B-Spec Expert Historic Car Cup Help ?

  • Thread starter Zathra5_
Looks like I will end up beating it. This is my second attempt after looking up how to beat it. Hot headed driver level 34, Toyota 7 with the previously mentioned tune (tranny at 162MPH for those not using KPH). I exited and reentered til the 2J wasn't in the pole position for the start. This made him go slower behind another car long enough for me to gain on them. I passed him on the third lap and he is in the dust.

4 second lead. Mash the pace up and overtake when your close to pass. Look out for the chicane after the long straight- if your bob is trying to pass someone, you will hit it.
it would be better if u had a 2J...if not the 2J, i would recomend the 7....but if you have the XJ13 then by all means use it...the GT40 is least likely to win

Ok thanks alot. I did all the Aspec event before i messed with Bspec so i already had the XJ13. I just got to the like the wind series and won a 7. Im good to go now. Im just glad i didnt waste my time with the GT40
I used a chaperal because my 7 wouldn't win for some reason, whatever I did.

I span on the first lap, went down to last, got up to second, crashed again, then took the lead on the last lap. You will win easily with this car.
I skipped the Historic Cup until I had already A-spec and B-spec'd Like The Wind and won the Toyota 7. At that point, I fully modded the 7 and easily beat Historic Cup.
I won this event with my L21 Bob at the time using the Toyota 7. My main mistake was I wasn't using the recommended tires. I accidently had it set to Racing Hard instead of Racing medium tires. In addition to this, I kept reseting the grid until those Chap 2J race cars were in 3rd position or less. Bob won the race fairly easily which kinda makes me sad cause I'm still trying to beat that cor-dezure in A-spec with the toy race car '70.

I also used some tune I goggled up: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=143628
Finally got pass this race
Tried a few times with the Toyota 7 but it was just so slow off the line at the start and I found trying to stop from overtaking in wierd places impossible
So I went back to XJ13 (fully Tuned) and just dropped transmission down to 14? cant remember exactly and did on 1st try.XJ13 starts so much better off the line and managed to be in 4th going up the hill.
I got abit lucky when the 2J crashed on 1st lap and Bob managed to avoid the carnage.
Once I got past the GT40 it was plain sailing won by 20secs
I finally got it! After spending a lot of time grinding I tried gain today with my level 39 Bob. I still didn't make it, because I'm the worst babysitter apparently :indiff:

The trick that helped enormously was slapping on a stage 2 turbo instead of a stage 3. This way I passed the 2J in the 4th lap or so 👍

Thanks guys!
try this from a earlier post i made...using a Toyota 7

Aero: Max front and rear
Turbo: Stage 3
Transmission/top speed: 186
LSD: 10, 25, 15

Ride height: -25, -25
Spring rate: 16, 18.5
Dampers E: 8, 7
Dampers C: 8, 7
Anti roll bars: 5, 7
Camber: 3.5, 2.1
Toe angle: 0.0, -.30
Brake: 7, 4

Hope this helps...if not play around with the settings a lil till it works...now im going to see what car ive won!! Yay

Oh, yeah

My bob is a lvl 23..

The set up worked (thank you!) except for the gearing. It is way too high for Monaco. I dropped it to about 150-160 then Bob was able to drive away.
My Bob eventually managed to get onto the podium with a tuned up Countach but I had to wait until I won the Toyota 7 to take the gold,,, and he took first in both races at the very first try!

I thought I might have to retry Monaco as the 2J started on pole but I came out of the tunnel in 3rd to find the 2J facing the wrong way at the chicane! I don't know what happened to him but what a glorious moment, and fantastic revenge after all the times the 2J has passed me on the home straight at Deep Forest!
From my experience, the best way to approach this race is to wait (Also true for Nascar).
With a high level Bob, the race becomes much more managable. In fact, after trying, and failing, many times I came back to it with a lvl. 30-something Bob and was astonished. It was the first manifestation of Bob actually becoming better.
I managed this after many attempts (30+). I stuck him in the old Ferrari and badgered him round the course for the first 30 goes, eventually i just let him get on with it whilst i had a cup of tea. With no help from me he won. No set up change nothing. For that very race i noticed, once the tears had cleared from my eyes, i had won a dream race trophy.
I used a Jag XJ13 race car fully tuned to 680HP and left everything standard apart from the gearing which I changed for both tracks and it took him 2 attempts at each...
He was only level 11 too!!!

That sounds comforting as I am not able to find a 2J or Toyota 7 in my list. My A-level is 29 and I am halfway into Endurance so I guess I should already have won them long time ago.
BUT I do have the XJ13 but havent managed to win this /¤#"(:crazy: yet but now at least I know it can be done. So far my Bob is crashing in one of the chicanes and get stuck and thats it.

Any more details from anyone else about the best setup for the XJ13. So far I have tried with both mid-range and high-range turbo and changed the gear ration but still not succesful.
Cant work this monaco track out!!!!!! tried Toyota 7 race car & Ferrari 330 maxed with no joy as they just dont want to push through....how do you get the Chappell 2j anyone please help.....
OK so the historic cup was a complete millstone around my neck for too long, I tried to beat it in A and B spec when i first unlocked it using the countach.. I got very close in both but couldn't take gold. So my first advice is to wait.

First beat Aspec "like the wind". I used my stealth R10 and it was a breeze. Unlocked the minolta which i used to easily get the Toyota 7 in bspec which i used to easily beat the historic championship in A and B spec.

But I gotta say, taking 2nd in my lambo in Aspec only to the 2J was a really great race, it was just that extra speed of the 2J down the straights that got me. When i get my wheel I know i can take that championship in my countach I'm sure of it!
Well, my 19th level bob got 1st on the 5th lap with a stage 3 toyota 7 race car :) Got it with flying colors, and then immediately afterwards he golded with first try american championship, fgt championship and nascar series :)

edit: sorry, forgot to add the tips.

You push the bob as the race starts to overtake, increase pace just before the tunnel, decrease pace just before the 's', increase pace or overtake immediately after the s, decrease pace just before the last 's' so that he doesn't crash on the barriers and then increase pace and overtake in the long straight :)
Use a cool bob instead of a hot one in cote!.. i don't recommend using a naturally hot bob in that race.
just my 0.02

I finally won with my XJ13 at Cote d azur using a cool Bob. Changed to mid-range turbo and ended up second. Tried again with a lot of coaching and YES I am through this bottleneck :-)
I just grinded my way to level 21 and beat b-spec like the wind with a fully tuned stealth r10. You win the Toyota 7, which when fully tuned will easily dominate that event. Cote d'azure still requires constant babysitting though.

Mine doesn't. the best he can do before he feels like it's time to be passed is 5. Best place with Mark IV is 2 before ending 4 place. Ford GT40 is a waste of time. And trust me I've tuned my cars in all different ways. The Toyota 7 beeing the worst car, 920+ BHP getting passed in the start. That is 200 more BHP than the rest.

The Mark IV got like 400 less HP doing best but still can't wind.
My Bob did with the first race with the Toyota 7 but the second.......... I'm frustrated, screaming, kicking the chair and still wont do it. It's impossible, I get frustrated just by typing about it.
toyota 7 with 919bhp and level 28 driver!!!!!! still cant do it....please help as cant find 2j chaparrel now update been done...willing to trade :)
You sir are are a god damn genius!! This has gotta be the answer to 99% of this. For the last 4 hours I've struggling with this ready to hit the roof. Slapped on some RACE MEDIUMS and what do you know, 1st by lap 2 overtaking before the chicane. Left BOB to relax for the rest of the race while I made a sandwich and amlost had time to rub one out!!!

EINSTEIN !!!! MAN i thought it was racing hard all along.. and then i see this post.. I was about to break the damn TV !!! :ouch:
Simply cannot crack this 1. Have tried Jag, 330 & toyota 7 but still no success.....can trade x2010 (or anything else just ask for what u need) for a 2j chapparal as this is the only car left I think but cant find 1 in used cars now since update........please help as this will complete all raced for me up to level 28 indy 500...ty
Simply cannot crack this 1. Have tried Jag, 330 & toyota 7 but still no success.....can trade x2010 (or anything else just ask for what u need) for a 2j chapparal as this is the only car left I think but cant find 1 in used cars now since update........please help as this will complete all raced for me up to level 28 indy 500...ty

You should be able to win both races in either the toyota 7 or XJ13 race car, the Jag will upgrade a bit if needed, just keep reloading the race until the grid shows the 2J and the toy 7 behind you on the grid and you should crack it, make sure you babysit bob and keep him middle of the road :)

And as for levelling just repeat the 4hour tsukuba or repeatedly do dream car to level up a bit quicker
I won the Historic championship with the Toyoa 7 + high range turbo for the first one and a mid range turbo for the Cote d'Azur. Had to make sure Bob hit the accelerate the secondi saw the 2J that started first hit the wall, he won in the end
I too am still struggling with this race on Côte D'Azur(he had no problem winning the first race).

I've used several drivers(cool, hot, etc) yet none of them can win.

The closest I got was second but then he decided to crash head on into a turn but that didn't matter as the 2J was miles ahead by that time anyway.

I reloaded several times but the 2J always starts before me.

Is there any tuning setup that ensures my Bob will win in a Toyoto 7? Because I'm not going to waste a lot of credits on a 2J for one single race and I don't dupe/glitch.
I used the XJ13 for the Cote D'Azur race... kept with the 2j untill 2 laps to go then drop back a bit to let the 2j driver calm down, thus making him slow down... then hit the throttle and you should whizz past him.. i was about 14 seconds infront at the end!!

This is a great tac tic for any of the evenly matched races!!
I never beat the historic with anything less then 2J on cot azure track, no way it was just nothing that could match the 2J even if he starts on 5th place which is worst the ai in a lap or two is in first place always.
I managed to get it yesterday in the Toyota 7, though not entirely without issues.
The key point to the 7 is fitting the high RPM turbo and use a pretty close range gear ratio - I set it up for 260km/h.
I'd tried with mid-range turbo and varying gear ratios, but the 7 revs so fast that high RPM is the only way to go. It'll really boost acceleration a lot.

As many other threads and posts have mentioned, the grid is very important too. 2Js are the only real threat, so try to minimise the amount of them to 1. Another point is that it gets very difficult to pull off a 2J is starting in pole position, so try to get them down the grid a bit. They don't need to be behind you, but a bit down helps a lot.

Lastly, where possible, try not to overtake on the straight through the tunnel, because depending on what car you're trying to overtake, the straight may not be long enough to actually get past, meaning Bob will get stuck on the inside of a car, trying to cut the chicane short, leading him to ram headfirst into the left hand barrier. That's disastrous as he'll generally duly wait for everyone to pass, then slowly reverse and eventually start moving forward again. If it happens, you may as well abandon that try.
Try to continously press Decrease Pace as you hit the hairpins if you're worried you won't pass the car on the tunnel straight. Should keep Bob in check. And definately don't try to pass the 2J there!

Best place to pass cars (since the 7 isn't a rocket through the corners) is the first corner and the straight after it, as well as on the outside of long 2nd corner, inside on the 3rd corner (especially if overtaking one of the sliding GT40s) and finally in the 4th corner (the first hairpin). After the chicane it's damn near impossible.

And watch out for miserable AIs. They'll sometimes pull off the trick in the chicane too and cut it short, leading to them getting stuck on the inside barrier. Especially the 2J and to an extent the 2D. Sometimes it's unavoidable due to the layout of the grid. Some combinations of cars just seem to force that situation. If it happens again and again, get a new grid.

I hope that helps, it's definately beatable.