<- BTCC-6 -> Season Complete - skengdigi is the first double Champion!

  • Thread starter rolo912011

Which car should be used for the one-make cup?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
United Kingdom

Thursdays @ 7pm (UK Time) - in rolo912011's lounge
(Lounge normally open by 6.30pm UK Time)

To guarantee a place in Race 1, please arrive no later than 6.55pm UK Time!

BTCC Online Championship Hall of Fame:

Season 1 (Drivers): johnboy-1975 - Honda Integra Type R (DC5) '04 - Piss Heads Racing
Season 1 (Teams): Piss Heads Racing - RacerPaul, johnboy-1975, gedi69 & cunny17

Season 2 (Drivers): killa_kandy - BMW 330i '05 - eBay Motors
Season 2 (Teams): eBay Motors - BMW 330i '05 - killa_kandy, JulleGaard & SKD420
Season 2 (Manufacturers): Audi - johnboy-1975, gedi69, cunny17 & JoeTruckV8
Season 2 (Independents): JoeTruckV8 - Audi S3 '02 - Gran Turismo All-Star

Season 3 (Drivers): gedi69 - Audi S4 '03 - Team V8 Turbo
Season 3 (Teams): Team V8 Turbo - Audi S4 '03 - cunny17, gedi69 & rolo912011
Season 3 (Manufacturers): Audi - rolo912011, gokartman, cunny17, gedi69 & johnboy-1975
Season 3 (Independents): karsten_beoulve - Mazda Atenza Sport 25Z '07 - Scuderia Fronzini

Season 4 (Drivers): Strawman__Andy - Honda Civic Type R '01 - SimTek (I)
Season 4 (Teams): Team IVTec - Honda Civic Type R '01/'04 - skengdigi, Weezy_7 & driftking18594
Season 4 (Manufacturers): Honda - skengdigi, Weezy_7, Strawman__Andy, MSTER232 & driftking18594
Season 4 (Indepedents): Strawman__Andy - Honda Civic Type R '01 - SimTek
Corsa Cup: skengdigi - Vauxhall Corsa Comfort 1.4 '01

Japanese Sports Coupé Cup (Drivers) - skengdigi - Subaru BR-Z S '12
Japanese Sports Coupé Cup (Manufacturers) - Subaru - skengdigi, priesty_lfc, Third_Reign & Dimse91

Season 5 (Drivers): skengdigi - Honda Integra Type R (DC5) '03 - Team IVTec
Season 5 (Teams): Team IVTec - Honda Integra Type R (DC5) '03 - skengdigi & gedi69
Season 5 (Manufacturers): Honda - skengdigi, gedi69 & rolo912011
Season 5 (Independents): driftking18594 - VW Scirocco R '10 - Privateer

GT Academy 2013 Trophy: Red_Leader - 2nd: rolo912011 - 3rd: GTP_PaulMac


Car List, Rules & Regulations:

Maximum 4 entries per manufacturer!​
(including reserves)​

BMW <<<<Unavailable>>>>

  • 330i '05 (305 BHP, 1400KG)
Ford <<<<Unavailable>>>>

  • Focus ST '06/ST170 '03 (305 BHP, 1200KG)

Alfa Romeo <<<<Unavailable>>>>

  • GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 (305 BHP, 1200KG)

Nissan / Infiniti

  • Skyline Coupe 350GT '03 / G35 Coupe '03 (305 BHP, 1350KG)


  • Axela 23S '03 (305 BHP, 1200KG)


  • SRT4 '03 (305 BHP, 1200KG)


  • Crossfire '04 (305 BHP, 1350KG)

All cars must use Sports: Soft tyres.
Aero is permitted but not mandatory.
All tuning allowed so long as the cars fit the regulations.

Teams are allowed to use different cars, and these teams must use the same paint colour on their cars. Teams using the same car must have different-coloured wheel rims.


Race Rules & Regulations:

Driving Aids: Prohibited except for Driving Line and ABS.
Tyre/Fuel Consumption - Normal
Damage - Light
Slipstream - Weak
Penalties - Off
Boost - Off
Grip - Real
Race Finish Delay - 180 seconds (you will not be classified if you do not finish within 3 minutes of the race winner)

Three approx. 20-minute races per week. 8 rounds over 8 weeks. Drivers', Teams', Manufacturers' and Independents' Championships.

DROP SCORE SYSTEM - each driver's 2 worst scores of the season will be dropped, meaning 6 scores out of 8 will count for the Drivers' Championship. This allows drivers to miss two rounds without disadvantaging themselves. Drivers must be registered for the championship for at least 7 rounds in order to qualify for drop scores.
Independents' Championship: each driver's 2 worst scores will be dropped. Drivers must be registered for at least 7 rounds in order to qualify. Only race results count for points (i.e. no poles, laps led or Fastest Lap points).
Teams'/Manufacturers' Championship: No drop scores. The best 2 scores at each meeting for each Manufacturer will count for the Manufacturers' title.

Grid/Qualifying Procedure:

Arrive on time! Due to the new 3-race format, the schedule is tight. In general, the organisers are not obligated to wait for latecomers. The only instances in which we will wait to start (and we will aim to start no later than 7.10pm) will be in the case of unexpected DCs/black screens/game freezes. If you are well aware of your connection problems, then we may not wait for you!

- Race 1 grid determined by reverse championship order, and will be completed manually in the lounge. The order will be published in post #2 long in advance. When you are called, you should enter the track and drive a sensible distance before stopping. Drivers should spread out and leave gaps in front and behind them. The grid for the first round will be determined by reversing the BTCC-5 championship results. New drivers will be placed at the front of the grid in order of sign-up. There must be no chat during the grid procedure. All drivers must wait in the pits until called.

- Race 2 grid will be determined by a 10-minute qualifying session. Qualifying will begin when the Automatic Race Start Delay is set in the lounge. This session will be considered a 'race' session, and therefore any DCs will be treated as a non-start/DNF - the automatic countdown will not be turned off. Collisions and slipstreaming will be enabled.

- Race 3 grid will be set to reversed based on Race 2 results. DCs in Race 2 will be treated as a DNF and therefore you will start Race 3 from the front of the grid. Anyone who purposely retires, whether or not in an attempt to start Race 3 up front, will be forced to start at the back, and will be further penalised after the race. The grid will then be completed manually.

Manual reverse grids will be used as a backup procedure in case of any problems.

Notice: Please do not obstruct other drivers during Race 2 qualifying! If you're not on a fast lap, either get off the track or drive way off the racing line and slow down/stop if you see a driver coming. Please stop in a sensible place!

During the Race:

This series follows the GTP OLR Rules for acceptable conduct in racing, and these must be followed at all times!

Mandatory pit-stops and pit windows. Make sure your pit entries and exits are fair and safe! Any kind of incident must be avoided.

2 wheels on track at all times. No exceptions! 'Track' is defined as being between the white lines.

Bumpdrafting is legal, so long as you do not risk a crash. Avoid when nearing a braking zone.

You are not allowed to purposely retire from Race 2.

Unnecessary in-race chat is not acceptable, and will be penalised!


Penalty System & Stewards:
By signing up to the series you agree to accept and observe the series rules.

Stewards are rolo912011, skengdigi, Red_Leader and Scaniabebe. Please PM the stewards via GTPlanet or PSN regarding on-track incidents. Do NOT publicly address the issue with the other driver(s) involved. In general, the stewards will only view what is reported to them via PM, although action may also be taken if any non-reported incidents are seen.

For any stewards' decision to stand, at least 2 of the stewards must agree to it, else no action will be taken, or the most lenient penalty available will be applied. The reasons for penalties will not be made public - please PM the stewards if you want an explanation for your penalty/penalties.

You will be issued a warning if your driving is perceived to be unacceptable in a certain incident - this means you are automatically given 2 penalty points.

You will be banned for one race meeting if you earn 8 penalty points during the season (i.e. 4 warnings). Race bans do not count as drop scores. If you earn enough points to be banned due to an incident or incidents at the final round of the season, then your ban carries over to your next BTCC event/season.

You will be banned for the rest of the season if you earn 16 penalty points during the season. (i.e. 8 warnings). New drivers may be placed on probation after their first meeting if they earn enough penalty points/time penalties in their debut round. If their standard of driving is continued at their second meeting, then they will be removed from the series.

Time penalties are not normally associated with a warning, but it is at the stewards' discretion. If you have already received a warning in a single race, you will be issued time penalties for any further rule breaks during that race (of at least 5 seconds each). It is possible to receive 3 warnings in one race night!

Pitting too early or too late incurs a 10-second penalty. Failing to pit at all means a 60-second penalty.

It is not possible for us to record and re-play instances of drivers being blocked in Race 2 Qualifying. However, if the stewards receive persistent complaints of blocking from several events, or if any incidents are seen on-track by a steward, then the driver at fault will be penalised with warnings and/or time penalties.

Off-track behaviours can also be penalised. Please respect other drivers off the track (on GTP or PSN), as well as on it. Championship points will be deducted if a drivers' behaviour is considered disrespectful or offensive, or if a driver persistently attempts to stir up trouble in discussion. There are no maximum limits to the points deductions, and you may face a season-long or even permanent ban! We're all here to have fun and ultimately, we're all playing a video game. Let's all have good-spirited racing. :) 👍

All drivers are welcome to appeal any penalties given to them, provided they do so within 24 hours of the race results being published. If your appeal is successful, any changes to your penalty points total, or the points standings, will be included in the tables published after the next round of the series.​


Points System:

1st - 20 points
2nd - 18 points
3rd - 16 points
4th - 14 points
5th - 12 points
6th - 10 points
7th - 9 points
8th - 8 points
9th - 7 points
10th - 6 points
11th - 5 points
12th - 4 points
13th - 3 points
14th - 2 points
15th - 1 point

1 point for the Fastest Lap in each race
1 point for Pole Position for Race 2
1 point if you Lead a Lap
(only one point per race no matter how many laps you lead!)


Provisional Calendar:

1. Suzuka - 01/08/13

2. Monza - 08/08/13

3. Grand Valley Speedway (Reverse) - 15/08/13

4. High Speed Ring - 22/08/13

5. Autumn Ring - 29/08/13

6. Daytona Road Course - 05/09/13

7. Special Stage Route 5 - 12/09/13

8. Tokyo R246 - 19/09/13


Drivers and Teams:​
(Last Update: 11-09-13)​

please add rolo912011 on PSN in order to race

- rolo912011 / rolo912011 / Ford Focus ST '06 / Privateer (I)

- Scaniabebe / Scaniabebe / Ford Focus ST '06 / Humberside Racing

- Strawman Andy / Strawman__Andy / Ford Focus ST '06 / Humberside Racing

- Esco87 / mosendtner / Dodge SRT4 '03 / Humberside Junior Racing

- azidahaka / karsten_beoulve / Dodge SRT4 '03 / Humberside Junior Racing

- sibbystiggy / TheOldStig / Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 / Romeo-O-Romeo Motorsports

- mrbrendon999 / Mrbrendon999 / Dodge SRT4 '03 / Romeo-O-Romeo Motorsports

- Ian_83 / PleaseD1e / Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 / Perfect Apex Racing

- canyondrifter/ canyondrifter / Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 / Perfect Apex Racing

- ROB 256R / Red_Leader / Chrysler Crossfire '04 / Buckfast Racing (I)

- skengD / skengdigi / Ford Focus ST '06 / Privateer (I)

- Siggers / Sig1611 / Nissan Skyline Coupe 350GT '03 / Privateer (I)

- Vylkrie / vylkrie / Alfa Romeo GT 3.2 V6 24V '04 / Privateer (I)

- CptMadBean / CptMadBean / BMW 330i '05 / Smokey Team

- mattybacon1982 / matty-bacon / BMW 330i '05 / Smokey Team

Maximum 4 Independent entries!​
(excluding reserves) - Independents marked with (I)​

Total Drivers: 15 / 16
If you miss 3 consecutive rounds of the series (or both of the first 2 rounds) without any reason or comment to let us know, either before or during your absence, then you will be removed from the series, and your space will be freed up for another driver. You can re-apply to join, but you will sit at the back of the queue.

Series Reserves:

If the series is full, you may still be able to race, as there will always be one or two places open each week due to people not attending. Sign-up as a reserve and we'll call you if there's space (first reserve has highest priority). 👍

- paulmac2k9 / GTP_PaulMac / Mazda Axela 23S '03 / Pirtek Racing (I)

- Gedi69 / gedi69 / BMW 330i '05 / Alone Toad Racing (I)

- Speedster7 / rabbit_9-8 / ???? / ????

- Furinkazen / Furinkazen / BMW 330i '05 / Team RPM (I)

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I would like to put myself down with Humberside Racing for Season 6...
As usual, the Focus, please! ;)
Do you want to continue as 3rd steward or should I offer it to someone else?

Would love to continue at Steward (sorry I haven't really been of much help with it this Season)! :D

By the way, check your PM Box! :)
An interesting selection of cars for this season.

Put me down for the Crossfire please:tup:....hopefully I've got an unturned one in the garage. I know I've got at least one, but I put full weight reduction on it!!!
Provisional Calendar:

1. Suzuka - 25/07/13

2. Monza - 01/08/13

3. Grand Valley Speedway (Reverse) - 08/08/13

4. High Speed Ring - 15/08/13

5. Circuito de Madrid - 22/08/13

6. Daytona Road Course - 29/08/13

7. Special Stage Route 5 - 05/09/13

8. Tokyo R246 - 12/09/13

I'm half-considering coming back for the full season in S6, time permitting, especially as you say it'll be the last 'pure' season

Yeah that's completely fine, although they'll count as two different manufacturers and score manufacturer points separately of each other.

The 4 entry limit will still apply to the car though, so there can only be 4 of that car, in whichever combination of Nissan and Infiniti.
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I don't think Infiniti technically exist as a manufacturer, they're just an upmarket brand (of Nissan). You find any Infiniti VIN plate and it will still say "manufactured by Nissan Motor Company" or words to that effect. Same as the Acura/Honda and Lexus/Toyota branding.

But ok, I'll try the G35. Team name; Infiniti Red Bull Racing. Not trying to be awkward just that i don't have the Nissan version 👍
Yeah I know, but that's the way I'll do it. Sounds good, it's a good car so you'll probably be well up there next season :)

I would add that I would like to group test with these cars as much as possible because I do have small concerns that one or two may be a little too good at this stage.
Yeah I know, but that's the way I'll do it. Sounds good, it's a good car so you'll probably be well up there next season :)

I would add that I would like to group test with these cars as much as possible because I do have small concerns that one or two may be a little too good at this stage.
Yeah, no probs. Like the group test idea. Better to find out before the season starts if there are an ringers so their specs can be fine tuned.
After all the crap I've had in the past few days, I won't be racing in any series with a certain person anymore as its really not enjoyable, so goodluck with S6 rolo and everyone else 👍
After all the crap I've had in the past few days, I won't be racing in any series with a certain person anymore as its really not enjoyable, so goodluck with S6 rolo and everyone else 👍

After all the crap I've had in the past few days, I won't be racing in any series with a certain person anymore as its really not enjoyable, so goodluck with S6 rolo and everyone else 👍

I should point out he hasn't shown interest in signing up for this yet. Dunno if he'll be back or not.
just wondering what about success ballast from one round to another? has it ever been considered?
just wondering what about success ballast from one round to another? has it ever been considered?

It's been considered several times, and it isn't really practical with the way the regulations are set out.

Because at the moment I allow any tuning so long as the regulations are met, people are free to reduce the weight way below the regulations and then add 200kg of ballast to their car to make it fit. I can't add success ballast on top of that because the game won't allow it.

I could specify that certain cars can only have certain weight reductions added, but it would probably wreck all of the car balances and send the speed parity of the field way off. This late in the day in GT5 it doesn't make sense to reinvent the wheel.

Since we're starting from 0 with GT6 I suppose I can have a look into success ballast then.
Glad to see my participation is still on the main page. GL guys with your last GT5 season I truly do miss this series fellas' 👍