CLOSED: The PCARS2 Photo Mode Competition 19

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can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

PCARS2 PMC 17 Winner: @Derin Elmas - (click for full-size)

This Fortnight's Theme

This week's theme is "G'Olden Le Mans". As you may have guessed, we're heading to France:

"Let's bring the g'old LeMans days back... I chose this theme because they are my favourite machines of all time."

CARS: Anything in Group C1 Class
LOCATIONS: Circuit de la Sarthe (24 hours of Le Mans circuit)
UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: At least two cars or one car when shooting flames, your choice

Competition Rules

Please, ensure you read and understand all requirements for this competition. Failure to follow the rules may result in disqualification. If you have questions, start a convo with me.
  • The only way you can take part is to be a member of the GTPlanet forums. If you haven't created your account yet, click here.
  • It is recommended you host your image either here on GTPlanet (via the Media section), or on Flickr.
  • Not sure how to submit your image? Here's a guide for both methods mentioned above.
  • In order to try to keep some semblance of parity between PC and console users, we ask no custom liveries and/or mod cars are used.
  • No post-game editing, besides proportional resizing and rotating, is allowed.
  • One entry per user. It must be your own work, and never previously used in a comp.
  • Do not ask other users to choose your entry.
  • Absolutely no entries which utilize edited/hacked file saves.
  • Mark your FINAL ENTRY clearly, with red text.
    Unsure how to? Copy and paste the following:
    [color=red][b]FINAL ENTRY[/b][/color]
  • You may change your entry once. Do it clearly; edit out your previous entry, and
    either post the new one in a new reply, or in place of the original.
  • When submitting, use either a thumbnail or a preview image, linked to the full-sizer.
  • Preview images can not exceed 640 pixels in either direction.
  • A preview image must be representative of the full-size image. Do not add effects to it.
  • Do not post "Honourable Mentions" or outtakes - just your Final Entry, that's all.
  • Winner gets to choose the following week's theme.
  • Winners cannot enter in their own theme!
  • The Host may ask for the original image and it must be submitted if so.
    It's recommended to save the original image (preferably in-game) until week's ends.

July 25, 2018
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^ Nice picture but your missing the UNIQUE RESTRICTION?

UNIQUE RESTRICTIONS: At least two cars or one car when shooting flames , your choice

I think it complish the unique restriction.. Being 1 car shooting flames .. Or did I miss read something ?
Indeed Donnced, unless I've also missed something! The unique restriction was an "either / or" stipulation - "Either multiple cars or a single car with flames". According to those restrictions my shot should be valid :)
Wrong the UNIQUE RESTRICTION says two cars shooting flames in the same picture OR one car shooting flames your choice.

Its hard getting two cars shooting flames which is why the ONE car shooting flames is also a option.

Neither of the two cars in you're picture are shooting flames.
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Why, if shooting flames is the important part, would the "at least two cars, or one car" be stated? Surely, in this scenario, it makes absolute no difference how many cars are in the scene?

As somebody who prides himself on his grasp of the English language (so much so that the staff at my shop used to accuse me of sleeping with a dictionary!) I am sticking to my guns that my interpretation is correct, namely that the OP is asking for a shot that is either:

At least 2 cars
1 car that is shooting flames

I'll shut up now as the thread is already cluttered enough as it is.
Why, if shooting flames is the important part, would the "at least two cars, or one car" be stated? Surely, in this scenario, it makes absolute no difference how many cars are in the scene?

As somebody who prides himself on his grasp of the English language (so much so that the staff at my shop used to accuse me of sleeping with a dictionary!) I am sticking to my guns that my interpretation is correct, namely that the OP is asking for a shot that is either:

At least 2 cars
1 car that is shooting flames

I'll shut up now as the thread is already cluttered enough as it is.

Yes,like Cluck said I want 1 car that is shooting flames or At least 2 cars which is not shooting flames,sorry for the misunderstood.
lovely shot but, sadly, your entry won't be valid as you chose this round's theme :)

EDIT : Forgot to say, thanks for clearing up the confusion re. the special requirements for this round :)
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lovely shot but, sadly, your entry won't be valid as you chose this round's theme :)

EDIT : Forgot to say, thanks for clearing up the confusion re. the special requirements for this round :)

Thanks!!! Your shots on flickr are lovely and realistic too(Actually,the most realistic.Do you have any graphics mod and/or tips?)

Btw I didnt knew it,ok I m gonna delete my photo for clearance then :D
That's all the game is good for, taking blurry snapshots, but the rest is a mess.

Flawed physics, badly scripted conga line AI and the online mode is outright broken.
Happy to see that @Cluck and mine interpration off the unique restrictions where correct!
Good to see this little issue solved ...

So, good luck with the competition to everyone, also to @Chikane.. Even if he can't compete with a shot of a P1 GTR.. :D:cheers:
That's all the game is good for, taking blurry snapshots, but the rest is a mess.

Flawed physics, badly scripted conga line AI and the online mode is outright broken.

That s your opinion,I think the games physics are pretty good even if its not the best.And this is a screenshot thread,so why dont you just take a screenshot and join the competition :)
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