Carbon Paint: Why?

This game is designed to piss you off in every way.

The carbon weight reduction for the whole body or even for the single parts would have made sense!! Now we're stuck (for almost 10 months now) with a "paint" that can only be applied to the entire body and not the parts. That's just lazy.

As others wrote above, just the fact that to apply a single, new, paint base to a car you have to follow so many steps is infuriating for us and lazy design from their part:

-enter the garage
-select the magnifying glass
-select brand (for example)
-look for the brand
-look for the car
-exit the garage
-select GT Auto
-select customization
-select "livery editor"
-select "create design"
-select "create new style"
-select "paint"
-select "body"
-select "paint all"
-select "special colors" (for example)
-look for the color
-select "ok"
-press circle
-press circle
-select "save"
-write a random number or letter
-select "ok"
-wait until the rendering is done (I could go make myself a coffee in between)
-select "close"
-"apply design?" "yes" (duh)
-press circle
-press circle
-wait an unjustifiable eternity for the new design and miniature to save (coffee #2 + trip to the toilet)
-press circle

It took me 2 minutes and 5 seconds for the whole process.

PD can't design a simple and fast menu navigation and selection of items. Either to paint a car, enter an offline race, or a lobby or anything else...
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Yeah,crazy designs ideas.If you want a carbon hood you need to carbon paint the whole car and then apply a decal wrap to the rest of the car in the colour you want,no 2 minute job.
Yeah,crazy designs ideas.If you want a carbon hood you need to carbon paint the whole car and then apply a decal wrap to the rest of the car in the colour you want,no 2 minute job.
Not to mention this excludes any real paint options as decals are limited to basic colors. Heck, even painting a car a basic color doesn't match a decal the exact same color like it did in GT Sport.
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I miss being able to fit a carbon hood like in GT6. One click and done.

Now it's a multistep process and you have to contend with the looooong wait time for the "Updating" process when you quit GT Auto. Just one of many things in GT7 that is a regression from past games.
Carbon hood was an odd thing in GT6.
It reduced weight by 5kg.
It did not matter if the car was a 1960s Camaro which has a hood made from cast iron when it comes to weight or it was a Suzuki Cappuccino.

Replacing a Camaros hood with a carbon one would shed more than 5kg.
Replacing the Cappuccinos hood with a carbon would not really shed 5kg as the hood on that car is light to start with as its a small car and while I have never owned or driven one, I would assume the hood would be made from Aluminium from factory just for weight savings.

But yes, I wish you could paint say the wheels carbon or just the hood
Only way to do it is with decals and just a decent looking carbon fiber one and apply it to the hood.
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Yeah,crazy designs ideas.If you want a carbon hood you need to carbon paint the whole car and then apply a decal wrap to the rest of the car in the colour you want,no 2 minute job.
Or you could just use any one of the numerous carbon fiber decals that are available in showcase, and apply that to the hood. You don't even need to take any time to arrange things, since the hood is a separate part for decal purposes and will auto-cut the decal at the edges. You might, might, have to set the depth and angle limits up if the hood has a weird scoop or vent or something.
Or you could just use any one of the numerous carbon fiber decals that are available in showcase, and apply that to the hood. You don't even need to take any time to arrange things, since the hood is a separate part for decal purposes and will auto-cut the decal at the edges. You might, might, have to set the depth and angle limits up if the hood has a weird scoop or vent or something.
I’ve yet to find a really good carbon decal in Showcase. There are some that look good, but when I put it on it looks, well not great!
Or you could just use any one of the numerous carbon fiber decals that are available in showcase, and apply that to the hood. You don't even need to take any time to arrange things, since the hood is a separate part for decal purposes and will auto-cut the decal at the edges. You might, might, have to set the depth and angle limits up if the hood has a weird scoop or vent or something.
Theres always that option but some are pretty poor especially when you try to match the edges together,always good to have options though. 👍
Or you could just use any one of the numerous carbon fiber decals that are available in showcase, and apply that to the hood. You don't even need to take any time to arrange things, since the hood is a separate part for decal purposes and will auto-cut the decal at the edges. You might, might, have to set the depth and angle limits up if the hood has a weird scoop or vent or something.
The image quality of player made decals is abysmal in GT7 compared to the actual carbon fiber "paint" that's available. PD simply won't let you use it.

Not to mention if you wanted a matte CF texture on some parts of the car but glossy decals elsewhere, you're completely out of luck.

Again, PD has all of these options built into the game but doesn't allow you to use them.
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This is an issue that takes no resources away.

Like really, why do we have to create and save all these designs and press all these buttons to go into these menus just to get simple paintjobs?
The QoL aspect of this game is borderline terrible in some aspects. This one in particular... It has such an insanely good livery editor that allows us to almost fully customize our cars.
But on the other hand, it makes it a pain in the ass job to just do a simple paintjob, and in the carbon's case, it restricts you too much.
This game is designed to piss you off in every way.

The carbon weight reduction for the whole body or even for the single parts would have made sense!! Now we're stuck (for almost 10 months now) with a "paint" that can only be applied to the whole body. That's just lazy.

As others wrote above, just the fact that to apply a new paint base to a car you have to follow so many steps

-enter the garage
-select the magnifying glass
-select brand (for example)
-look for the brand
-look for the car
-exit the garage
-select GT Auto
-select customization
-select "livery editor"
-select "create design"
-select "create new style"
-select "paint"
-select "body"
-select "paint all"
-select "special colors" (for example)
-look for the color
-select "ok"
-press circle
-press circle
-select "save"
-write a random number or letter
-select "ok"
-wait till the rendering is done
-select "close"
-"apply design?" "yes" duh
-press circle
-press circle
-wait for the new design/miniature to save and change
-press circle

is infuriating for us, and lazy design from their part.

It took me 2 minutes and 5 seconds for the whole process.

Can't design a simple and fast menu navigation. Either to paint a car, enter an offline race, or a lobby or else...
I've done over 150 liveries, SO TRUE!