6 star roulette, what did you win?

What did you win from your 6 star ticket

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I won the 900 odd pp porsche race car thing. Happy with that!
So far I had two 6-star tickets.

From cafe 39: Mazda LM55 VGT (Gr.1 926PP)
From daily workout: 1.000.000cr
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Got a big fat AMG Merc I’ll bever drive.

I wish there was a marketplace on GT7.

In Fifa you can sell your FUT players to other people and buy their unwanted ones. Would be awesome if there was something similar in GT7.
Got a big fat AMG Merc I’ll bever drive.

I wish there was a marketplace on GT7.

In Fifa you can sell your FUT players to other people and buy their unwanted ones. Would be awesome if there was something similar in GT7.

Same in fh5. But people have raised concerns on here about it causing other issues with the economy...
I got 500k credits for the 6 star ticket, i got the same yesterday for the 4 star daily workout ticket.
So far I had 3 6 star draws.
1. Ford GT Race Car '18
2. 500,000 Cr.
3. New Engine (but I do not remember to which car)