DDRS...*Adult League

  • Thread starter Scca Norm
United States
If you're looking for a friendly fun competitive league that consists of racers that are 25 years and older, then look no further! Check out DDRS!!!


About Drink Drive Racing Series​

The Drink Drive Racing Series is an on-line racing series for players of Gran Turismo. Entry is open to anyone that:
  • Has a PlayStation 4
  • Has a copy of Gran Turismo Sport
  • Has friended itc42
  • Has a mic

Want to Come and Play With Us?​

Entry is open to any Gran Turismo Sport player. Send a friend request to itc42 to be added to the DDRS PSN Group. Drivers should be aware you'll be running against some pretty quick individuals, including some people with actual racing experience. We run close, but clean and respectful. A little rubbing is OK, but push-to-pass is right out.
The sprint series events are generally three races each night, with about three weeks between events. Each race in an event runs about 25 minutes. The current formula is modeled on the BTCC championship, which grants reward weight based on series standing and finishing positions. Competitors run all three sport compounds in a given meeting. Different weights and different compounds mean it's not the same person or people winning all the time.

*Check out the website as it will have more details and info about the DDRS league....Also a huge shout out to itc42 for taking the time to put this league together, thanks again
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not sure if I can post an external link to itc42's website that has more details and info about DDRS league
What are you not sure about? Our pinned thread in this forum is pretty clear on what external links are allowed and what are not:
Anything that does not meet the following two criteria may be removed, and the user who posted it may be permanently banned from the site:
  • Our members must be able to get all the information they need to be involved (schedule, regulations, results) here on GTPlanet, without clicking any links to take them away from this site.
  • Our members will not be required to sign up to anything outside of GTPlanet in order to participate.
There is no prohibition on posting external sources of information and participation, as long as they are optional or supplementary. For example, several leagues find a game-chat app to be helpful in organising events, and it's perfectly fine to post a link to that, but it is not fine to require our users to join it in order to participate in the event.
And you already have an external link in your post as it is...
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Was planning to give the guidelines a quick read when I got home from work before posting any external links, looks like I just skipped over that step. Ended up doing a quick copy/paste and didn't catch that there was an link attached.
Trying to multitask in the a.m without a sufficient intake of coffee......bad idea!
Thanks Famine for what you do