24-Hour Dodo Flight!

  • Thread starter danpollard
Ok, Ive finally learnt how to fly it for over a minute! I have now flown the Dodo for 24 hours (game time obviously) and even managed to land it back on the runway...
Im not claiming by any means that this is the longest Dodo flight, but I was getting bored so I just did the 24 hours then came down. Please note there was absolutely no cheating involved!
If anyone wants any guidence as to how to fly, please ask and Im willing to help. :)
If anyone wants any guidance to learn how to fly ??? WHAT of course we do - Come on then lets have it - How do you do it ?? jw :D :D :D
Hey I've got a good idea - TELL US HOW TO FLY THE DAMN DODO - Im sick of trying and I'm starting to cry about it - I cant sleep on a night BOO HOO HOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jw :D :D :D
Originally posted by danpollard
Ok, Ive finally learnt how to fly it for over a minute! I have now flown the Dodo for 24 hours (game time obviously) and even managed to land it back on the runway...
Im not claiming by any means that this is the longest Dodo flight, but I was getting bored so I just did the 24 hours then came down. Please note there was absolutely no cheating involved!
If anyone wants any guidence as to how to fly, please ask and Im willing to help. :)

Dan, what kind of question is that?! Of course we would like to know how to fly the DODO. I can fly for 3 seconds and that is my record!! :mad: Give us the details! C'mon c'mon! :(
Originally posted by jaw1
Right viper concept lets me and you make a gang and call Dan names until he tells us how to fly :mad: :mad: jw :D :D :D

Yeah we should call ourselves "Grounded" well I mean that is what we are. :) And also what dan will be when we kill his plane for not telling us. :) J/K Dan. :P
Alright then who else wants to be in the grounded gang - If we get enough people then we'll scare that dan into telling us how to fly !!! jw :D :D :D GROUNDED GANG RULES
Originally posted by jaw1
Alright then who else wants to be in the grounded gang - If we get enough people then we'll scare that dan into telling us how to fly !!! jw :D :D :D GROUNDED GANG RULES

Yeah we should go around recruting new members. Maybe pick up some brass knuckles and steel pipes along the way. 😈 your job is to get the gas and matches so we can really ground Dan and his plane. Ill take him out with my equiptment. he-he-he. :fdevil:
Originally posted by ViperConcept

Yeah we should go around recruting new members. Maybe pick up some brass knuckles and steel pipes along the way. 😈 your job is to get the gas and matches so we can really ground Dan and his plane. Ill take him out with my equiptment. he-he-he. :fdevil:
Yeah we can let the air out of his tires so he cant take off any more !!! jw :D :D :D
Originally posted by ViperConcept

Yeah we should go around recruting new members. Maybe pick up some brass knuckles and steel pipes along the way. 😈 your job is to get the gas and matches so we can really ground Dan and his plane. Ill take him out with my equiptment. he-he-he. :fdevil:

You forgot the baseball bats!!!!!
Originally posted by Brian P

You forgot the baseball bats!!!!!

Nope. I already have them. Here is you one. *Hands Brian P a bat* And here is one for you. *Hands a bat to jaw1* No lets go and hunt him down! GROUNDED RULES! 😈
He still hasnt told us how to fly - even after all these threats from the grounded gang - I'm starting to wonder if he can really fly or if he's just messing around - Perhaps we've really scared him - I specially like the spray paint bit from Brian P -
Perhaps we should break off his wings and replace them with paper wings !!!! jw :D :D :D
Hey viper c - I've PM'd that dan guy in a desperate bid to crack him oen like a nut - He should really be feeling the pressure now - I'm sure we'll see the trick on flying the god damn DODO as soon as he is back O/L jw :D :D :D
Well...I jsut went to try and find out how to fly it and I still had no success. I got 9 seconds of flight time. :) That is not much but it is my record. I need Dodo help. IF DAN DOESNT GET BACK QUICK I AM GONNA GO GANGSTA ON HIS A**! :mad: :D
Originally posted by ViperConcept
Well...I jsut went to try and find out how to fly it and I still had no success. I got 9 seconds of flight time. :) That is not much but it is my record. I need Dodo help. IF DAN DOESNT GET BACK QUICK I AM GONNA GO GANGSTA ON HIS A**! :mad: :D

Haaaaaaaannnng Heeeeeeeeeeeeeem!!!!!!!!

Big thanx to Brian P Schumy and Viper C and Tom Mcdonnell for applying the neccessary pressure to the hard nut Dan - Hopefully he'll tell us how to fly - Oh no !! Then we'll have to wipe all that graffiti off his plane !!!!!! It was funny though jw :D :D :D
OK heres how to fly. the big moment is here..... :D I like this suspense. ;)

OK. Let's start at the beginning, taking off.

Now this bit im sure youve already picked up. As you go along the runway push forward on the left anologue stick (everything is done on the left stick, ok) about half to three quarters up. Now after a while the plane will start bouncing and sparks will fly. If you lifft off the stick completely now the plane will shoot straight up into the air. Level it out gently by pushing forwards on the stick.


Now, staying in the air takes a bit of practice. It took me about 4 days to get it completely right. The trick is to always have the plane pointing slightly down at the ground. It takes courage but believe me it works. As the wind gets under the wings the plane will lift up. (By the way i only recently found out, you dont actually have to stay on the accelerator one your in the air. I think its a glitch in the game but it saves your right thumb!) This is quite hard and occasionally you have to add a little help but pushing SLIGHTLY down on the stick. Either way, the plane will bob up into the air like off the runway, just not as far. My word of advice in the air is not to let the plane point up much (apart from when the wind naturally lifts it but be careful even then) because the plane sort of stalls and you just cannot regain control. So your flight will be very much down, up, down, up, down, up and not smooth. Eventually, when you are above all of the buildings (as high as you can go anyway) you can just let it be level and fly itself, but this is boring so i keep bobbing up and down. By the way, most of the buildings that are in your way now (about 4 in the whole of liberty) you can drive through anyway, so dont worry too much about them. I still wouldn't advise trying to go through them as eventually you'll find a solid one and come crashing down. Be prepared to spend a little time on this as it does take time to get. Just remember, going down means coming up in the long term.


Whats the point of flying if you cant turn. Turning is hard to master, but once you get the idea of staying in the air (section2) it is actually really easy. Normal advise is to press up-left or up-right (on the stick, plane will go down) and this is pretty standard advise, but like the flying, occasionally the plane does not look like its going to pull up at all, and you have to lift the nose slightly. It really is a case of getting used to it. General advise though, is take off on the runway towards the sea, and then go around Staunton, that way turning becomes voluntary not necassary. About half way round you should be high enough to go over most of the buildings anyway.

As for landing, Im working on that... :D

I hope this helps, and all i can say is keep at it. It will take a couple of days to get right, but you should be able to see the developments. Please feel free to ask if you have any problems and ill try to go through it in more detail (if i can!). Sorry if this was boring, but most of it was necassary.
Originally posted by jaw1
Big thanx to Brian P Schumy and Viper C and Tom Mcdonnell for applying the neccessary pressure to the hard nut Dan - Hopefully he'll tell us how to fly - Oh no !! Then we'll have to wipe all that graffiti off his plane !!!!!! It was funny though jw :D :D :D

By the way, that took me 18 mins to write so it better work! And Im normally a fast typer!

Oh yeah, prick is spelt with a P and not a B :D You'll have to change it on my plane! ;)
Best I've done yet was all the way from Shoreside to Portland, crashing into the subway track near my hideout.

I wanted to put the plane in my garage (probably wouldn't fit anyway), but it flipped and caught on fire when I 'landed'.

Dan, the best I have now done is 39 seconds. It got foggy all of the sudden and I couldnt see anything. When it is dark and foggy the sky looks like the water since I kinda crashed into it. :( I feel like a complete :dunce: