
  • Thread starter Danoff
So, you murder a pregnant woman who intends to get an abortion to “defend the life of the baby” who will… also die?

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This is 4-D level chess. We might need to fall down a few flights of stairs head-first to understand.
Actually, not that any of this matters bc it was never about states’ rights.
Any time they claim it's about states rights you have a 99.9999% chance of it actually not being about states rights. It's just another version of starting a sentence with "I'm not racist/homophobic/transphobic, but..." or "I'm not X, some of my best friends are Y"
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What the **** are "1st amendment auditors"? Are they like sovereign citizens?
While some can be as rabid as sovereigns, most are auditing if government locations/employees are aware of and following the 1st, mainly around photographing/filming in public areas.

As with anything you get some of them doing it well and checking that the 1st is being applied, and others who are doing it badly and causing a mess.

The 'along the lines' bit here I think refers to those who support the ban trying to catch out MLS employees with the sole aim of then showing they are breaking the law. as they don't want to just deny people abortions, but also restrict information about it as much as they can.
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So many additional costs that the idiots pushing for this don't realize will be incurred.
Off the top of my head, that might mean every miscarriage would have to be investigated since a "person" died, and I'm guessing "they" would have to be named (and registered?). And then there's the undetected miscarriages where I wouldn't even know where you'd begin....

And just on cue:


The anti-liberty right is entirely without shame.

Yeah that's why Boris went, must have been God's will to help protect the unborn kids /s
Off the top of my head, that might mean every miscarriage would have to be investigated since a "person" died, and I'm guessing "they" would have to be named (and registered?). And then there's the undetected miscarriages where I wouldn't even know where you'd begin....
It's unworkable, but that misses the point, it's not about if it's workable, its about using it as a tool of control.
And just on cue:

But states rights...

....oh that's right it was never really about that, and never was.
Off the top of my head, that might mean every miscarriage would have to be investigated since a "person" died, and I'm guessing "they" would have to be named (and registered?). And then there's the undetected miscarriages where I wouldn't even know where you'd begin....
I'd imagine that in such a case miscarriages would start to meet the criteria for some sort of manslaughter, surely. A "person" died, the mother may or may not have done any number of things that may have contributed to that death, including moving around, not moving around enough, eating, drinking, pooping, and having specific genes present in her body during the pregnancy. I'd think a keen prosecutor could at least have a red hot go at proving some sort of culpability there, given that you've got every action for the entire pregnancy to pull from.

It gets pretty bananas pretty fast, and very quickly leads to an Orwellian "everyone is guilty all the time" situation where you can be locked up any time the authorities decide they want to.
Governor or Kansas is actually a democrat.
Kansas is kind of unusual because the state legislature is very heavily Republican (presently over 2/3 of the House and nearly 3/4 of the Senate), and while the offices of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor are held by Democrats, the executive isn't wholly blue with the Republican AG among the rat mother****ers who backed Texas AG Paxton's lawsuits against four states over unsubstantiated claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election.
The funniest part about that is that as I understand it the entire thing was Astroturfed by the Kansas GOP anyway.

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The funniest part about that is that as I understand it the entire thing was Astroturfed by the Kansas GOP anyway.

No but the abortion supporters spent so much money.

Amendment architects actually scheduled the vote during the primaries rather than GE because the lower August turnout tends to favor Republicans.
Well that's a bit of an eye-opener. GOP must not feel too comfortable with that one, especially the margin - currently 59-41 - in a state where registered republicans outnumber registered democrats 6-4.

I wonder how many states could enshrine abortion protections into their state constitutions with direct popular referendums - I know this isn't an option in all states but it seems like it could be an effective end-run around the undemocratic GOP.
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Well that's a bit of an eye-opener. GOP must not feel too comfortable with that one, especially the margin - currently 59-41 - in a state where registered republicans outnumber registered democrats 6-4.
What, if anything, does the research say of rats' capacity for introspection?

If you had "Republicans bitching because Republicans are too stupid to understand the abortion amendment measure that Republicans put on the Kansas ballot" on your 2022 Bingo card, you got a square.