24hr to 12hr clock

  • Thread starter dog24fret
United States
United States
I am new to the forum. I have tried to search to see if anyone has talked about this or not. I am wanting to change the clock from 24hr(military) time format to normal 12hr format. I don't like the 24hr and never have. Sad when I am from a military family and still can't stand it at all.
Someone please tell me how to change the annoying time format.
You can’t. Plus it really not hard to figure out a 24hr clock 😂😂
Like I said I don't like it and never have liked it. I know how to read it and understand it just don't want it lol
Thanks for the info about not being able to change it.
I've never really understood it being called "military time". Its just a 24 hour clock. It's not like the military invented, or even started using it until relatively recently (historically speaking), and they don't exactly have a monopoly on it either.

Just seems like an odd name for something my microwave uses.
In Europe we don't call it military, we call it normal. :D As far as i know. Outspoken you often call 14:00 "two" but nonetheless the format is pretty standard.
Working nine 'til seventeen, what a way to make a living...
I've never really understood it being called "military time". Its just a 24 hour clock. It's not like the military invented, or even started using it until relatively recently (historically speaking), and they don't exactly have a monopoly on it either.

Just seems like an odd name for something my microwave uses.
Really, military time should only be UTC (or Zulu time, as they call it).
"...still can't stand it at all." That's mostly a you problem. Honestly, it's not just a military thing. Do you have a job? Besides being in the military, most jobs I've worked in or been familiar with have used 24 hour time. Power industry, medical/hospital operations, police, fire, any kind of emergency services, network engineering, broadcast services, utilities, airline operations, train operations, marine, truck transport operation, etc. I could go on. It's not even a matter of "being able to figure it out", it should be a matter of learning it early enough that it's like learning a second language at a young age where your brain just processes without really having to interpret from one to the other. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine, because it's always been one of the excuses for people that relieved me late... "Oh, my alarm clock didn't go off. I must have set it for pm instead of am." It's the whole am/pm thing that is stupid. If everyone learned 24 hour format from the time they learned to tell time as children, am/pm wouldn't even exist, and that would be a good thing. Whew! Rant over.
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