Check this out GT4

  • Thread starter RallyF1
this one was taken from IGN.COM
March 13, 2003 - At a press assembly in Tokyo, Polyphony Digital president Kazunori Yamauchi made some comments about the upcoming sequel, Gran Turismo 4. He mentioned that although some improvements were made in Gran Turismo 3, many ideas were still not implemented, and that they, Polyphony Digital, want to "...fully explore the simulation aspects of the series."
Although the comment is somewhat ambiguous, it does imply a more realistic physics engine for the cars, and possibly their interaction with the tracks. Even if nothing had been said, more realistic physics in the game would be a natural and obvious progression for the Gran Turismo series. Easily one of the most sophisticated driving simulation series around, the next Gran Turismo game has nowhere to go but down an even more detailed and realistic path.

Yamauchi also said that "...a wholly redesigned gameplay system has been proposed, including new modes of play," and that network compatibility (online play) is something that the team is exploring. Online play for Gran Turismo 4 has been rumored for months, so although Yamauchi's comments are exciting, it comes as little surprise. Again, like a more complex physics engine, the inclusion of online play is a logical step for the series.

Additionally, Yamauchi made a short comment in regards to damage modeling: "We're still interested in vehicle damage modeling, but that issue has caused some arguments with auto manufacturers." Since previous Gran Turismo games were not allowed to have damage modeling, chances are slim that the next incarnation of the series will have it, but at least we know that it is something Polyphony is pushing for.

Little else was said about the game, but expect the game to be shown at this year's E3 in May. Check back with IGN for more news regarding Gran Turismo 4 as it happens.

and here is the address:
had to much sugar today, i'm doing everything twice.go to the rumble strip look in to the thtread about texas and you know what i mean:eek: :mischievous:
sil vous plais, est quil ya une site dans le web qui sont parlez ou en review du colin mcrae 3
excuse my french i speak it read it but have no idea how to write, and i don't read it that good but i understand it.
merci becoup:lol: :rolleyes: :odd: :D
You did something on a web review on Colin Mcrae 3? I tried to deciefer it without a translator. I love World Rally but our cable has been out so I dont get the SPEED Channel for a bit :(...
i thought you where french because the website you gave up there is french based and they had links to french websites.....:D
oh and what i asked for is if you know any websites(site) in french that have a review about collin mcrae 3.
when you said decifer i knew you wheren't french
G O D i'm a genius

.....................:odd: :mischievous:
That article said they were 'exploring' the possibilty of online play. That sounds like bad news to me. In the GT3 interview did with Yamauchi he said he had been working for six months to get online play included in GT4. Now it's changed to 'exploring'. Sounds like online play is out. Hope I'm wrong.