COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye

new deaths....but not new deaths

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (KTUU) - UPDATE: DHSS reports five of the 18 deaths to be recent and 13 deaths were discovered over the past several months.

Five deaths were recent:

Thirteen deaths were from death certificate reviews over the past several months:

There have been 99 positive COVID-19 cases since the mid-November outbreak in Nome. In Nome, there are currently 17 active cases, with zero active cases in our region’s villages.

Norton Sound/Bering Strait Region

Data collected from January 1, 2020 - December 7, 2020
I hate this

While that sucks for the family, you're sharing a source whose only concerned about the situation because he can use it to spread anti-Covid propaganda. He doesn't give a flying **** about that family.

Edit* Nah, changed my mind after watching it in full. "It has 99% survival rate". "We flew all summer". Yep, checked her IG & she has been traveling all over the US. Look at her reasoning for this flight alone:
My husband grew up New Jersey, I’ve lived there twice before we got married, and we had spent a long time there together. It’s truly our second home. A tradition that we have is to go see the Rockefeller tree every year. It’s a tradition we also wanted our 2 year old daughter to experience. ⁣

Some of our closest friends/family that had grown up with (including his childhood best friend who had moved to Slovakia years ago and hasn’t even met our daughter, and some of our other friends we call family flying in from Cleveland) were going to be there tonight and tomorrow so we can all spend time together for the first time in years.
These people can go **** themselves. A 2-year old has plenty of time to see a Christmas tree in New York. What a stupid ass reason to want to continue traveling while everyone else plays by the rules.
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And I hate comments like this.
I hate anti-maskers. If those selfish ****s would just make this one minor concession, things would not only be a little closer to normal with reduced need for social restrictions, but things would actually get back to normal, the real normal, sooner. Anti-maskers and those who espouse anti-mask sentiment, including in meme form, are absolute garbage. **** them all.
Looks like the Hague are going for a final drastic measure now that the numbers jumped up again.

Reports are coming out that a lockdown will start tonight at 12 and will end on the 19th of January. Everything non-essential will be closed. Let's see how the morons will stockpile on toilet paper again.

I fully blame social media for this. Giving a bunch of ****ing morons a place to come together with their dumb and pissing in the wind because I can ideas.
Friend of mine passed away a week or so ago, COVID being the major factor. He wasn't a particularly close friend, more of an occasional drinking buddy. But he's a big loss to a community that's largely centred around a pub. I don't know this for a fact, but it's somewhat probable he caught it in the pub. That's a tough pill to swallow for a lot of his closer friends. It's easy to want to relax the rules for the things we value or want, but, when it kills a mate or someone close to you it does bring the importance of certain things home, in the most poignant fashion.
We should give heavy fines and even jail time for those who don't obey wearning masks or staying in lockdowns. That should make some people think twice. I honestly wish if we would actually have lockdowns locally, we were actually doing pretty great job in Bahrain at first. In fact, better than some first world nations somehow but then people got sick of sitting at home and that offices & businesses would rather earn money than keep people safe so it's getting worse thanks to idiots and greedy morons.

Just stay safe, everyone!
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We are 2 weeks into the mandate and after hitting almost 10k yesterday it's now down to 8100 8400.

Really weird. A piece of cloth.
Mondays are always lower though. I expect another record tomorrow when the weekend numbers come in.
It's the same pattern here in Ireland, although the post-weekend bump tends to spill over to Wednesdays.
The British Medical Journal (the BMJ) and the Health Service Journal have issued a rare joint editorial calling on the UK Government to reverse the planned easing of rules on household mixing over the Christmas period.

Given the current levels of infection across the UK, I am afraid to say that I completely agree with them... I think allowing multiple households to mix at all right now is a very bad idea.

What is worse is the fact that many schools (including those where I am) are open until the 22nd of December... which means the period of time between them leaving school and mixing with grandparents etc. is just 3 days, well below the length of time that could be considered 'safe'.

All this is achieving is making people feel even more anxious about the Xmas holiday period, as if it wasn't already a stressful period for people.
The British Medical Journal (the BMJ) and the Health Service Journal have issued a rare joint editorial calling on the UK Government to reverse the planned easing of rules on household mixing over the Christmas period.

Given the current levels of infection across the UK, I am afraid to say that I completely agree with them... I think allowing multiple households to mix at all right now is a very bad idea.

What is worse is the fact that many schools (including those where I am) are open until the 22nd of December... which means the period of time between them leaving school and mixing with grandparents etc. is just 3 days, well below the length of time that could be considered 'safe'.

All this is achieving is making people feel even more anxious about the Xmas holiday period, as if it wasn't already a stressful period for people.
They should have got it together before the 15th. Plans are made, travel is booked, if there is anything people will dig their heels in about, it's seeing family over Christmas.

I'm sure the BMJ are being very sensible here but that's far too little too late. BoJo & Co will already have looked at all this and said "well, letting them have Christmas will probably kill everyone, but if we don't let them, they'll riot and kill each other, and possibly damage some of my property too."
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Agreed, it's probably too little too late.

The UK Government's approach is basically to avoid telling people what to do as much as they can, and hope that people will simply choose to do 'the right thing', even though their messaging on what the right thing is can be vague or even contradictory.

For me, the schools thing is even worse - and it is also too late to change now.
Regarding testing, the rapid antigen test only found 0.4% positive in the Liverpool mass testing.

My question is, why are we still using the PCR test at all, especially without publishing the critical number of amplification cycles with the result ?
Many sources have established that over 30 amplification cycles produces unreliable results, namely false positives, which therefore should not be the basis of big decisions on lockdowns and restrictions. 35-45 cycles are being used. This explains many of the false positives that do not represent infection.

Why not instead use the much cheaper and faster antigen test and know the true infection rate, upon which to base important decisions ?
Regarding testing, the rapid antigen test only found 0.4% positive in the Liverpool mass testing.

My question is, why are we still using the PCR test at all, especially without publishing the critical number of amplification cycles with the result ?
Many sources have established that over 30 amplification cycles produces unreliable results, namely false positives, which therefore should not be the basis of big decisions on lockdowns and restrictions. 35-45 cycles are being used. This explains many of the false positives that do not represent infection.

Why not instead use the much cheaper and faster antigen test and know the true infection rate, upon which to base important decisions ?

First, don't confuse 0.4% positive from mass testing as being in any way comparable to results from other testing (which is mainly of already suspected cases so one would expect a far higher % to be positive).

Second, lockdowns and restrictions are only based on testing results insofar as there is an already established correlation between those results and the numbers appearing in hospitals and the numbers of deaths. It actually doesn't matter at all how wrong the testing is, since it has been shown to be reasonably consistent that if positive cases rise then hospitalisations rise and then deaths rise.

Finally, those cherry-picked papers aren't the only and final word on any of this. Besides, they don't quite say what you present them as saying - a high false positive rate for "infectious COVID" does not mean that at 30x or more PCR is detecting coronavirus that isn't there.
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LA has a population of 10 million people, yet a report today says there only 370 beds left & 56 left in the ICU.
As the first dose of Covid-19 vaccine was delivered at a Los Angeles-area hospital, the county’s hospital and ICU capacity dropped to alarming lows.

According to Dr. Christina Ghaly, director of L.A. County Health and Human Services, there were only 370 available hospital beds for the county of 10 million. ICU availability was even worse, with just 56 adult ICU beds remaining. That is only the second time availability has dipped below 100, she said.
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What are the two hospital ships doing right now?
USNS Comfort is currently at the Naval base in Virginia. USNS Mercy is on the other side of the US in Portland where a Naval office is.

So, sounds like both ships are currently "inactive" so to speak.