AMD Polaris/Vega

  • Thread starter Nexus
Looks much better in black than silver, although it is visually not the best design ever seen. But it is simple, thus not adding costs, which is definitely nice.
Althoug OCing it while there's already an acknowledge issue that AMD is going to fix pretty soon with a driver update was maybe not the most clever thing to do. And overclocking voids warranty usually so I wouldn't expect any kind of refund from them.
Guys, just wait for the third-party models. GTX 1080 Ti performance from a $200 card sound too good to be true? Well prepare to be amazed! Insane overclocking up to 1.21 jigahertz.

/AMD fanboyism

In all seriousness though, 3rd party boards might help reduce the sting of disappointment people with unrealistic expectations have been feeling with the RX 480... Don't expect miracles obviously, but we might at least get a reasonably overclockable model that won't burn out your PCIe slots.
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Some good news after the power consumption problems -

We promised an update today (July 5, 2016) following concerns around the Radeon RX 480 drawing excess current from the PCIe bus. Although we are confident that the levels of reported power draws by the Radeon RX 480 do not pose a risk of damage to motherboards or other PC components based on expected usage, we are serious about addressing this topic and allaying outstanding concerns. Towards that end, we assembled a worldwide team this past weekend to investigate and develop a driver update to improve the power draw. We’re pleased to report that this driver—Radeon Software 16.7.1—is now undergoing final testing and will be released to the public in the next 48 hours.

In this driver we’ve implemented a change to address power distribution on the Radeon RX 480 – this change will lower current drawn from the PCIe bus.
Separately, we’ve also included an option to reduce total power with minimal performance impact. Users will find this as the “compatibility” UI toggle in the Global Settings menu of Radeon Settings. This toggle is “off” by default.

Finally, we’ve implemented a collection of performance improvements for the Polaris architecture that yield performance uplifts in popular game titles of up to 3%. These optimizations are designed to improve the performance of the Radeon RX 480, and should substantially offset the performance impact for users who choose to activate the “compatibility” toggle.

AMD is committed to delivering high quality and high performance products, and we’ll continue to provide users with more control over their product’s performance and efficiency. We appreciate all the feedback so far, and we’ll continue to bring further performance and performance/W optimizations to the Radeon RX 480.
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lol this is quite a thread bump. But yeah, with the new ReLive drivers the 480 managed to beat the 1060, but it seems to be fairly limited to Vulkan or DX12 titles. With the usual DX11/10 games the 480 closed the gap with the new drivers, but not much. And of course the 1060 pulls ahead in Gameworks titles.

It's an interesting performance bump because when the 480 came out the 1060 beat it in a lot of newer titles. But with relive it closed the gap fairly significantly. The last gen Rx cards have improved somewhat as well, with an even bigger improvement in Vulkan or DX12.
The 480 still has another advantage : FreeSync screens prices over Gsync ones.

This is why I am reluctant in getting a G-sync monitor. You pay a hefty price premium for the G-sync module. Though I have seen a sizable price drop on a few G-sync monitors I've been monitoring..
Did anyone see that new Threadripper CPU they're coming out with?
Yep 16 core 32 thread monster designed to take on intels 10 core i9 chip. The first Vega gpus will be aimed at deep learning applications and people speculate that gaming focus versions will come a short time after.
There was an AMA with Raja Koduri from AMD on Reddit which can be read here.
Recap (copied from this post):