COVID-19/Coronavirus Information and Support Thread (see OP for useful links)

  • Thread starter baldgye
The 35,000,000 currently quarantined in and around Wuhan are going to run out of food in about a week. I expect that will force lifting the quarantine in some way.

You mean you don't even kill your kebabs before you eat them? You eat them alive? You monster.

I like the sarcasm what I meant was dead animals especially roadkill rot and become full of bacteria pretty quickly compared to an animal getting up cut and stored in a freezer or a refrigerator in the right temperature.

I have been to a place where kebabs are made. Whole lot cleaner than road kill thats for sure.
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First exclusive images of the virus under a microscope

Is this actually legit because it really reminds me of Resident evil.

Where the whole ordeal of the T virus happens due to a sabotage or an accident. Resident evil case it is both.
Yeah, China's only biowarfare lab is located only 8 miles from the fresh exotic animal market where the virus was speculated to originate. A disgruntled tech walked over and dumped a vial on a dead Koala. However, this is a conspiracy theory and is taboo to talk about. There is another conspiracy theory that the virus is a US attack on China. But this one is so stupid that we are encouraged to laugh about it. :lol:
Ordered a couple things from China the other day, now I'm alittle worried!?

Unless one of the things you ordered is a living thing, you'll be fine.

Can the coronavirus be transferred through items bought from Wuhan and posted to UK? - Stefan
There is no evidence this is a risk. Some diseases - including the coronavirus that causes Sars - can spread through surfaces contaminated by people coughing or sneezing on them.

It has not been shown this new coronavirus can do that. Even if it could, there would still be questions about whether international shipping would be a major problem.

Cold viruses tend to survive less than 24 hours outside the human body although norovirus (a severe stomach bug) can last months outside the body.

The most reassuring fact so far is that cases seem to require close contact with another person - say, a family member or healthcare worker - in order to spread.
Is it surprising a lot of viruses that killed off so many people all come from China.

Chinese eat anything that moves. A lot of the far eastern countries eat some awful and weird stuff.

Honestly we need to send pizzas, kebabs and burgers to these people. Send some normal stuff.

Vegans should literally use the chinese as propaganda to turn people off from meat.

Viruses generally don’t originate from food. They can transmit from one person to another via food, but the type of food doesn’t matter so vegan food is no safer than exotic Chinese cuisine.

China accounts for nearly 1/5th of the global population, so if “a lot” of viruses indeed originated from China I’d bet it’s merely a case of probability.
Viruses generally don’t originate from food. They can transmit from one person to another via food, but the type of food doesn’t matter so vegan food is no safer than exotic Chinese cuisine.

China accounts for nearly 1/5th of the global population, so if “a lot” of viruses indeed originated from China I’d bet it’s merely a case of probability.
My understanding was that this virus came from a living animal being sold in a market, either a snake or a bat (reading an FT article yesterday).
41 now dead with just over 12 hundred infected
This source says the current numbers are 1354 infected, 41 dead and 38 recovered. That's not quite a doubling since yesterday. But close enough to be troubling. A lot of talk about the source being the local live animal market, but firm proof I think is lacking at the moment.


It is disturbing to see that the number of recoveries is lower than the number of deaths. I can only hope this is an artifact of being in the very early stages of the epidemic.

The numbers under quarantine now seems to have risen to 56 million.

Bat soup.

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A friend of mine has co-authored an initial report on the outbreak, and it is a sobering read.

That said, they are already in the process of updating it as new information comes to light, and I think they are revising their projections downwards a bit (the R0 number - the number of new cases from each existing case - is more like 2.5 instead of almost 4).


I couldn’t help but chuckle, though, when I read the headline “Video of Chinese woman eating bat goes viral”
When great catastrophe befalls the Chinese regime, that means they have lost "The Mandate of Heaven", and must fall. Xi admits the situation is grave, and has one foot on a banana peel and the other in the grave.

Chinese president warns of 'grave situation'
The Chinese president, Xi Jinping, has held a special government meeting to address the spread of the virus.

The president warned of a “grave situation” at a meeting with the politburo on the lunar new year public holiday, state television reported. He also said the virus was “accelerating its speed”.

According to the TV report, resources and experts will be channelled to designated hospitals to tackle the virus. Supplies to Hubei province will be guaranteed and cost won’t be a hindrance.
I find it mind boggling that countries are not restricting flights that are coming from china.

Countries go to great lengths to stop people from bringing in food from other countries or quarantine animals because "Dangerous to ecosystem" yet they dont block flights from countries that have a highly deadly outbreak.
You think countries would've learnt from the Ebola outbreak.

Heck the only country that has shut its borders down during this Contravirus and Ebola outbreak was and still is North Korea.
So maybe Kim Jong Un is the only smart leader on this planet at the moment.
I love weird food, but even I think I'd draw the line at eating a flying rodent in soup form.
Scrambled squirrel brains are considered a Southern delicacy. :rolleyes:

@Touring Mars

Below, a recent Imperial College of London estimate of the RO number...I wonder if these studies take into account the very likely underreporting of infections?

Self-sustaining human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) is the only plausible explanation of the scale of the outbreak in Wuhan. We estimate that, on average, each case infected 2.6 (uncertainty range: 1.5-3.5) other people up to 18th January 2020, based on an analysis combining our past estimates of the size of the outbreak in Wuhan with computational modelling of potential epidemic trajectories.

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Scrambled squirrel brains are considered a Southern delicacy.

@Touring Mars

Below, a recent Imperial College of London estimate of the RO number...I wonder if these studies take into account the very likely underreporting of infections?

Squirrel brains are not a "southern delicacy." As the link clearly points out, at most it's a highly regional rural "cuisine". This isnt being served up at a fine southern restaurant for the lunch special.