Best Rear End

  • Thread starter Carbonite
Well as the title says it all, which car do you think currently has the best rear end. A rear end that is fierce and sexi and you could look at it all day.

I would say the Pagani cars have the best rear ends ever and in Particular the Pagani zonda r


What do you guys like?
I like it, but not like like it. I sometimes like the 4 pipe configuration but it is not my favorite. Hmm
Try using the MultiQuote feature, as I've done. It tidies things up a lot nicer than making multiple posts one after the other.
I don't think I realized that they pushed all of those to the end. I think my thinking was that the replies stayed with the post. I will think about that in the future.
Maybe. I'd be more incline if it was a morgan.
The fact that it's not a Morgan plays a significant role in my appreciation of the Avion. If 2CVs were as disposable here as they are in other parts of the world, I'd have an Avion right now. It's awkward from most angles--though that awkwardness is a very '60s-70s French kind of awkwardness--but I find the rear 3/4 view very attractive.
The fact that it's not a Morgan plays a significant role in my appreciation of the Avion. If 2CVs were as disposable here as they are in other parts of the world, I'd have an Avion right now. It's awkward from most angles--though that awkwardness is a very '60s-70s French kind of awkwardness--but I find the rear 3/4 view very attractive.
There is actually a 2CV around me. Probably wont be until spring but ill try and snap a pic of it. Id love to have one of thise as well. Then, I'd love to have an Aero 8 as well.