Cheating online? Is it possibleF1 2010-2016 

  • Thread starter Jamie-C
Is it actually possible to cheat online? Octane-Junky invited me to race tonight with a group of other lads. After he went we did a race at Yeongam.

My qualifying lap was 1.34.8 and then during the race I was doing the same times and even managed a 134.4 and then one of the lads I was racing started hurling abuse calling me a ******g cheat that them times are impossible lol. Then when I bettered my time to 1.34.4 he quitted the race and said he hates cheats.

Is it actually possible to cheat, what can you do in racing to cheat when your up front leading :grumpy:

His PSN ID is blackrs, must just be a sore loser :)
Yeah when you are faster than some people they just cant take it.

In a slight unrelated matter, I got terrible abuse off someone yesterday. I made him spin by accident and cost him the race. I apologized after even though he mailed me calling me a ****ing irish wanker. In the next race he persisted in trying to ram me all the time but I still managed to claw my way back to first and pull away. He couldn't take it and I had about 2 laps of unbelievable verbal abuse. Then another guy told him to shut up and he turned on him. Eventually he left.

The moral of the story is you won't come across these people too often so just ignore them and maybe get a giggle out of it too :)
Yeah when you are faster than some people they just cant take it.
That applies to all games. Ever played a CALL OF DUTY title online? People jealously guard their skills, and they like to believe they're the best. When someone upstages them, they can't take it. I was playing MODERN WARFARE 2 a while ago, and I confess to being a newcomer - but that doesn't mean I was born yesterday. I noticed that one guy was doing the same thing on the map we were playing, and I was able to take him out repeatedly. This earned me a flurry of abuse as he accused me of cheating, completely oblivious to the fact that he was doing precisely the same thing every time. Or what about GRAN TURISMO 5 online, when people will ram you off the road to take position? They don't race cleanly because they know dirty tactics work. They'll pit you into a spin if they can, because then that takes you out of the running and they don't have to worry about you coming back and reclaiming the place.

The point is that video games are fast becoming like motorsports and sex - all men think they're good at it. Unfortunately with video games, they can be really sore when someone is simply better than them.
I got no time for the worthless public lobbies just because of the same foul mouthed pieces of garbage out there.
It's not that bad. I've had lots of fun onine, without anyone pissed at me for being better than them. It can get a bit dirty, but it's always fun, whenever collisions is on, and we can have some drafting and good overtaking happening. Or punting :S
Ah good old cheats :lol:. I have no idea how many times i got spun by someone who was just slower than me and 90% of the time, i just got hit by Spaniards and spin me on purpose. Don't worry about it mate ;)

Half the fun of online gaming is annoying other people just for a laugh. Language warning.

Haha, he didn't annoy me at all, I was just amused at the fact I was being called a cheat for putting in good laps, and then the fact I couldn't get my headset to work properly so I was a 'pussy' for not talking lol

Some people just don't know how to race ;)
Oh I didn't mean him trying to annoy you, I meant you annoyed him and you should have felt entertained at his attitude fail 👍
Is it actually possible to cheat online? Octane-Junky invited me to race tonight with a group of other lads. After he went we did a race at Yeongam.

My qualifying lap was 1.34.8 and then during the race I was doing the same times and even managed a 134.4 and then one of the lads I was racing started hurling abuse calling me a ******g cheat that them times are impossible lol. Then when I bettered my time to 1.34.4 he quitted the race and said he hates cheats.

Is it actually possible to cheat, what can you do in racing to cheat when your up front leading :grumpy:

His PSN ID is blackrs, must just be a sore loser :)

Sorry Jamie I had no idea that he was being such a D**K From now on I will not invite you when he's there. Real Sorry about that, I race with him alot and he never does that to me (But I'm not as fast as you eather).. Hope you get into 6th champion series if alot of fun..
Well, this is unfortunately how online racing goes. The same happens to me every single time I play online, and it's useless to try and avoid it: you may be able to avoid it once, or twice, but there's always going to be a stupid rammer who's going to ruin everything for you.
And I have to agree with Appie's post: Spaniards are some of the dirtiest players you can find, they (we in fact, since I am Spanish, although an atypical one :)) don't understand racing, and any sport in general, the way it should be. The way this works for the typical Spanish person is to win in any possible way you can, and that includes every single type of dirty behaviour you can think of. We are fortunate that cars going in the wrong direction are converted into ghost cars, becuse if not, we'd have tons of angry Spaniards going reverse and plowing into everyone, trust me.
After all this criticism towards Spaniards, I have to say that there are, obviously, dirty players from all over the world, and yes, that includes Brits, French people (very close to the Spaniards, since my personal experience), Americans, Japanese, etc.
And finally (sorry for the long post), I have to say that there is/was (maybe the patch has fixed it) something going wrong at Spa. In online races involving qualifying+race, I sometimes managed to make times at a track which, obviously, isn't that short. The fact is that they were clean laps, without cutting any turns or anything strange. And then, I was obviously tagged as a cheater, and kicked out in the next lobbie. Has this ever happened to you?
Well, this is unfortunately how online racing goes. The same happens to me every single time I play online, and it's useless to try and avoid it: you may be able to avoid it once, or twice, but there's always going to be a stupid rammer who's going to ruin everything for you.
And I have to agree with Appie's post: Spaniards are some of the dirtiest players you can find, they (we in fact, since I am Spanish, although an atypical one :)) don't understand racing, and any sport in general, the way it should be. The way this works for the typical Spanish person is to win in any possible way you can, and that includes every single type of dirty behaviour you can think of. We are fortunate that cars going in the wrong direction are converted into ghost cars, becuse if not, we'd have tons of angry Spaniards going reverse and plowing into everyone, trust me.
After all this criticism towards Spaniards, I have to say that there are, obviously, dirty players from all over the world, and yes, that includes Brits, French people (very close to the Spaniards, since my personal experience), Americans, Japanese, etc.
And finally (sorry for the long post), I have to say that there is/was (maybe the patch has fixed it) something going wrong at Spa. In online races involving qualifying+race, I sometimes managed to make times at a track which, obviously, isn't that short. The fact is that they were clean laps, without cutting any turns or anything strange. And then, I was obviously tagged as a cheater, and kicked out in the next lobbie. Has this ever happened to you?

Holey ****, man, that explains how the feckin' Spaniards won top honors in so many realworld events this summer! World Cup, tennis, le tour, MotoGP, Moto2, 125cc world championship, and another dirty spaniard may take Formula 1 WDC, too!