
Once you purchase a game shark you've got it made, but how about the people without it... how do you cheat in Gran Turismo? I mean REALLY cheat. Not that "Beat everything and you get this bla bla bla" Because some people arn't up to it... are there any really easy way out cheats?
eg. Easy way to get Hi-Res mode, cash, beat licence tests with cheating... Super licence.. something like that?

Anyone have any tipps or cheats or hints, post here. Please only fro GT1
I've wallrided in GT2 before. This happens only if your game glitches though. If you go up to a wall(with any car), you will start driving up it and soon your car will almost be tipped over! I don't know how I did this, though.
Originally posted by wildcard
I've wallrided in GT2 before. This happens only if your game glitches though. If you go up to a wall(with any car), you will start driving up it and soon your car will almost be tipped over! I don't know how I did this, though.

was alcohol involved?:lol: