
  • Thread starter Carbonox
I'm happy to have my foreskin removed,
Then make the decision for yourself - and allow others to make the decision for themselves. Don't force infants to have what amounts to cosmetic surgery.
Personally I wish I still had mine. From what I hear it makes the act of sex more pleasureable and that alone pisses me off because I don't have a foreskin anymore.
People like calling things with their real names. You can't go more real than mutilation when discussing this.

The definition of Mutilation is:
Mutilation or maiming is an act of physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of any living body, sometimes causing death.

I don't think it degrades exactly. That's up to anyones opinion. Mutilation is a bit harsh.

Then make the decision for yourself - and allow others to make the decision for themselves. Don't force infants to have what amounts to cosmetic surgery.

That's hard to do, Famine. The older you get, the harder it gets to circumsize, and also permanently damages the penis, compared to when done as an infant, as it can heal. But I'm not saying that circumcision must be done to every male. It is something that is up to the parents, to either snip it, or let their child decide and possibly make it more painful and damaging than it is as a kid.

Personally I wish I still had mine. From what I hear it makes the act of sex more pleasureable and that alone pisses me off because I don't have a foreskin anymore.

I'm sure theres more things during sex that can change your experience of pleasure than a foreskin.
People like calling things with their real names. You can't go more real than mutilation when discussing this.

It's perfectly legal in the US to get cosmetic surgery to alter the appearance of your labia. So you can be a silly goose and call it mutilation, but that's simply not reality.

That's hard to do, Famine. The older you get, the harder it gets to circumsize, and also permanently damages the penis, compared to when done as an infant, as it can heal. But I'm not saying that circumcision must be done to every male. It is something that is up to the parents, to either snip it, or let their child decide and possibly make it more painful and damaging than it is as a kid.

It always permanently damages the penis. We're just more accepting of the damage and the results since they're infants. It makes an internal organ an external organ. And what could be more painful than having skin on your penis cut and ripped off without anesthesia?
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The definition of Mutilation is:

I don't think it degrades exactly. That's up to anyones opinion. Mutilation is a bit harsh.

That's hard to do, Famine. The older you get, the harder it gets to circumsize, and also permanently damages the penis, compared to when done as an infant, as it can heal. But I'm not saying that circumcision must be done to every male. It is something that is up to the parents, to either snip it, or let their child decide and possibly make it more painful and damaging than it is as a kid.

I'm sure theres more things during sex that can change your experience of pleasure than a foreskin.

Not as much as being uncut. Circumsision can remove up to 90% of your nerves depending on the type of cut.
It always permanently damages the penis. We're just more accepting of the damage and the results since they're infants. It makes an internal organ an external organ. And what could be more painful than having skin on your penis cut and ripped off without anesthesia?

The amount of damage varies based on when it was done. The younger the circumcision, the less nerve damage you have as an adult.

As for being painful, do you remember when you were a baby? I don't remember myself being circumcised at all.

Not as much as being uncut. Circumsision can remove up to 90% of your nerves depending on the type of cut.

Nerves repair as you turn from an infant to a man. Its true there will be some permanent damage, but it repairs. The type of cut as you said is important too. I'm sure that the people who circumsize will use the least damaging cut that they can for each situation.
That's hard to do, Famine. The older you get, the harder it gets to circumsize, and also permanently damages the penis, compared to when done as an infant, as it can heal.
Circumcision always leaves a scar.
But I'm not saying that circumcision must be done to every male. It is something that is up to the parents, to either snip it, or let their child decide and possibly make it more painful and damaging than it is as a kid.
Yet it's your prerogative as an adult to modify your body any way you wish. It's not your prerogative as an adult to look at a child's penis, decide it's not attractive enough and put them in for an elective, cosmetic procedure with real risks.

If there's a medical need, it's a parent's decision. If it isn't, it's not.

As a note, castration has medical benefits. You never get testicular cancer - the biggest killer of men - and you dramatically reduce the risk of prostate cancer - the second biggest killer of men. The hormonal effect increases lifespans - eunuchs castrated before puberty live around 15 years longer than non-eunuchs. You reduce the incidence of violent crime including sexual crimes and teenage pregnancy. On the aesthetic front, it also makes your nob look bigger. In terms of convenience, you'll never sit on them and it doesn't hurt when you get kicked in them - you don't have to wear a box/cup for sports... And it can be done under a local anaesthetic in 5 minutes - it's a lot harder as an adult and leaves a bigger scar. We do it to our pets and justify it as making them better behaved, not prone to irresponsible reproduction and violence.

With the health and social benefits, would you be signing up to allow parents to make the decision to castrate their children?

I'm suprised I didn't get one response to the video I posted, It certainly shocked me to hear the traditional method of jewish circumcision invloved having the rabbi suck the blood from the baby's penis as human saliva is apperently the best thing to get the blood to coagulate.

I'd like to think that the traditional jewish method isn't practiced in the western world in places like the USA where circumcisions is still popular, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

But hey if people are ok with some bearded weirdo sucking on babys toggers and belive the reasons they give for cutting it off in the first place are health realated then nothing anyone will say will change their minds it seems.
The amount of damage varies based on when it was done. The younger the circumcision, the less nerve damage you have as an adult.

As for being painful, do you remember when you were a baby? I don't remember myself being circumcised at all.

Not remembering a traumatic event (like your skin being cut off) doesn't mean that there aren't lasting emotional and mental side effects. Also, removing nerves is removing nerves. They're not going to magically come back based on when it is done. Any that are left over are going to be less sensitive due to constant exposure to the elements since it's no longer an internal organ.

Nerves repair as you turn from an infant to a man. Its true there will be some permanent damage, but it repairs. The type of cut as you said is important too. I'm sure that the people who circumsize will use the least damaging cut that they can for each situation.

You're sure? Mistakes happen, and everything can be a bit jumbled down there. Scars, cuts, and what's left varies drastically from person to person. Have you ever seen an infant circumcision?

Castration prevents you from having a kid. Circumcision doesn't.

It can, and has in many cases depending on the choices of the doctors.
Castration prevents you from having a kid. Circumcision doesn't.
Since one of the risk factors in this wholly elective surgery is the loss of your genitalia, it most certainly can. Even so, isn't a parent's decision whether they want grandchildren?

You're still talking about a minor surgery that has health benefits (and the argument for castration is several orders of magnitude higher than the circumcision one), aesthetic benefits and lifestyle benefits that can be done by the barest of trained professional. It has a minor effect on sexual function (you can still attain wood and "happy ending" if required), but that's a small price to pay. Besides, the dogs/cats seem happy enough.

Cosmetic surgery is for adults. If it's medically necessary, surgery is the parent's decision.
The amount of damage varies based on when it was done. The younger the circumcision, the less nerve damage you have as an adult.

As for being painful, do you remember when you were a baby? I don't remember myself being circumcised at all.

Nerves repair as you turn from an infant to a man. Its true there will be some permanent damage, but it repairs. The type of cut as you said is important too. I'm sure that the people who circumsize will use the least damaging cut that they can for each situation.

No it doesn't. Once they are gone, they are gone. And as I've aged I have felt sensitivity decline over the years. Parts that used to be sensitive are not anymore.
Just to go back to this for a moment.

1) It looks better than without a foreskin
2) Cleaning is less of a hassle
3) Girls get less creeped out by it.
4) I don't have some annoying skin that I have to pull back everytime I need to do something.

1, Entirely subjective but in my view, wrong. Especially if pulling back makes it look like it's circumcised. I can make it look like both, can you?

2, Is cleaning behind your ears a hassle for you? Would you chop them off to make it easier? Cleaning is easy.

3, Possibly American girls as uncircumcised guys are quite rare there, but for the rest of the world, that is not true. Just about every girl I've been with (and there has been a lot!) have thought my little chap is incredibly handsome. I agree with them too!! :lol:

4, Every time you have to do something?? Like what??? Ride a bike? Play Tennis? Do your taxes? It's not like I trip over mine when I go for a run! :lol:
Just to go back to this for a moment.

1, Entirely subjective but in my view, wrong. Especially if pulling back makes it look like it's circumcised. I can make it look like both, can you?

2, Is cleaning behind your ears a hassle for you? Would you chop them off to make it easier? Cleaning is easy.

3, Possibly American girls as uncircumcised guys are quite rare there, but for the rest of the world, that is not true. Just about every girl I've been with (and there has been a lot!) have thought my little chap is incredibly handsome. I agree with them too!! :lol:

4, Every time you have to do something?? Like what??? Ride a bike? Play Tennis? Do your taxes? It's not like I trip over mine when I go for a run! :lol:

As a (British) circumcisee:

1. I don't really care what it looks like, but I have no experience of foreskins so I have no point of reference.

2. Exactly, I've never gotten this argument myself. Hygiene is hygiene, if you choose not to clean it you probably need more than just circumcision. Like, lessons or something.

3. I'm the only circumcised man my girlfriend has been with, she was pleasantly surprised. After the novelty had worn off it stopped mattering completely. Unless you're like 18 I don't think it makes any difference to anyone.

4. That's the funniest thing I've read in a long time, had I been drinking anything at the time I'd be sending you the repair bill for my liquid damaged phone!

For me, being circumcised has been a total non-issue. My brother recently had to be done because he developed problems, I mercifully didn't hear much about it but the NHS seemed to be in a rush to get it done so I have no idea how serious that was. He was in some serious pain afterwards, too, so at least I didn't have that to deal with. For the record, I was done because back then my Dad was a lot more into his (Islamic) religion stuff but he justified it to my Mum as a hygiene thing. I do think it should have been my call, but as I can see no drawbacks to being circumcised (how many pun points do I get for that?) other than how painful it is to have it done when you're older, I'm still glad it was done.

In short: I won't be forcing it on my as yet non-existent kids unless it's a medical necessity.
What were we talking about again?

Ahha this thread keeps getting funnier. Also anyone basing their points on what young girls say is pointless. Girls no abaoulty nothing unless they are doctors. If you live in North America chances are the girls have never seen a normal one before and only seen these mutated cut up ones so they think that is normal. If you are used to people with 3 arms and suddenly see normal people with 2 arms you will think it's messed up.

Also I heard that they use the cut skin to put into face cream as they contain lots of high quality cologne. If people stopped cutting the tips a lot of companies wouldn't be able to make their products.
I am circumsized. When it came to deciding for my son, who was 9 weeks premature and 1495 grams I just didn't have the heart for it, so the wife and I decided not to. Out of the blue, around age 8, my son says, "I want to get circumsized" :confused: Of course we asked why and the response was "I want to be like Dad. Dad is circumsized and I am not"

Now my son is very stubborn, once he gets an idea in his head it's pretty much there forever. So we gave him some warning about the pain and possibility of infection and all that stuff, talked about it on and off for days and he was undeterred. So we went to the doctor and she basically said that there was almost no risk of infection or any side effects, that it was a simple thing involving a couple of plastic rings that basically seal off the excess skin and it dies off.

Yeah it was as gross as that. We let him go ahead with it and good God I would not wish that on anyone. But he was stoic throughout in spite the horror hanging from the end of his penis for a few days as it literally shrivelled up and died off. Never complained about anything but it had to hurt:ouch:
I'm suprised I didn't get one response to the video I posted, It certainly shocked me to hear the traditional method of jewish circumcision invloved having the rabbi suck the blood from the baby's penis as human saliva is apperently the best thing to get the blood to coagulate.

I'd like to think that the traditional jewish method isn't practiced in the western world in places like the USA where circumcisions is still popular, but who knows what goes on behind closed doors.

But hey if people are ok with some bearded weirdo sucking on babys toggers and belive the reasons they give for cutting it off in the first place are health realated then nothing anyone will say will change their minds it seems.

That's why I didn't watch it. I was afraid they'd show footage.

Even hearing someone talk about it is too much for me. :yuck:
What people choose to do with their genitals is no concern of mine, but I can't say it's something I intend to have done to myself at some point. Being intact hasn't given me any problems so far, and I don't like the idea of the constant exposure and stimulation from one's underwear.
1) It looks better than without a foreskin
2) Cleaning is less of a hassle
3) Girls get less creeped out by it.
4) I don't have some annoying skin that I have to pull back everytime I need to do something.

1 - Subjective. I've been with plenty of girls and none have complained.

2 - Cleaning isn't a hassle unless you have poor personal hygiene to begin with. Or profoundly lazy.

3 - Subjective. Some find it quite novel in the US, and I've never been with a girl that has complained at all, even if I'm the first with it.

4 - Because that fraction of a second is a huge hassle? You never had a choice about having it so you don't realize how trivial it is to have, yet you declare it a big enough reason to justify surgery with risk.

The fact is you are in no position to preach the merits of having it removed or keeping it because you never had a choice. Meanwhile, those of us that had parents with some decency have managed just fine.

As for the suggestion for sensitivity and what not, I've never had issues in that department. The girls tend to appreciate that I pick up on more as well, and stamina from being too sensitive (lol) isn't an issue at all.
I don't believe it's fair to rob your child of the most sensitive and nerve filled skin in the body for the sake of religion or a very dubious health argument.

Uh, no. That's not the most sensitive skin in your body being removed. It covers some of the most sensitive skin on your body.

Most typical medical procedures are used to correct something, not prevent issues which may arise in the future.


Chopping off skin on a baby boys penis without anesthesia - reasonable medical procedure.

Chopping off skin on a baby girls vagina - crime against humanity because there's no medical justification for it.

That's about like comparing a pierced ear to cutting off your penis. In otherwords, not really contributing to the conversation and mostly to make yourself feel good about your own position.

Personally I wish I still had mine. From what I hear it makes the act of sex more pleasureable and that alone pisses me off because I don't have a foreskin anymore.

Sex isn't pleasurable enough for you? I don't have my foreskin and, like just about everyone else, there are times when the sensation is too much. I don't mean premature ejaculation, I mean a literally painful amount of stimulation. The notion that more sensation is always better, and that foreskin makes sex more enjoyable I think is pure utter nonsense. I don't want one iota more sensation during sex - in fact, I think I would scale it back slightly.

This is obviously an emotional topic for a lot of people. There are a lot of arguments for and against circumcision in this thread - some of them are good, some of them are entirely off-base.

Circumcision makes sex worse - wrong
Male circumcision is the same as female circumcision - ridiculously wrong. An analogous procedure would be to remove that strip of skin on the underside of your shaft near the tip - you know, the fun zone.
Circumcision is necessary for hygiene - wrong
Circumcision is never necessary medically - wrong
Circumcision makes sex better - try proving it
I should be able to choose a cosmetic surgical procedure for my child - wrong
If they want to get circumcised, they'll do it as adults - no they won't, adult men are unbelievably protective and possessive of their penises.

I was circumcised, and I wouldn't change it. If you offered me $10,000 right now to undergo a procedure that would replace my foreskin, I wouldn't take it.

If I weren't circumcised, I wouldn't change it. If you offered me $10,000 to undergo a procedure to remove my foreskin, I wouldn't take it.


Oh, and btw, for those of you looking for more stimulation during sex, stop lamenting about your lack of foreskin and start exploring a little further south... yea, I said it. Now, quickly becomes a no-fly zone for me, but I'm not complaining about sex being boring either.
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Some uncircumcised boys find that their early experiences with sex and foreplay are painful because the issue of sensation that Danoff was talking about. I'm glad that I never had that problem.

If you're wishing your penis was more sensitive so you can enjoy sex more, you're doing it wrong. :lol:
Circumcision did not affect me in any negative way. I have no recurring issues form the experience. Is it really traumatizing the infant to do so? I don't personally think so. Parents make all sorts of choices for their infants without asking them first.
I don't have my foreskin and, like just about everyone else, there are times when the sensation is too much. I don't mean premature ejaculation, I mean a literally painful amount of stimulation. .

So I'm not the only one.....

I think the issue is more of there is no reason to remove it rather than if its good or bad for you.
You're still talking about a minor surgery that has health benefits (and the argument for castration is several orders of magnitude higher than the circumcision one), aesthetic benefits and lifestyle benefits that can be done by the barest of trained professional. It has a minor effect on sexual function (you can still attain wood and "happy ending" if required), but that's a small price to pay.

Now you're reminding of a clip from Robot Chicken. :lol:
Uh, no. That's not the most sensitive skin in your body being removed. It covers some of the most sensitive skin on your body.


That's about like comparing a pierced ear to cutting off your penis. In otherwords, not really contributing to the conversation and mostly to make yourself feel good about your own position.

Sex isn't pleasurable enough for you? I don't have my foreskin and, like just about everyone else, there are times when the sensation is too much. I don't mean premature ejaculation, I mean a literally painful amount of stimulation. The notion that more sensation is always better, and that foreskin makes sex more enjoyable I think is pure utter nonsense. I don't want one iota more sensation during sex - in fact, I think I would scale it back slightly.

This is obviously an emotional topic for a lot of people. There are a lot of arguments for and against circumcision in this thread - some of them are good, some of them are entirely off-base.

Circumcision makes sex worse - wrong
Male circumcision is the same as female circumcision - ridiculously wrong. An analogous procedure would be to remove that strip of skin on the underside of your shaft near the tip - you know, the fun zone.
Circumcision is necessary for hygiene - wrong
Circumcision is never necessary medically - wrong
Circumcision makes sex better - try proving it
I should be able to choose a cosmetic surgical procedure for my child - wrong
If they want to get circumcised, they'll do it as adults - no they won't, adult men are unbelievably protective and possessive of their penises.

I was circumcised, and I wouldn't change it. If you offered me $10,000 right now to undergo a procedure that would replace my foreskin, I wouldn't take it.

If I weren't circumcised, I wouldn't change it. If you offered me $10,000 to undergo a procedure to remove my foreskin, I wouldn't take it.


Oh, and btw, for those of you looking for more stimulation during sex, stop lamenting about your lack of foreskin and start exploring a little further south... yea, I said it. Now, quickly becomes a no-fly zone for me, but I'm not complaining about sex being boring either.

Sex is plenty pleasureable for me, in fact I have no problem at all. I'm just saying it could have been even more pleasureable had I been left intact. But I will never know because I was cut. As I said I have a very, very loose circumcision, and my foreskin that I have left can roll over depending on the temp. If I still had a foreskin, the head wouldn't have keratinized and there wouldn't have been a loss of sensation. That said, someday I would like to do a foreskin restoration by tugging methods and not surgery to try and gain at least a little of it back. My frenulum was also kept in which I am grateful for. I will never (should I chose to have children) put my sons through the pain as infants and keep them intact and let them decide later in life wether or not to keep it. Its also getting to the point where doctors are charging extra to get infants circumcised. Now I realize this is a sensitive topic and thats why I haven't made this thread myself but I am very against it especially when its not done by the persons own will.
Also, I'm totally not into anal haha. And yes ther are times when my penis can be overly stimulated and its painful. But that is besides the point.
I've only had this problem after, perhaps, hours. But I mean, that is more just a matter of things being raw, at that point anything helps, even olive oil...


Ahahah no, its not really the painful as in getting injured, but so much sensitivity that you literally can't handle it, and just not let anything touch the head of the penis.

To be honest, I think its only fair for someone who has undergone circumcision recently to make a fair opinion on this topic.