A Chance to Miss and Never Obtain The Porsche 911 Carrera RS CS '95!?

  • Thread starter Raeleon
United States
Ive have one Porsche Left to obtain and its been quite frustrating. The Porsche 911 Carrera RS CS '95. I have the RS but not the RS CS version. After searching for hours, the only information Ive come across for getting the car is by winning it with a 1 in 3 chance (card flip) after winning the Pan-American Championship (ill provide link on a great car list site). If you re-race that Championshuip you cant "re-roll" and have a chance to win the other 2 cars. So, from what ive found so far it can only mean its a car you obtain if dont get lucky. I dont really believe this since I havnt heard anything like it before.

Anyways, I havnt seen, read, or heard about it popping up in the Used Dealership the Wheel, so Im posting to ask others to see if anyone has got it at the Used Dealership because want that car so bad for many reasons. Thanks guys

Here's a comprehensive Car List and how to obtain them: (Ctrl+F to search fast if you didnt know already)
Here's a comprehensive Car List and how to obtain them
Not very comprehensive if it misses off the fact it's available as a used car.

Here's the car list from this site's Guide, showing where to get all the Porsches (among others)

Not very comprehensive if it misses off the fact it's available as a used car.

Here's the car list from this site's Guide, showing where to get all the Porsches (among others)

Youre right, GTPlanets is far Superior.