Cannot find Toyota Apex Car at Menu 10 at the Cafe. How do I find it?

Hi, I am stucked on Menu 10 at the Cafe on Grand Turismo 7. The challenge looks simple: buying three japanese cars and there´s just one missing (a Toyota APEX something). The thing is: I cannot find this car to sell anywhere (not in Used Cars, not in Brand) and winnign alltracks didn´t make me win this car also. So I am driving literally in circles, not having any option to develop my game. Does anyone know how to buy this car? I have plenty of credits. Just cannot find the car anywhere to sel... Thanks
Firstly, and I know this sounds dumb but other people miss this step - make sure you've actually started the menu, doing this will give you the gold/yellow markers leading you to the races.

The Toyota Corolla Levin GT-APEX (AE86) is won on the High Speed Ring Reverse race.

And for clarity - normal menu books often award the cars you need, for completing races. The Extra Menu books require you to buy cars.
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