D-Max // Since 2010 // Back for GT6 and Still Killing it

  • Thread starter D-Max
Miss you guys!! @GODfreyGT5 get on so we can dori!! You guys should host a Matsuri again!!

GT6 kills me man, can only just about enjoy driving and only ever stand about 3 mins drifting. I gave it such an effort to enjoy it after release but I've given up on it now. I'm enjoying a weekly BTCC race series (similar to one we hosted previously) and the odd cruise on nurb and that's about it for my GT activity, and I think I'm the 1st or 2nd most active of all of us! We're all alive and bantering within our FaceBook group since the Mods went all nazi on us in the GT5 thread XD.

Went back do GT5 a few weeks ago and it was mad fun, can actually hear my sileighty's exhaust, doing mad entries and a few laps of door-to-door around Tsukuba with ono. I hate kaz.... really......
Chris pretty much summed up my thoughts about GT6. I also really wanted to love the game, especially with how much I loved GT5 and it's community. GT6 was very promising from the start - new physics, new cars, new tracks.... But I just don't enjoy the game like I do with other driving games. My copy of GT6 is used once a week for the BTCC series, which is hyper-competitive and very fun, but after that is finished I just hope that there is an update or community series that can really inspire me to play the game again. Of course, other people do enjoy GT6 a lot, but it lacks the magic of GT5 and the responsiveness of other titles for me to want to play it.
I understand where you guys are coming from...there's lots about the game that I hate too :lol: And there is a certain "magic" that is missing. But it's still pretty fun once you get the feel for it...you gotta make the magic happen haha. And I don't know if it's just me, or if other ds3 users notice it, but I think I'm drifting better in 6 than I ever did in 5. No idea how it is on the wheel though.

If you see me on though, hit me up for a cruise session or something...maybe a photo run or two :)
<Exciting announcement!>

D-Max is going to be hosting a drift matsuri this Sunday (6th) from 6:30 onwards. This matsuri will be hosted on GT5 rather than GT6, purely because we as a group prefer that game for drifting, and it will be an awesome way to revisit the game that brought us all together. The GT5 drift scene brought a large chunk of the GTP drifting community together, and it would be very nice to see plenty of people on the evening to celebrate the wonderful game that is GT5.

We can't wait for the matsuri! It brings such a great relaxed atmosphere, where you can show off your drifting skills whilst still having a load of fun. Don't miss out, be there and make sure to burn some rubber :D

Use this to see what time it starts in your particular time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclo...x+GT5+Drift+Matsuri&iso=20140406T1830&p1=2181
<Exciting announcement!>

D-Max is going to be hosting a drift matsuri this Sunday (6th) from 6:30 onwards. This matsuri will be hosted on GT5 rather than GT6, purely because we as a group prefer that game for drifting, and it will be an awesome way to revisit the game that brought us all together. The GT5 drift scene brought a large chunk of the GTP drifting community together, and it would be very nice to see plenty of people on the evening to celebrate the wonderful game that is GT5.

We can't wait for the matsuri! It brings such a great relaxed atmosphere, where you can show off your drifting skills whilst still having a load of fun. Don't miss out, be there and make sure to burn some rubber :D

Use this to see what time it starts in your particular time zone: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=D-Max GT5 Drift Matsuri&iso=20140406T1830&p1=2181

Wow,haven't heard anything from d-max in a long time... Glad to see you guys are back!
Just finished a drift session in GT5 and i must say i enjoyed it quite a lot actually... It just felt like driving on ice tho,but i was able to be so much smoother than i'm able in GT6 :D there's just something special in the feeling of gt5 drifting...Can't believe i'm saying this because i've enjoyed drifting on ac and gt6 for the past months :lol:
D-Max are still around as a close group of mates but only through a private Facebook group that we created after mods on here were giving us 🤬 for chatting about things vaguely not GT after like 1.5 years of playing XD We have expanded if anything with 29 members in the group, at-least 15 being pretty active and banter is plentiful, not to mention a road-trip to 'Driftland' in Scotland we are planning for July! We just lost the time to all be able to get on GT together, and GT6 being a ball-ache for drifting didn't give us much of an intensive either.

This GT5 matsuri will be fantastic if we can get a good group of drifters on, it's been far too long since I've seen most of the lads outside of D-Max, get spreading this event among your teams!!!
D-Max are still around as a close group of mates but only through a private Facebook group that we created after mods on here were giving us 🤬 for chatting about things vaguely not GT after like 1.5 years of playing XD We have expanded if anything with 29 members in the group, at-least 15 being pretty active and banter is plentiful, not to mention a road-trip to 'Driftland' in Scotland we are planning for July! We just lost the time to all be able to get on GT together, and GT6 being a ball-ache for drifting didn't give us much of an intensive either.

This GT5 matsuri will be fantastic if we can get a good group of drifters on, it's been far too long since I've seen most of the lads outside of D-Max, get spreading this event among your teams!!!

Good news then ? lol
Good news then ? lol

Did you really feel the need to come on and post to a couple of our members and be ignorant? And was there really a need in the pointless bump.

People know who we are, where we are and what we are doing. Trying to recreate our team would be pointless (for the stupid comment on frag's profile).
"People know who we are, where we are and what we are doing. Trying to recreate our team would be pointless."
I beg to differ, lots of new faces and I doubt most remember D max from GT5. Anyways I ain't getting involved in this.
You'd be very surprised, but of course you don't want involved.
I beg to differ, lots of new faces and I doubt most remember D max from GT5. Anyways I ain't getting involved in this.

If you didn't want to get involved, you wouldn't have posted a reply, spouting your opinion.
All of the big GT5 teams are still well-known, especially if you're from that era. If you're just starting to play now then of course you wont know them because you weren't around for the madness that created the community that lives and breathes today.
At the beginning of July, the main members of D-Max met in real life, travelling from all over the UK and even coming from as far as Sweden to be together.

This is just some of us

Instead of spending our time drifting on GT6 (Which some of us still do, in spite of popular belief), we spent a weekend at a real life drift event.

This is Alekzandr Law (Kouki S14)
Photo courtesy of GODfreyGT5 from Stylecase

I myself got to meet the likes of Ryan Tuerck, Stewy Bryant and many more just last weekend!

This is Ryan Tuerck (Vauxhall Omega (His E36 was being fixed up)) and Stewy Bryant (E36)


Photo by Sean Welland
So to say that the D-Max name is forgotten is pure ignorance. We still play, even if it's not as much as we used to. We still thrive and seek! But you only see what you want to see. Any kinda of take over or imitation will be refuted with force, we take honour and pride with supporting the D-Max name.
I've not seen you around once and trust me I've been around a lot longer than you think I have. By saying I've not seen you once I mean on gt6, used to attend your events on gt5.
Not replying for so long kind of does show I didn't want a part in this.