A Question - The Ultimate Tutorial Thread?

  • Thread starter leeislee
Ok, so i've noticed that the GT6 forum isn't as anywhere near as share and help related as the old GT5 forum. Don't get me wrong, many people here like to help but i don't see any tutorials or indepth answers to peoples questions regarding editing.

I think the 'LIKE' button has stolen some of the friendliness from these forums. (My opinion!)

ANYWAY, regarding this matter, i have an idea/question...

I was thinking of starting a thread based on follow along tutorials, now i don't mean real time ones i mean a tutorial broken down into sections for people to take each step as it is posted, maybe breakdown a whole tutorial into say 6, 7 or 8 parts posting a new part each day or so.

I would start by making a full rain edit tutorial in 8 parts like this:

Day 1 - Taking a suitable picture
Day 2 - Adjusting the Image
Day 3 - Clean up
Day 4 - Adding drama to the image
Day 5 - Adding rain and rain drops to the car
Day 6 - Adding water spray
Day 7 - Adding a realistic reflection
Day 8 - Perfect lighting and atmosphere

The idea is instead of making a tutorial with all the info posted at once, which can put people off it is all broken down into chunks to give people time to follow along.

If enough people are interested then it would be great if others could create tutorials for us all, myself included to follow along with.

However, If the interest isn't here or it will just end up with me doing all the tutorials i won't create the thread.

Any ideas, reservations or questions regarding the idea feel free to leave them in a comment.

Also, if you want to help out and create a great tutorial please let us all know.

Yes! This would be great, I could try to revive my rusty skills from Live For Speed era on editing and cleaning and modifying car in photoshop.