A little fun anyone?

Thought it might be fun to have a little practice time trial on a map we might drive and in a car that we might use.

This is just for fun so post up yours times no need for pictures if you don't want.

Car will be the gt academy gt-r and the track will be madrid, please keep the car bone stock and just change the setting you could in the actual gt academy.

I'll start, 1:30.560.

This is not the fastest I can go but I would like to leave room for improvement. Come people post some laps!!!!
I changed nothing on the car Just went into practice mode and did laps. I think it said sports hard but I honestly don't remember. Safe bet is just don't change anything other than traction control.
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Well my gtr academy version has 481 hp and 438 torque while the one in the dealership has 478 hp and 433.97 torque. I didn't change the oil and there is nothing added to the car, I'm guessing they are the same but I don't know why I have an extra 3 hp : /

Also the tires are sports hard
An oil change brings the GTR to 501-502hp haha this is going to be tough to get people at the same power.

Just grab a stock Spec-v from the recommended and drive that with sport hards. Everyone will be exactly the same, noone broken in etc.
Cool idea, actually did some laps in a stock spec-v earlier today. Wanted to break into the 29's but hit a 30.0## then called it good enough because this combination was pissing me off after only about 10 laps or so haha.. Definitely more time to be had there

The Cheef
Was doing this same combo earlier today. The GT-R feels like such a boat on those tire I stopped shortly after lol. So is it just me or does T4 feel like it is off-camber?

yeah it did feel like a boat at the start i really had to force myself to go slower. also this track is really tricky and that turn four can be fun once you get the hang of it.

Im not sure this track will be in next round do it sure does seem likely to show up at some point.
Sparklefresh - this is a great idea. I agree with your predictions that we will have to run here at some point.

I was actually running the GT-R at Madrid about a week ago, and IIRC I was running 1:28's or so. I'll go back tonight and verify.

Update - I got about 45 minutes tonight to run at Madrid in the GT Academy GT-R (about 481hp without the oil change - and yes, I think it's identical to the Spec-V). On lap 8 I turned a 1:30.324. However, I then realized that was with comfort soft tires (I bought these to play around with at TGTT), not with the sports hard tires that come with the car. It was an OK lap - I ruined a couple 1:29's afterwards. I switched back to sports hards and ran a 1:28.578, but it was really ugly including a wall bump or two. I think mid to upper 1:27's would be a good target.
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I'm pathetic ... the best I've done so far is 1:31.3 without hitting anything;).

I think my dfgt is about to belly up. With no pedals pressed I've got 10% throttle and a little brake flashing on and off intermittantly. I press the brake and the throttle changes a little ... weird huh?

It was happening to me in the T-bone contest last night, but I ignored it. Just ordered another one. Should be here by start of round 2, not that it's going to do me any good next week.
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I'm pathetic ... the best I've done so far is 1:31.3 without hitting anything;).

I think my dfgt is about to belly up. With no pedals pressed I've got 10% throttle and a little brake flashing on and off intermittantly. I press the brake and the throttle changes a little ... weird huh?

It was happening to me in the T-bone contest last night, but I ignored it. Just ordered another one. Should be here by start of round 2, not that it's going to do me any good next week.

Fix the wires in side the pedals. They need a little bit more slack, and to tighten the wire clip connections.
Great idea.

Did about 30min tonight. My GT-R V-spec is at 484/1680 on Sports:Hard. Handles like a pig, I would not want to take that car with those tires out on a track in real life, too much snap oversteer coming off the brakes and it feels different each time it happens, had a lot of trouble rotating the car the same way each lap... could just be the old stock DFGT pedals I'm using.

Got down to at 1:29.2 clean, had another .4 on a couple of different laps but threw it away on the roundabout or chicane.

I think blindside is right mid to maybe low 27. Probably high 26 with smart use of the walls if they don't call it cheating.
I really hope we get better tires this time, I hate driving cars with bad tires in a video game, its so hard to realize in the game when the grip is there and when it isn't until its too late (for me anyways). When I usually drive with sport soft or above its pretty obvious when you do and don't have grip. Like the 370 at Tsukuba, was it frustrating because of the car/track combo? No, it was because coming out of every turn I can't tell how much I am spinning the tires , through corners I can't tell well enough when I am scrubbing speed or pushing the car too much. I am praying for at least sport soft even though I am certain we are getting some form of ice skates again and it will be absolutely no fun to hotlap once again.

Someone said they believe the bad tires were to weed out the bad drivers in the first round, lets hope that was the case because hot lapping with crappy tires just feels silly.
@ GT Motion

Couldn't agree more. In my opinion the harder the tire the more real world driving skill is needed in order to get a fast time. This would be good if GT5 could replicate the exact feeling of driving the car at that moment. But it simply can't; even though they do better than everyone else at right now. The simple fact that the screen ends, you don't feel g's, and the pedals don't vibrate means that it if GT5 precisely replicated the real world you wouldn't be able to preceive all of it because the peripherals can't relay all of those inputs to you. (heavy concept, i know. Real racing drivers work on increasing there senses so they can more acurately preceive the feedback that the car is giving them).

I did 5 laps with this setup on racing:softs and ran 1:22.4-ish. While the softs are a bit too much it is still just as challenging on the limit to set a fast time. I thought Tsukuba should have been with a racing tire because it makes Nissan look better, since they are sponsoring the whole thing, and the 49,500ish people who didn't advance could at least have had one event that was enjoyable: instead of thousands of people who probably couldn't get out of the first corner and who might very well have gone away disliking the contest, the game, Sony, and Nissan (just like the people complaining about needing a steering wheel).
I thought Tsukuba should have been with a racing tire because it makes Nissan look better, since they are sponsoring the whole thing, and the 49,500ish people who didn't advance...

I think out of the people who didn't advance many got a sour taste out of the 370z and probably will stay away from the real life car if they were ever considering purchasing it. The game made the car feel like absolutely no fun to drive at all because of the tires.
I honestly liked the bad tires, they allowed me a chance to create oversteer, while the stickier tires tend to understeer.
I agree with Choate, the car was fairly neutral with the comfort tires. There was no grip, but I liked the balance. In GT some of the tires are so sticky, it's insanely unrealistic. Sport softs are stickier than pretty much anything you can buy from Tire Rack, racing tires are just ridiculous, and all of the above just makes the cars "bland" by ruining the handling/balance of the car. Sure they are grip monsters, but you don't actually learn a whole lot.

I don't think that the time trials turned off too many people from buying a 370 (if they were even considering one in the first place). It's still good marketing to have the name "Nissan" all over this competition.

As for the tires on the GT-R, after driving both comfort and sports tires at Madrid I have a feeling they will go with the comfort tires again. The car is plenty manageable, but what you really have to focus on is braking technique.

Round 1 at Tsukuba challenged the precision of our throttle technique, weeding out people with a heavy right foot. If round 2 is a stock GT-R at Madrid, we will be challenged to master a variety of braking techniques (and weed out those with a heavy foot on the brake) - in T1 it's really a two-stage braking zone, then there's some quick braking to get the car to rotate in the switchbacks, and finally some trail braking to go through the roundabout.

As for times at Madrid with comfort soft tires, I would assume day 1 you would have a handful of people in the 1:29's, and by the end of the week a 1:28.x would win it - if we had another 5 week round, you would see 1:27's from the aliens...
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I agree with Choate, the car was fairly neutral with the comfort tires. There was no grip, but I liked the balance. In GT some of the tires are so sticky, it's insanely unrealistic. Sport softs are stickier than pretty much anything you can buy from Tire Rack, racing tires are just ridiculous, and all of the above just makes the cars "bland" by ruining the handling/balance of the car. Sure they are grip monsters, but you don't actually learn a whole lot.

I don't think that the time trials turned off too many people from buying a 370 (if they were even considering one in the first place). It's still good marketing to have the name "Nissan" all over this competition.

As for the tires on the GT-R, after driving both comfort and sports tires at Madrid I have a feeling they will go with the comfort tires again. The car is plenty manageable, but what you really have to focus on is braking technique.

Round 1 at Tsukuba challenged the precision of our throttle technique, weeding out people with a heavy right foot. If round 2 is a stock GT-R at Madrid, we will be challenged to master a variety of braking techniques (and weed out those with a heavy foot on the brake) - in T1 it's really a two-stage braking zone, then there's some quick braking to get the car to rotate in the switchbacks, and finally some trail braking to go through the roundabout.

As for times at Madrid with comfort soft tires, I would assume day 1 you would have a handful of people in the 1:29's, and by the end of the week a 1:28.x would win it - if we had another 5 week round, you would see 1:27's from the aliens...

Ok I've got a couple question:
Are you guys running the GTA version or the dealership one?
Oil change?
Most importantly: are you doing it online? That makes a huge difference.

I tried it in practice and in my lounge last night and the times were almost a second slower in my lounge.
GT-Academy version (but I don't think there's a difference between this and the regular Spec-V)

No oil change for me - HP is in the lower 480 range.

I did this in offline practice mode - the biggest difference is that there's no tire wear. I'm pretty sure 1:28's online, but then again if I did more than half a dozen laps with sport hards offline the times should have been in the 1:27's.
GT-Academy version (but I don't think there's a difference between this and the regular Spec-V)

No oil change for me - HP is in the lower 480 range.

I did this in offline practice mode - the biggest difference is that there's no tire wear. I'm pretty sure 1:28's online, but then again if I did more than half a dozen laps with sport hards offline the times should have been in the 1:27's.

Cool, so I guess it would be more accurate offline just because of the tirewear. My front tires were at about 70% after 8 laps which was making life a bit difficult :D
Exactly - I think the physics are identical with the exception of tire wear.

Unfortunately, online you will have to reset the car after about 3 laps to make sure you are getting maximum grip.
Cars are different online. Tire wear is on in endurance events, which are offline, and the cars are different than online.
Cars are different online. Tire wear is on in endurance events, which are offline, and the cars are different than online.

Really? In which way?

It certainly seems like drafting online might be a little stronger, but that doesn't come into play for lapping. Is tire wear faster online? Do the cars have more/less grip/power?
Really? In which way?
Do the cars have more/less grip/power?

Power, no. Grip is questionable.
After doing 172 laps around Suzuka I hadn't spun at turn 1. Then I went online and almost spun on the first lap. Saying that, my lap time after just a few laps online was within a few tenths of my 172nd lap of the enduro, which was my fastest lap. The car was the Xanavi 370Z. Maybe it's just me though.
Power, no. Grip is questionable.
After doing 172 laps around Suzuka I hadn't spun at turn 1. Then I went online and almost spun on the first lap. Saying that, my lap time after just a few laps online was within a few tenths of my 172nd lap of the enduro, which was my fastest lap. The car was the Xanavi 370Z. Maybe it's just me though.

Grip is different online i think. There've been tons of threads about it, nothing to confirm of course, except the masses agreeing about it.

But regardless, with the fast tirewear on these sport hards you maybe have lap 2-5 as optimum grip online.
I honestly don't care what car tire combo they pick we all have to do it. I just hope the track feels good cause it's a pain doing a track that doesn't have a good flow for hours on end.

Back on topic I did a 1:29.790 last night after a few goes.
I honestly don't care what car tire combo they pick we all have to do it. I just hope the track feels good cause it's a pain doing a track that doesn't have a good flow for hours on end.

Back on topic I did a 1:29.790 last night after a few goes.
Okay....noone's talking about the car and tire combo....but cool. Either way I totally agree with you. :)
In my mind, Cape Ring had a really jerky "flow" to it which just made it miserable to drive.
Agree, Madrid has terrible flow. It's very disjointed, basically a street-circuit obstacle course. If chosen for round 2/3, this may cause more frustration than Rome Reverse...although not as much as Cape Ring. However, when it's all done we will all be better at controlling the car with precise braking inputs

The real circuits have better flow because they are...well...real. CLEARLY, more time has gone into designing them. Race track development is typically a 10+ year process, and all of GT5 didn't even take that long...

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