Benchmark: F430 vs Swift

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Hoping you could help me with a little comparo. For an interesting 2P Battle I'm planning to put a F430 up against a Swift around Eiger...but the former with N1s and the latter with R3s. I did five laps in each and managed a 1.20-1.22 so I think they're about equal for relative novice drives who won't get much practice. I'd really appreciate it if some others could give me a view as to whether this combo should produce equal laptimes. I'm not after the laptimes after you've tried for three hours straight and polished off every tenth you can -- I'm sure I could go much quicker than than 1.20 on both -- just more of an initial impression. I think the F430/N1 is quicker, provided you keep it on the track and that's much more challenging than the Swift/R3.

I just gave this a shot, and I was surprised at how close the times were. After about ten laps in each, I ended up with a 1:20.065 in the Swift and a 1:20.315 in the F430. The F430 will defiantly require a more experienced driver than the Swift, though. I think I could have gotten a faster time with the F430, but I'm not sure how it would work in a race.

Another interesting combo would be the Ford GTLM Spec II Test Car on N1s vs the Swift. I managed a 1:18.910, but that was more like speed drifting :lol:.

Have you actually tried the F430 and the Swift in a 2P race?
Thanks Talon. Yes, we tried it last night and it was close. I took the F430 and demonstrated it *could* beat the Swift but most of the guys were either too cautious with it or too confident. So it's a great way to give two drivers of unequal ability a good race, and for spectators it looks good as the F430 tiptoes through the S-bends where the Swift simply swooshes through, only for the F430 to whip by on the straight -- although as I'm sure you found even the sweepers take care in the Ferrari and you must be dead straight coming over the jump! Anyway it's another interesting 2P option.
Yeah, you have to be careful for sure. I don't really have anyone in my house that could give me a challenge, so maybe I'll try some slower cars on N1s to see if I can make it a fair race. This is a good idea, BTW.
The F1 challenge works well at the HSR. 3 laps, first driver takes off in an Evo 2005 and the F1 only starts as the Evo crosses the start line. A decent drive in the F1 should see it complete three laps just before the Evo finishes its remaining two.
So what I can deduce is that the Swift is superior than the F430?

My mind has been blown.

I'm going to go challenge my brother to a 2P race.:)
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