Trump is like Moses because he sexually abused women and paid a porn star to influence an election?
So as well as being a heartless Christian he's a heartless Christian idiot.Don't think those are Migrants.
1. only a few people in that boat.
2. seems like a fast boat, so more likely to be drugrunners.
Did they use 'Justice League' because they spend a lot of time in court? 🤔
Apropos of nothing, if they come for the smokers, I'm definitely not going to speak out.View attachment 1385353
Tory MP Esther McVey criticised for 'repugnant' smoking ban post
Esther McVey used a poem about the Holocaust to criticise proposals for tougher rules on outdoor
opposes the legalization of same-sex marriage
She's a lesbian in a relationship to an immigrant woman
Whale dubbed a Russian spy found dead off Norway - BBC News
The beluga whale - nicknamed Hvaldimir - is suspected of having been trained as a spy by
I feel sorry for the poor bugger who had to throw it from a 10th storey window
Hypocrisy is dead. Long live hypocrisy!
I prefer to think of it as autogolpe tune.You know you have no business singing when even auto tune can't help.
The results look a hell of a lot closer when you see the popular vote was 54M to 37M.
She looks like someone brought a cartoon character to lifeLoomer is subhuman trash but that's a Gary Peterson edit.
See aso:
That one, as far as I know, is fine. I mean it's terrifying but I don't think anything in there has been edited.
I still think Newsom had a part in making Guilfoyle that way. Strikes me is being able to leech the life out of anyone.