A Question regarding unanswered questions on GTP

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Team Manager, Green Hell Heathens
Dear Kazunori-Sama

I notice that there are many unanswered threads in this area of the site, which is dedicated to questions addressed to you, and I am asking if there is any particular reason for this?

Obviously you are very busy, which we all respect, but there could also be any number of reasons for the amount of unanswered questions and some clarification on that would be most helpful. If the quality of questions, in your opinion, can be improved then we would all benefit from, and indeed welcome, that feedback so please do let us know if that, or any other reason, is the cause for the unresolved questions that we have raised or if it is simply due to your time constraints.

Thank you for you time Kazunori-Sama and thank you for Gran Turismo!

And so GTP entered Questionception. How deep do you dare go? :)

Some things just have to be asked!

There's some ordinary questions hereabouts (some of the locked ones are worth reading for a giggle) but there's some top notch ones too that have not been answered yet so I figured I'd ask why not 👍
Some things just have to be asked!

There's some ordinary questions hereabouts (some of the locked ones are worth reading for a giggle) but there's some top notch ones too that have not been answered yet so I figured I'd ask why not 👍

I totally agree, but I won't be holding my breath. The way they allowed this forum to fizzle is typical of PD's attitude towards their client base. It seems he just doesn't give a 🤬 .
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A year-on (close enough :P), something needs to give in the communication department, and it'll either be the fans patience or PD's silence.

The blog has been a disappointment.
The GTP news has more "Academy" articles than in-GT6 GT news imo.
The reddit Q & A only discussed a fraction of what the fanbase wants to know.

And there's many questions still remaining, both in this Q & A forum & through-out the forums in general.

By now, SMS/Turn10/younameit would've addressed the communities concerns, hell SMS introduced that GTPlanet livery in P.CARS within a few weeks, when was the last time we saw new, fresh content in GT6 ? (hard-mode: not Zahara :P)

Ok, that's my rant for the night, I'm out :lol:
A year-on (close enough :P), something needs to give in the communication department, and it'll either be the fans patience or PD's silence.

The blog has been a disappointment.
The GTP news has more "Academy" articles than in-GT6 GT news imo.
The reddit Q & A only discussed a fraction of what the fanbase wants to know.

And there's many questions still remaining, both in this Q & A forum & through-out the forums in general.

By now, SMS/Turn10/younameit would've addressed the communities concerns, hell SMS introduced that GTPlanet livery in P.CARS within a few weeks, when was the last time we saw new, fresh content in GT6 ? (hard-mode: not Zahara :P)

Ok, that's my rant for the night, I'm out :lol:

Just like the other 3 or 4 times this question has been asked I am sure this thread will be deleted too by the mods :-(

So while it is still here I will have my $0.02.

This whole forum has been a total waste of time and effort and *NO ONE* from PD will answer any questions. It just shows how much contempt that, we the customers, are held in by PD and Kaz himself.

It's just about a year since release and we *still* have an unfinished game and no sensible communication from the developer.

It is just very sad.

While I am at it a question for the mods. Why do you keep deleting these posts asking this very question? It is a valid question and it does need to be addressed.

So mods delete away (again) or better still just close the this whole forum as it serves no useful purpose.

<rant mode> OFF
I imagine that some of the reason for these threads being deleted is to keep the peace. The flame war awaiting to explode is probably pretty blasted huge right now.....

If PD (and, honestly, Sony) really, truly cared about communication, they would hire a PR department. Until then, we will just have to accept that this is how is..... (and, yes, it sucks)

I know how things like this can go. Kaz is hyper-focused on the things he is doing (this game, promoting racing), and communication just isn't something they have time for. Not saying they don't want to, but they just don't schedule it in.

And obviously, no one at the top (is ANYONE above Kaz?) is pushing for it. The boardroom is closed, and obviously not many who care (immensely) about communication are inside of it.
To be honest guys I searched for similar threads but maybe my search parameters were wrong? If this has been asked and answered (or just asked) then I'm happy for it to be closed.
No. There have been between 5 and 10, and all of them have been deleted. Mostly because the moment people really start getting into it, it becomes a flame (as in forest fire kind of size) war against PD/Kaz....
No. There have been between 5 and 10, and all of them have been deleted. Mostly because the moment people really start getting into it, it becomes a flame (as in forest fire kind of size) war against PD/Kaz....
Well I've not seen them nor did they come up when searching hence the post.

If it gets deleted or locked then so be it but I'd like to think that the respectful tone of the question would bear respectful replies. This is the internet though so anything could happen I guess... Time will tell but the original question remains valid.
Well I've not seen them nor did they come up when searching hence the post.

If it gets deleted or locked then so be it but I'd like to think that the respectful tone of the question would bear respectful replies. This is the internet though so anything could happen I guess... Time will tell but the original question remains valid.

Yes, it does. It is a worthy question. However, if complaints start happening, expect to see this thread disappear. ;)
Well I've not seen them nor did they come up when searching hence the post.

If it gets deleted or locked then so be it but I'd like to think that the respectful tone of the question would bear respectful replies. This is the internet though so anything could happen I guess... Time will tell but the original question remains valid.

Hence the way I wrote my post. Your question (and the several before yours) are very valid indeed and I am pleased you asked it.

I was seriously contemplating asking it myself and getting it subsequently deleted.

Yours currently holds the GTP World record for the longest this question has stayed undeleted for. Congratulations :-)

Perhaps even the mods here are seriously thinking it too may be time that this question stayed open.

Obviously it has just as much chance of being answered as the rest here which is about zero, so why not let it stand.

Just maybe someone from within PD will stumble on this and mention it Kaz over a Sake or two after work one night ;-)

Until then we are just mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed on male Bovine excrement) ;-)
Hence the way I wrote my post. Your question (and the several before yours) are very valid indeed and I am pleased you asked it.

I was seriously contemplating asking it myself and getting it subsequently deleted.

Yours currently holds the GTP World record for the longest this question has stayed undeleted for. Congratulations :-)

Perhaps even the mods here are seriously thinking it too may be time that this question stayed open.
I'll just direct you to the pinned threads in this forum...
Offensive, inappropriate, or irrelevant questions will be deleted by our moderation staff and your GTPlanet membership may be terminated.
There's a conceptual chasm between the nature of the question @Heathenpride asked and the nature of a similar query repeatedly posted by another member - one of which I've deleted just this morning (that also broke the one question per topic rule). Compare post one of this thread to:
Are you ever going to answer any of the questions on this forum?
We've got no problem with Kazunori being asked relevant questions, but aggressively demanding answers is over the line.
With the SEMA excitement dwindling-down, what is the next 'big event' that PD/Kaz could make an announcement/showing at ?.

Not that I'm expecting answers then, but I feel like there is a cycle we've been seeing the last couple years, like Game show > Car show > Vague announcements > Missed deadlines > wash/rinse/repeat, and I swear something should be coming up event-wise.
I'll just direct you to the pinned threads in this forum...There's a conceptual chasm between the nature of the question @Heathenpride asked and the nature of a similar query repeatedly posted by another member - one of which I've deleted just this morning (that also broke the one question per topic rule). Compare post one of this thread to:We've got no problem with Kazunori being asked relevant questions, but aggressively demanding answers is over the line.

Lets just say that I (and the community here in general) are very pleased that you (the moderators) are letting this run this time.

Also we have no way of seeing how aggressively the other questions were asked, for obvious reasons ;-)

From my recollection of the previous questions I have seen they appeared to be the result of the outpouring of frustration with how this franchise is developing and how the community is being treated. Hence my "mushroom" comment.

In my humble opinion politeness in these forums is to be upheld but being blatantly ignored is also IMHO rude.

Our questions are being ignored and if anything the shroud of secrecy seems to be getting thicker about the inner workings of PD.

This forum was started May 22nd (looking at the date stamp on Jordan's first post) how many questions has Mr. Kazunori actually answered? I count one with answered next to it. A couple with addressed next to them but that is not really answered is it?

And, why haven't the questions with the highest votes been answered in a timely manner? Or even at all?

Yes, these are rhetorical questions and I do realise you don't have the answer, like all of us and this is the crux of the issue. We just don't know anything.

GT6 is about to hit it's first birthday and it is still unfinished and we still do not have all the features as advertised pre-launch. If this was a Call of Duty franchise the new edition would be about to be released. (Yes I do realise they have two studios working on alternate year releases)

Again, a big thanks for letting this thread run, it really needs to as this is the #1 question at the moment on everyone's mind.
In my humble opinion politeness in these forums is to be upheld but being blatantly ignored is also IMHO rude.

Our questions are being ignored and if anything the shroud of secrecy seems to be getting thicker about the inner workings of PD.


And, why haven't the questions with the highest votes been answered in a timely manner? Or even at all?
We only know one thing about the answers, and that's that they're not coming at the rate anyone thought they would. We know a one thing about the questions, and that's that they are being translated.

To say that the questions are being ignored is a stretch - it implies a deliberate act of not answering - but it's a possibility. Others exist and one springs to mind quite readily as an issue that has been with Gran Turismo from the 2nd game onwards.

Polyphony Digital are, in effect, an in-house studio. They are owned (sort of) by Sony Computer Entertainment, but it's a complex relationship that can best be described as PD doing the work and SCE paying them for it, telling everyone about it and getting the proceeds. SCE say "Here's how much you've got to spend for your next game", PD do the work, SCE say "Hey, look at what PD have been doing" and when it goes on sale SCE get the proceeds. It's the middle bit that's the concern - SCE (and their local subsidiary branches - SCEA, SCEE, SCEI) handle the advertising and, importantly, PR. They vet almost everything that Kazunori says and does before he says and does it - though sometimes he slips the leash and it's really, really funny when he does that - which includes interview opportunities and, I'm pretty certain, this Q&A. It seems likely at any rate, given how vigorously they guard him and his statements

So while the questions are coming and being translated and I'm sure the intention is to get some satisfactory and complete answers back out, it seems likely that SCE get in the middle of the process and stall it. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to lay blame on them either - I doubt they're trying to deliberately obfuscate and annoy the fans, it's just that it's an important IP for Sony and I'm sure they don't want certain things about it in the public domain. It's just the nature of trying to get a straight answer from two companies who exist inside each other but have conflicting ideas - excitement vs. restraint - and we get boned. Bureaucracy, eh?

Bear in mind though that all that is just as much speculation as the "ignoring us" angle. All we know is that the questions are being translated for Kazunori and the answers are not coming at anywhere near the rate anyone (I'd expect that includes Kazunori) anticipated that they would.
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We only know one thing about the answers, and that's that they're not coming at the rate anyone thought they would. We know a one thing about the questions, and that's that they are being translated.

To say that the questions are being ignored is a stretch - it implies a deliberate act of not answering - but it's a possibility. Others exist and one springs to mind quite readily as an issue that has been with Gran Turismo from the 2nd game onwards.

Polyphony Digital are, in effect, an in-house studio. They are owned (sort of) by Sony Computer Entertainment, but it's a complex relationship that can best be described as PD doing the work and SCE paying them for it, telling everyone about it and getting the proceeds. SCE say "Here's how much you've got to spend for your next game", PD do the work, SCE say "Hey, look at what PD have been doing" and when it goes on sale SCE get the proceeds. It's the middle bit that's the concern - SCE (and their local subsidiary branches - SCEA, SCEE, SCEI) handle the advertising and, importantly, PR. They vet almost everything that Kazunori says and does before he says and does it - though sometimes he slips the leash and it's really, really funny when he does that - which includes interview opportunities and, I'm pretty certain, this Q&A. It seems likely at any rate, given how vigorously they guard him and his statements

So while the questions are coming and being translated and I'm sure the intention is to get some satisfactory and complete answers back out, it seems likely that SCE get in the middle of the process and stall it. I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry to lay blame on them either - I doubt they're trying to deliberately obfuscate and annoy the fans, it's just that it's an important IP for Sony and I'm sure they don't want certain things about it in the public domain. It's just the nature of trying to get a straight answer from two companies who exist inside each other but have conflicting ideas - excitement vs. restraint - and we get boned. Bureaucracy, eh?

Bear in mind though that all that is just as much speculation as the "ignoring us" angle. All we know is that the questions are being translated for Kazunori and the answers are not coming at anywhere near the rate anyone (I'd expect that includes Kazunori) anticipated that they would.

I would imagine that even Jordan is a little bit disappointed in what seemed like a coup in staring this section has turned out to be not quite the success it could have been. This should have been the go to resource on GT information.

On the machinations and other inner workings of SCE aside I am sure, as others have done in the past, that a mechanism exists for information to be "leaked" unofficially. Why just read the news streams everyday and see how our Governments work or security agencies ;-) How many times have we seen information distributed by "sources close to" someone or other?

But then the forum would have be renamed "Leaked Info from PD" ;-)

All suppositions aside I really do believe that *IF* Kaz had the will to form closer ties with the community then it would have happened. It would be no different than doing a monthly type of press conference or even just a basic news letter. Some communication, any, is better than nothing!

On the other hand, do we really want to be told straight out that kaz is putting the majority of his resources into GT7 because Sony is cracking the whip and besides, they already have our money for GT6?

Some communication from PD would at least dispel rumour and innuendo and that would go a long way to easing the universal frustration we all feel with this game.
Some communication from PD would at least dispel rumour and innuendo and that would go a long way to easing the universal frustration we all feel with this game.

Frustration is not universal. There is no indication to even suggest the majority are frustrated. What can safely be said is that a vocal minority is frustrated.

Please, do not pretend to speak for everyone.
Frustration is not universal. There is no indication to even suggest the majority are frustrated. What can safely be said is that a vocal minority is frustrated.

Please, do not pretend to speak for everyone.
There's also no indication that it's only a minority either. Could be that everyone is frustrated with the game except the handful of members here who are not. What can safely be said is that no one really has any clue as to what the actual level of frustration is among GT players.
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There's also no indication that it's only a minority either. Could be that everyone is frustrated with the game except the handful of members here who are not. What can safely be said is that know one really has any clue as to what the actual level of frustration is among GT players.

If you want to get technical... Incorrect use of know.
Frustration is not universal. There is no indication to even suggest the majority are frustrated. What can safely be said is that a vocal minority is frustrated.

Please, do not pretend to speak for everyone.

Sorry I did not include the PD fan boys in my general consensus as they are in an entirely different universe where logic gets to be suspended ;-) (Note: this is intended to be humorous and in no way inflammatory)

Yes I have generalised that "a lot" is representative of the whole. I quantify "a lot" as in everyone I know and from "a lot" of banter on this site.

By the same reasoning how many players do you know of that are not, at least to some small extent, feeling a little frustration that the game is still not finished or with some aspect of it?
Sorry I did not include the PD fan boys in my general consensus as they are in an entirely different universe where logic gets to be suspended ;-) (Note: this is intended to be humorous and in no way inflammatory)

Yes I have generalised that "a lot" is representative of the whole. I quantify "a lot" as in everyone I know and from "a lot" of banter on this site.

By the same reasoning how many players do you know of that are not, at least to some small extent, feeling a little frustration that the game is still not finished or with some aspect of it?

By the same reasoning? A lot. Generalised as at least 1 million.
Overall, I like the game. On details, I'm annoyed that there aren't more options for a larger experience.

So, no, I'm not frustrated with the racing aspect. I'm just waiting for more. And THAT is where I'm waiting.
The mushroom analogy is actually spot-on, @TT92 , for if pd were to 'ingest' our knowledge, entire new worlds of possibility would open up like the gates of heaven.
