ALMS Season V


Now that's asking for too much! It's not a Nissan. :P
TDZdave/ TDZ-4-12-14-88 /LMP / 908 Oreca Matmut or BMW V12 LMR
Lets stop this crap before the thread goes to crap! The Porsche license is hopefully gone from just NFS, Kaz said in a recent interview Porsche is in his mind. So hopefully in the future we get dlc of their cars or hope it's in GT6.
Lets stop this crap before the thread goes to crap! The Porsche license is hopefully gone from just NFS, Kaz said in a recent interview Porsche is in his mind. So hopefully in the future we get dlc of their cars or hope it's in GT6.

Porsche just renewed the contract not that long ago. Kaz has had Porsche in mind for a long, long time. But he had to resort to RUF, which is not a bad company mind you. I'd like to see them in premium. RUF has been in since GT2.

I too hope to see Porsche in a GT game soon, but with EA...I really do not understand why Microsoft can strike a deal with them while Polyphony (or Sony) can't.
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No you cant have our cars in your game. But can I have your name on my car? SURE!!!


Fine print under "Real Driving Simulator" says actual car not in game.
Every car in that race has GT branding on the windshield. They're sponsoring those races, it's a requirement.
It's obviously not exclusive to NFS seeing as how Forza has it.

No, it's not exclusive as many other games have Porsche, as long as EA allows it. The thing is, EA holds the rights to Porsche, meaning Polyphony must go through EA, as well as Porsche, to get licensing rights to include Porsche in their game.

Turn 10 Studios had to go through the same thing, unable to get a deal with EA until a little bit after Forza 4's launch (or just before it), later obtaining a sub-license for Porsche to be in their game. Forza 4 also has RUF as a replacement until the Porsche DLC came out. It's the same thing with Turn 10 and Ferrari, but that only extends to the XBox and PC gaming (not sure if it does extend to the PS3 or not as well), but Turn 10 is more open to issue sub-licensing than EA is.

No you cant have our cars in your game. But can I have your name on my car? SURE!!!


Fine print under "Real Driving Simulator" says actual car not in game.

It's not all Porsche's fault, but mostly EA's.

Now why Polyphony has not been able to reach an agreement with EA is beyond me.
"Let's take rights to Porsche, and only put them in half finished, crappy games, and charge anyone who actually pays for them another $60 for useless DLC if they actually want to play it, the kids will love it!"

Hey guys, I've been in Miami from Friday afternoon all the way up until like an hour ago. I'll try to play catchup and get any new racers added to the roster.
I have been, but I'd like to test with other people online sometime this week. I've really been trying to tune the Vantage to where it'll be competitive, but won't over do it. Anyone planning on setting up a practice session this week?
Because I'm not home to spec it until later this month.
If someone else wants to right now...
It's not much to get it. 5 bucks for 3 layouts and an oval. So many people complain about no dlc, then we get some and they don't purchase it. lol, It's a great track IMO.
No can do Motegi. I do not have it yet, and, yes it's only 5 dollars, but that 5 dollars has to go into other things. In other words, I'm flat broke.