual says you can do it, but it's not in the game.

There is a dizzying set of GS codes that may work out for you, but don't take it to gospel. I saw them once, but really didn't care to write them down or save a link.

Deal with it.
I´m talking about a code that uses parts of a track for drag racing includind 2p racing but since I saw it some time ago and forgot the site I can´t confirm that.
i think the best track to drag race on would be the test course, but there is a problem, you cant get it on 2 player. I heard one time that you could use a code to get it though.
i made a mistake you can only get this on 1 player mode.
the closest thing to a real drag strip in 2p mode it trial mountain, its main strait is 401 meters long.