2016-17 UEFA Champions League Thread

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Thanks Fox Sports LA for Jinxing Juve by mentioning any team ever won 2-in-a-row UCLs while showing Madrid's UCL history :banghead:
In news that should surprise no one, Sergio Ramos has taken an absolutely despicable flop and gotten Cuadrado sent off.

Utter disgrace to the game. Enjoy your winners medal sir, you don't deserve to wear the shirt.
Well... I mean, football right now is fine. Just not as fine as it would be if Real Madrid weren't on top of it.
Already said it on my status, but whatever... Message to all the sports channels out there: NEVER mention something never happened in an event!! It ends up happening!!
Juve conceded 3 goals in 1,080 minutes on route to the final.

Juve conceded 4 goals in 90 minutes in the final.
Congrats to Real, very well deserved after the best second half display I have ever seen!