Are racing games getting too realistic?

  • Thread starter Golfman


With the release of GT5, the void between driving a car in the real world and at a games console gets ever closer. In the future, with the PS4 and racing games become so true to life, will there ever be a risk, when your driving in real life, of inadvertently reacting to your surroundings like you do in a game? People's home setups - big multi-screens that surround the player, racing seats, steering wheel/pedals etc. can give the illusion you are actually driving in real life. I for one will draw a line with how far i am willing to go with my home setup, even if i can afford it.
With the release of GT5, the void between driving a car in the real world and at a games console gets ever closer. In the future, with the PS4 and racing games become so true to life, will there ever be a risk, when your driving in real life, of inadvertently reacting to your surroundings like you do in a game? People's home setups - big multi-screens that surround the player, racing seats, steering wheel/pedals etc. can give the illusion you are actually driving in real life. I for one will draw a line with how far i am willing to go with my home setup, even if i can afford it.

So you're telling me i'm going to crash my car because I think the hill at the top of my street has suddenly become Eau Rouge? Get a grip.
So you're telling me i'm going to crash my car because I think the hill at the top of my street has suddenly become Eau Rouge? Get a grip.

Agree, yes simulations get better, no the are not perfect.
No way to confuse simulation and reality, not near to that at all at this moment for me.
Obviously im not saying people are stupid enough to confuse real-life driving with driving in a game. It's just that the small reactions that you do when driving with a steering wheel/pedals in a game, you may be doing it in real life without even realising it. Is there a risk of this escallating? I just started this thread because i thought it was something worth discussing. If no one wants to contribute, or slag it off, that's fine. Each to their own.
I dont think there is a risk, on the contrary, i believe that if anything it will help someone react in an unforseen situation, such as intuitivley counter-steering if you lose the rear end of your vehicle on a slippery surface.

Pilots have extremely precise simulators that mimic the sensation of G-forces, and until there is one that replicates the sensation of those forces on the human body like when you take a curve at high speed, then there shouldn't be anything to fear (or look forward to)

There are those idiots of course who try to emulate everything there is in a video-game for god knows what reason and tarnish the actual purpose of games or movies in general.

If you can't differentiate from real-life and a movie or a game, then a pyschological evaluation should be a priority.
Noooooooo... More realism illustrates the dangers of driving like an idiot pretty effectively (SPIiiiin crash smash lose). Like everybody's said, the ability to draw the line between real and on the screen ought to be a prerequisite for the privileged of either driving in real life or playing a sim game. Plus, we're talking about sims on real tracks with rules and expectations and proper context. Not like some of those old 'outrun the police and hopefully not crash into oncoming traffic' Need For Speed games. I don't think there's any danger in those either, though, unless the subject were really unintelligent to begin with, in which case you can't really blame the game.

Edit: And.. er, you could have a sweet sim rig but you deny yourself because you're afraid you might start driving like a lunatic in real life? Sigh.
I think they are not getting realistic, even for that games are made to be games, not something else. But Gran Turismo is something else, they FIRST made simple but the best game and they're still making it. So, games are getting more arcad-ish and crash-ish, my opinion.
Wrong type of topic for this location, I am not a mod, but once one sees this thread......
