Alpine Presents: One Make Drift Competitions | Begins the 13th!

  • Thread starter CheladaJr
Dude, I remember that the other week lol
Yeah that was the last one I went through. A good 30 minutes recovery laying in bed xD
Lmao @DriftShiro I thought I was the only one that did that.
Hahaha yeah dude that's a struggle for all wheel users..If you haven't hit your balls while transitioning you are just not throwing the car hard enough lol. One you do hit it though it's like nothing else matters I just let go my steering wheel I don't even care if I am leading a train xD it's an emergency.

Great! I've never used that car. I haven't used the 350 or 370z...or Supra, I haven't used so many well known cars in the game with my wheel. I tend to just stick with one car for a while.

D1GP 2006 Section

Section is pretty simple, competitors will be judged on Speed,Angle, and Style
Hit outside curb right before 2nd turn, then slowly dive inside until you hit the inside right before you transition into the 3rd turn

And don't go full outside after the 1st turn before the transition, most people do that because they overshoot since it's downhill. Makes you miss the outside curb before turn 2 or makes you really slow
Team?: Alpine
Wheel or DS3?:DS3
Preferred Vehicle?: chaser
A little something about you?: live in the UK so have to check times...
crap dude, hope everything cool
Yeah it is. Nothing serious, just a change in the schedule with my son. It's gonna be kinda irregular due to his mothers new, unchangable workschedule (working with taking care of elderly people). I've just been looking forward to this. But my sons mother is ranked higher than a videogame, even if we don't live together. Some other time maybe :cheers:
Well, i have to reschedule because my job called me into work today and it really p*ssed me off im sorry everyone