Calling All Cruisers!

  • Thread starter dtn23
Hey all, it's been a while since I've been active on the forums (think car and paint trading on GT5 threads) and my current addiction is Horizon 2 on the Xbox One.

Due to the lack of custom public lobbies I'm finding it difficult to find like-minded drivers in random free roams. I'm just posting here to seek out any other people who may be interested in setting up cruise lobbies for things like highway pulls, car meets, etc.

I tend to drive stock or lightly modified cars on no more than sport tires. Feel free to post here or send a message. Thanks!
Added you and sent a Club invite as well. Its a club I made a few days ago specifically for cruisers, feel free to join if you'd like!
Due to the lack of custom public lobbies I'm finding it difficult to find like-minded drivers in random free roams.

Yes! I've been having the exact same problem. I would love to cruise sometime. When you get a chance, add my GT which is "impulse trick"
I don't play my Xbox One that often but I would love to find people who cruise normally and do normal highway pulls unlike the rest of the Forza community with AWD V8 cars lmao

Oops forgot this..... my Gamertag on Xbox is TurboJunky34
I don't play my Xbox One that often but I would love to find people who cruise normally and do normal highway pulls unlike the rest of the Forza community with AWD V8 cars lmao

Oops forgot this..... my Gamertag on Xbox is TurboJunky34
I'll send you a friend request right now. Next time you want to cruise or do highway pulls just let me know. I've been struggling to find good cruise lobbies.
Anyone want to cruise? Send me a FR on xbox one. My GT is impulse trick