CD Audio problems

  • Thread starter Duke


Keep 'em separated
Staff Emeritus
United States
Midlantic Area
OK, gang, I've got a wierd one.

My CD audio output has gone to heck. I don't recall goofing with it at any time, but somehow my sound card has started to EQ the heck out of CDs and they sound awful. The vocals are very far supressed (almost inaudible) the front stage instruments (guitar and piano) are heavily overemphasized. There's almost no bass at all.

This is true in WinAmp, WMP, and the Windows CD Player. I'm assuming it is a setting on my sound card (Yamaha SXG, SoundMAX DA) that got screwed up somehow. It seems like some kind of artificial stereo-enhancing effect gone wrong, but I can't find anywhere that something like that can be adjusted, and I know I didn't purposely do such a thing.

Anybody have any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Is there a advanced button when you open up the volume controls anywhere that you can press? Its the only thing I can think of right now.
The first thing to do is to check all of your cords connected to your sound card and speakers, inside and outside of your computer. If it still doesn't help, check to see if you have an external program that controls the volume, EQ settings, EAX, etc. for your sound card. If so, set it to the default options.
Thanks, guys. I haven't had a chance to look into it today, but when I fired up the machine this morning, it told me I don't even have a sound card installed. So maybe it is a hardware problem after all.
Is it only your CD audio? My sister installed The Sims Hote Date on her computer and it messed up her sounds, so she uninstalled it, then reinstalled it and everything's running fine.