5 Random Facts About You

  • Thread starter Lissa
1. I have no desire to have any kids of my own.
2. I think my Xbox Series X might be the very last console I ever get and truth be told, I'm not that bothered by it.
3. I recently started bike riding when the sun is setting so I can sleep better at night since I don't do much throughout the day and that was actually the first time I had ridden a bike in 10 years.
4. I have had MANY crushes on girls over the years that have come and gone, but despite how long it's been, I still have recurring feelings every once in a while for one girl I met in 2014 and haven't seen since 2015. Which is incredibly abnormal for me and I can't say I understand why it's happening either.
5. I don't care for a majority of IOS games and strongly prefer handheld games on the Gameboy Advance or PSP over them any day of the week.
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Five more random facts
  1. I think pure friendship between two sexually compatible people is entirely possible
  2. Talking of music, I like acoustic versions of songs, in some cases even prefer them
  3. But I find instrumental versions of songs boring
  4. I think politics is people arguing about things they have zero expertise in
  5. I think improving the life of others is the best way to improve your own. Instead of building a wall to hide the dilapidated home next door spend the money on improving it.
1. My dad has a lot of kidney stones and even lost one of his kidneys once when I was young. Because of this, I tend to be very conscious about my kidneys to the point I gulp down large amounts of water after having soda in hopes of negating its effects on my kidneys.
2. I am becoming increasingly less social at home than I was before.
3. I have a low tolerance for people who talk way too loud and/or make a lot of noise.
4. I take great pride in actually buying and owning my games and music and I don't like downloading ones I don't. (even if it's abandonware)
5. I hate studying for tests and I have an even deeper hatred for people who think theirs no such thing as over-studying.
1. I somehow tend to get better sleep in hotel beds than I do in my own or when sleeping over at a friend/family member's home. That said, it also depends on how well sound insulated the hotel room is.

2. When I'm in the mood, I enjoy cooking, but of course hate the clean up afterwards. Unfortunately I don't give myself much time to do much proper cooking.

3. I hardly ever wear shorts in public unless it's absolutely necessary with the heat. I only ever wear shorts when I'm at home.

4. Even in colder temperatures, I prefer to wear short sleeve shirts, but I do wear long sleeves, but roll up the sleeves almost all the time. Feels kind of like I'm negating the purpose of wearing long sleeve shirts/sweaters if I'm always rolling up the sleeves. Not sure why I do it honestly.

5. Guess you could call me a "glass half empty" sort of person, I get paranoid if my car's fuel tank goes below half or my electronics' charge is below 50%.
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1. I hated writing essays when I went to school, especially when I had to make the bibliography. Sourcing was a pain.
2. I believe in the possibility of enemies becoming friends.
3. The latest TV show I watched is Stranger Things.
4. I like Almond Milk.
5. I hate asking for help. I shouldn't, but I do.
1. I find these games involving people trying to avoid listening to certain Christmas songs every year to be pretty stupid.
2. 2022 was a pretty decent year for me even if it got a little shakey in some places.
3. I strongly feel Need for Speed's best days are long behind it and I don't think it will ever be as good as it once was, no matter what corner of the fanbase people care to associate with.
4. I am actually in a GED class despite being a high school graduate.
5. I tend to care an awful lot about the dates when certain things happened in my life and I try to keep track of them.
I find these games involving people trying to avoid listening to certain Christmas songs every year to be pretty stupid.

You’ve just rolled your eyes at most users of this forum.

It is a stupid game, yes, because it’s harmless and there’s no real negative consequences. That’s what makes it fun though.

You’ve just rolled your eyes at most users of this forum.
Nah, I personally don’t care if people play them or not. I just think the concept of it is stupid.
It is a stupid game, yes, because it’s harmless and there’s no real negative consequences. That’s what makes it fun though.
Yea, it could be a lot worse. :P
1. Finally in 2023, I have a TV in my bedroom. Never had one when living with my parents as they didn't want me to have one, especially as a kid/teen staying up super late at night. Now as an adult, I can't be bothered to stay up late enough.

2. I play just about all video games on either normal/medium or easy difficulty. I already have enough stresses in my life that I don't like making a video game harder for myself and prefer to play to take my mind off of other things. Rarely do I ever play on hard difficulties in games.

3. I always seem to keep my work spaces more organized and neat than at home. Cannot stand it when co-workers fail to respect my desk space and don't put things back exactly where I had them. Same goes for other areas of work, where I try to keep everything orderly and easy to find. But...no one can follow it.

4. Part of being camera shy, I can never force myself to smile on command. If someone asks me to smile for either a photo or just simply wanting to see me smile, I just struggle to do so.

5. Even as an adult male, I love cute animal plushies and still buy them on occasion. As much as I'd like to have a cuddly loving pet, I cannot have a dog/cat due to my current living situation of an apartment, time dedication, and my brother (who I live with) being allergic. Current obsession is squishables, I recently got this pigeon plushie.
don't put things back exactly where I had them.
How dare they touch your desk and things!

I would throw all my toys out of the pram if somebody imposed on my desk.
There’s not much on it, but everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be.
Same for the rest of my classroom really. I don’t allow my students to make a mess or displace things.
1. Survived a high side dismount.
2. Have always hated the taste of coffee.
3. I refuse to drink after the lawnmower.
4. I play the blues harp in a live band.
5. I absolutely, positively, without a doubt. REFUSE to be limited by the disabilities caused by #1 above. I have a responsibility to take care of myself and my family and to contribute to society, just like everyone else, disabled or not.
How dare they touch your desk and things!

I would throw all my toys out of the pram if somebody imposed on my desk.
There’s not much on it, but everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be.
Same for the rest of my classroom really. I don’t allow my students to make a mess or displace things.
I manage the inventory at my work and my co-workers tend to borrow my supplies which is fine. But they never put things back where they originally were, so it is quite irritating.
Survived a high side dismount.
My pal has just spent 6 months recovering from one of those. Got pins up and down his skeleton.
I manage the inventory at my work and my co-workers tend to borrow my supplies which is fine. But they never put things back where they originally were, so it is quite irritating.
I keep as much as possible in my desk draws so that if somebody wants to borrow something they need to ask me and I’m able to put it back where it should be when they finish.
My pal has just spent 6 months recovering from one of those. Got pins up and down his skeleton.
Happened to my former insurance agent as well and he broke his back, luckily paramedics were so careful that the nerves weren't damaged during the transport to he hospital and he could walk again after a LOT of surgeries and rehab.

Reminds me there is more, not much later he had a skiing accident and injured his back again, then he fell down the stairs at my home and injured his back again which required a surgery and rehab. But it gets better. A manhole cover dropped on his head and fractured his skull, but again he recovered from that as well. I swear I'm not making this up, but I honestly do not remember how that happened. I think he was connecting the lines of his house with the sewer system.
Anyway, after that he retired early.
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Sounds like a well-deserved retirement.
Yeah I remember in the end he had a lot of chronic pains from those injuries, poor guy. He was an extremely frail, thin man, probably almost half my weight. I'm certain he could have prevented some of those injuries by simply being in better shape.
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Some random facts!

  • One thing I truly enjoy all the time no matter the circumstances is music
  • I find that glasses make women 33% sexier - (as long as they aren't those huge glasses the size aviators, those are awful)
  • I vastly prefer my home gym over commercial gyms, I can get MUCH more done and I have all the weights to myself
  • I'm a loner, I'm alone 90% of my time - even at work. There are days I don't speak a single word.
  • I can cook and bake, for breakfast, lunch and supper I only eat food I prepared myself from fresh ingredients.
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1. I don't like the idea of time capsules.
2. I tend to be a reckless driver in video games.
3. I haven’t cried in over 10 years.
4. I don’t really care if artists use auto tune in their music or not, it’s how they use it and whether it improves the song that matters to me.
5. Despite being a PlayStation guy, I am starting to migrate to Xbox now and many games I originally intended to get on PS4 I am now planning to get on my Xbox Series X. (mainly because it’s more powerful and my PS4 is running out of space)
3. I haven’t cried in over 10 years.
4. I don’t really care if artists use auto tune in their music or not, it’s how they use it and whether it improves the song that matters to me.
Genuinely good artists typically don't use autotune, or use it minimally. Producers and execs manipulated the recordings.

They auto-tuned Michael Bublé, the monsters. I can’t think of a more pitch perfect singer off the top of my head.
Genuinely good artists typically don't use autotune, or use it minimally. Producers and execs manipulated the recordings.

They auto-tuned Michael Bublé, the monsters. I can’t think of a more pitch perfect singer off the top of my head.
Rebecca Black is probably the most infamous example. She did a purely acoustic, no-frills version of Friday a few years later which showed that she has a genuinely good voice, yet the entire song and everything around it were concocted by people who had no clue what they were doing. As a result, it sullied any chance she had at a future career; at the very least, she sees the humour in all of it.
Rebecca Black is probably the most infamous example. She did a purely acoustic, no-frills version of Friday a few years later which showed that she has a genuinely good voice, yet the entire song and everything around it were concocted by people who had no clue what they were doing. As a result, it sullied any chance she had at a future career; at the very least, she sees the humour in all of it.
At least that’s a somewhat positive outcome. I don’t think that song/singer was ever in it for anything other than the 15 minutes of fame on YouTube.

Cher really has a lot to answer for with her deliberately auto tuned Believe, which I still can’t listen to to this day without cringing.
Genuinely good artists typically don't use autotune, or use it minimally.
And I agree. I don't mean to contradict myself, but I do think for the sake of the artist, they probably are better off not using it because the moment they have to perform without it, it's going to be evident they probably depend on it too much. Though some artists, namely T-Pain, can still be good without it.

Still, as a listener though, I don't let it bother me the moment I hear someone is using autotune in their music and I try not to let it be a detriment to my listening experience. At the end of the day, whether or not I enjoy listening to it is what really counts to me.
Rebecca Black is probably the most infamous example. She did a purely acoustic, no-frills version of Friday a few years later which showed that she has a genuinely good voice, yet the entire song and everything around it were concocted by people who had no clue what they were doing. As a result, it sullied any chance she had at a future career; at the very least, she sees the humour in all of it.
And I have heard similar things about Justin Bieber before as well, who ironically was the one who inspired Rebecca Black.
1. I apply sunscreen on my face everyday, sunny or raining, summer or winter, inside or outside. It helps your skin a lot.
2. My desire to play modern video games has completely fizzled out. The only current-gen console I own is a Nintendo Switch... and calling it current-gen is stretching it, even.
3. I like collecting music CDs and DVDs. I feel that there is a stronger sense of ownership in owning an album physically over saving it to your library on a streaming service. That being said I do stream music casually and only buy things I like very much.
4. Tangentially related to #3, but I prefer watching (new) movies in theatres over just watching them at home on streaming platforms. I suppose I'm not alone in this, but movie theatres have been depressingly empty since the dawn of the pandemic.
5. I hate people's tendency to dismiss media as "a copy of" or "a clone of" something when the concepts are similar. Music, movies, video games, you name it. I don't get it, because whenever something is similar to something I like I tend to be interested and even enjoy it. I don't understand why people wouldn't like something similar to what they already know they like.
I do think for the sake of the artist, they probably are better off not using it because the moment they have to perform without it, it's going to be evident they probably depend on it too much.
Not if they lip-sync.
Genuinely good artists typically don't use autotune, or use it minimally.
I get where you're coming from, but you have to remember that autotune is a production tool just like any other and can be used in a variety of ways. You are not necessarily using autotune because you can't sing or because you'd not be able to carry a tune without it (and mind you, it can't make miracles), but you could use autotune as a stylistic choice that fits the type of music you're making. Using excessive autotune creates a robotic vocal effect that sounds pretty cool and can also be replicated live with a vocoder. Here's an example:

3. I like collecting music CDs and DVDs. I feel that there is a stronger sense of ownership in owning an album physically over saving it to your library on a streaming service.
Change DVD's to Blu Ray and then every word of what you said sums up how I feel as well. Theirs nothing like the feeling of owning something, especially when it's a rare item.
Not if they lip-sync.
Right, I forgot that was a thing that people did. :ouch:
but you could use autotune as a stylistic choice that fits the type of music you're making. Using excessive autotune creates a robotic vocal effect
That’s part of what I dislike about it. If I want to hear robots sing, I’ll play a Daft Punk record.

It’s used so much for hip hop and pop tunes these days that they are becoming generic. As if modern pop wasn’t bad enough.
1. I always empty my recycle bin right before I shut down my computer.
2. I like to browse Soundcloud to see what kind of country music people are posting there that I won't find anywhere else.
3. I used to hate memes about 10 years ago, but I have gotten to where I enjoy making them now and frequently find myself laughing at the ones I make. :lol:
4. I'm very protective of my personal stuff and don't really trust anybody with it in most cases, including my own family.
5. When I put people on my ignore list, it's pretty seldom I ever remove them, some of the ones I have on mine have been there for years now.
1. My music library has gotten so large, there are a lot of songs I can honestly say I have never listened to.
2. I don't tend to care for covers of existing songs much, but theirs some exceptions.
3. I don't want to install custom firmware on consoles until I know I won't need to connect to the online servers anymore.
4. I often get very ornery when I am trying to listen to music and people keep interrupting, especially when it all just happens to come about as soon as I hit play and have barely started listening. Which is why I prefer to be alone when listening to it.
5. Nearly 5 years after I posted this, my 7th generation iPod Classic I bought in mid-2010 is still my preferred device for playing music and although the HDD is on its last leg and is barely usable, I refuse to let my old iPod die. In fact, I recently opened it and intend to give it a complete overhaul pretty soon and upon doing research on all this, I am only finding more reasons to keep the old thing alive.
1. I have nearly 2,000 car mods installed on Assetto Corsa.
2. I have lived in 4 states all my life (Virginia, Connecticut, Florida, and Maryland)
3. I have a hotwheels collection stuffed in shoeboxes and plastic containers.
4. I do Youtube videos as a hobby, though it feels like a job sometimes. Except that I don't get paid.
5. Another hobby of mine is taking casual pictures of cars and sometimes other things like sunsets for instance.
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