725's GT5 Portfolio | Update 23/10/11

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Welcome. Here is a collection of my pictures from GT5. I mostly take pictures for the competitions as I enjoy the different themes and challenges. For this reason this first post will be some of my favourite images I've used for the various competitions.

These pictures have been edited with software following the strict rules of the gtplanet competitions.

These are pictures taken straight from the game and haven't been altered in anyway, as you can imagine these pictures can sometimes be more challenging than taking pictures which you can edit.

I hope you enjoy looking at my pictures I will post new pics when I take them feel free to leave comments and suggestions 👍
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Well, that took a while. :lol:
That Fiat 500 and the unedited Subaru from the Tourney are great. And remember now, stay here so we don't have to see you rollin' in the comps. :P
Yeah, this is one gallery I've been eagerly awaiting. Fantastic photos to start it off with. 👍 I will be back often. :)
Aw man this is just pure awesomeness, so many amazing shots! I love that penultimate unedited shot of the Peugeot race car 👍
Well, would you look at that?!

Amazing pictures. Hard to believe that the pictures of the i - MieV and California are unedited. But that shows of the talent you've got :)

Thanks guys :D Slipz did tell me a while ago to sort out a gallery, guess I'm a bit lazy! I'll get another update sorted out soon 👍

Seeing all my pictures together I can see why slipz was able to identify my entry in the tournament :lol: there does seem to be a common theme with composition.

TVR&Ferrari_Fan - Yeah, I think it was about time :P
SlipZtrEm - Finally eh!
FishyJuice - I will do my best :lol: at least I have somewhere to put pics that don't get used in the comps. I quite like the Fiat 500 shot but I ended up using it unedited which didn't look as good.
Nato_777 & rpanico14- Thanks guys I will have another update soon
Soloracer3 - I really liked the Peugeot pic too, I remember I wanted to try to use the shadows.
20832 - Thanks, I always spend ages trying to make sure all the lines of the car are clean and the backgrounds aren't too pixelated I take ages taking pictures but only finish with 1 or 2 shots :lol:
Ph1lmar - Much appreciated, I was pretty happy with it but always felt it could have something more the Subaru is really well modelled in the game it hard to take bad pictures of it.
TRebor & Magic Racer -Thanks for having a look guys 👍
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What a way to start a gallery, no duds in that lot. Love your style, very real and simple. No flash, just great images.
Gotta point out the beauty of the Masa, those reflections. :drool: So good!
Also liking the Merc in the banner, hope to see more of that.

Keep it up buddy. 👍
Fantastic gallery mate. I'll join in and say about time, even though I haven't really been here long enough to :lol:

My favourite is your banner shot. Great reflections
Mercedes C63 AMG



Edited Pictures

I didn't really like the third picture I think there is too much of a tilt but the reflections of the car came out so nice that I thought I would post it anyway

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ashes619 & bmxmitch & el fayce - Thanks guys, hope you enjoy the new update 👍
Tangled Web - Thanks TW always good to see you around, as requested I've posted the picture that was used in the banner. My girlfriend made it for me which was nice of her :)
chromatic9 - :cheers: I liked the California pic too unfortunately it didn't fit the theme for the comp I didn't pay attention :lol:
StoneyNUFC - Now you can see the full banner pic! Its a shame that flickr resizes the pics because I actually have them fullsize I should join another photo uploading site
I think the tilt in the third shot is not a problem at all, in fact I quite like it 👍 You've managed to get some amazing reflections here :drool:
Very nice! Fantastic reflections accentuated by the muted colours work a treat. 👍
Congratulations to your very fine gallery!
I enjoyed every single shot and am looking forward to updates.
Pretty good start!
FishyJuice - Thanks FJ, I always find it difficult taking pics of black cars but surprisingly they came out quite nice even in the tunnel
Soloracer3 - Thanks Solo, the reflections on the Grand Valley bridge always turn out nice, thanks for having a look 👍 Great final entry in the tournament too!
Raphaele - Thanks Raphaele I'll have some more stuff up soon
20832 - I agree 20832 its one of the reasons I enjoyed taking pics of it :lol: looks mean
el fayce - Thanks mate 👍
Brilliant pictures you've got here! The atmosphere you've created in them are quality! Can't wait to see more:)👍
Photo Tournament Entries and Rejects

I entered the unedited side of the tournament and I'm really pleased to have made it so far. I thought I would post my entries and some of the pics that I debated using throughout the rounds.


Round 1 Theme: Burning Tyres

Round 2 Theme: Copy Cat (2 cars both identical even the colour)
Final Entry


Round Semi-Final : Drifting Elsewhere (Any non Japanese car)
Final Entry


Final Round (Open Theme)
Final Entry


I had quite a few shots for the final round :lol:
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That Impreza

