That does seem to be all I play of late... however, I have about 800+ hours on SW Battlefront (1) for the PS4 & Xbox One, ON EACH.

I do play other things, and I would surely pick this up and play it. I really like these style of games, played the crap out of both these franchises and also Marvel Ultimate Alliance (1 & 2) on PS3 and Diablo 3 and D3: Reaper of Souls on PS4.
'Bout a year or so ago I whipped out the PS2 slim and played Champions of Norrath: Return to Arms - such a GOOD FREAKIN game. Played it for about 4 hours or so. 👍 I really prefer these top down Isometric hack-n-slash RPG's to the Fallouts, and Skyrim type. I'll probably get blasted, but eh, it's what I like. I got into Mass Effect, a little, but it got boring too.

The original Bioshock is the only game I can think of that I finished that's a full 3d, first-person RPG, and that was ages ago.