Could manned drone racing become a sport? Would you watch it?

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I know drone racing is a thing, but I’ve never really been very interested in it. This, on the other hand, has sparked my curiosity.

Obviously this is still a few years away from manned, high speed racing, and they’ll be fighting uphill legal battles every step of the way, but I think this is really cool. I hope to see this become a sport in my lifetime.

Forget Formula E, drone racing is the future.
Funny thing is, people said the exact same thing about cars, airplanes, and helicopters when they were first invented.

Probably because it gives off the feeling of safety of a tin can. Just as those vehicles a hundred years ago would, and I don't see why not, they were and at least 1 or 2 of those are still absurdly dangerous in my book.

I had a feeling it was posted here before, seemed too familiar.
Probably because it gives off the feeling of safety of a tin can. Just as those vehicles a hundred years ago would, and I don't see why not, they were and at least 1 or 2 of those are still absurdly dangerous in my book.

I had a feeling it was posted here before, seemed too familiar.
1 or 2 of what? Cars, airplanes, and helicopters? Absurdly dangerous?

@Famine I didn’t known there was an “air speeder” thread, combine them if you like.
I choose cars and helicopters. No I do not travel much, no the reason I don't travel much is not because I think they're dangerous. Traveling would also not change my opinion of their inherent deadliness.