
  • Thread starter Rigor13
United States
United States
Wolfpack Auto Racing / Wolfpack (EURO) - An amateur racing league for beginners. A new season is about to begin. Looking for a few more drivers who dont mind some stiff competition with amateur drivers. So far we have 2 full grids for the US and 1 Grid and a half for the UK. If you are interested contact me here, send a friend request to my PSN, and leave a quick message letting me know you are interested in the league and your time zone.

This is for beginner/amateur drivers who want to join in a weekly race league. This league is for drivers who enjoy the game, want to race clean, have good sportsmanship and race etiquette, but sometimes make a few mistakes on the track. DAD CLAN rules apply so if you cant make an event, you cant make an event and there are no kicks or bans, unless you just bleed toxicity. Looking to get faster and better, together? Well its in the name, join the Wolf Pack!!!.

PS5 / GT7 / PSN; Rigormortis153 (add and send a message)

Next Race; TBD
EST - 900 pm - Saturday | CST - 800 pm - Saturday | PST - 600 pm - Saturday | JST - 1000am - Sunday |
Wolf Pack Euro Leagues run - GMT - 700 pm - Every Sunday

THIS SEASON - 3 Man Teams, One Manufacturer per team, both Gr.4 and Gr.3. BOP on with suspension tuning. Different track every week, collision, and shortcut pens on.
3 man teams for brand sponsorship.

comment or message if you're interested.
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I’d love to join up if you still have room. I’m completely new. I’ve got a month or so of racing under my belt, but I’ve never done anything online before. Like, at all. Am I too much of a beginner for the group?
I’d love to join up if you still have room. I’m completely new. I’ve got a month or so of racing under my belt, but I’ve never done anything online before. Like, at all. Am I too much of a beginner for the group?
nope not too much of a beginner at all, this/that is what my league is about. Send me a request on psn, and we will get you plugged right in.
I'll add you so you can let me know when events might take place, time difference might be a pain though. UK-GMT here
I'll add you so you can let me know when events might take place, time difference might be a pain though. UK-GMT here
add me, we have a wolfpack euro league, where everyone races together at a fair time for the UK groups, so no problem there.
never got your request... still interested?

I’d love to join up if you still have room. I’m completely new. I’ve got a month or so of racing under my belt, but I’ve never done anything online before. Like, at all. Am I too much of a beginner for the group
Wolfpack Auto Racing / Wolfpack (EURO) - An amateur racing league for beginners. Season 2 is about to get started in 2 weeks. So far we have 2 full grids for the US and 1 Grid and a half for the UK. If you are interested contact me here, send a friend request to my PSN, and leave a quick message letting me know you are interested in the league and your time zone.

This is for beginner/amateur drivers who want to join in a weekly race league. This league is for drivers who enjoy the game, want to race clean, have good sportsmanship and race etiquette, but sometimes make a few mistakes on the track. DAD CLAN rules apply so if you cant make an event, you cant make an event and there are no kicks or bans, unless you just bleed toxicity. Looking to get faster and better, together? Well its in the name, join the Wolf Pack!!!.

PS5 / GT7 / PSN; Rigormortis153 (add and send a message)

Next Race Rd.5 (Final Round of our test season before Season 2 begins) - will start the weekend of Apr 23rd ~ Apr 24th
EST - 900 pm - Saturday | CST - 800 pm - Saturday | PST - 600 pm - Saturday | JST - 1000am - Sunday |
WolfPack Euro Leagues run - GMT - 700 pm - Sunday

Hi Rigor13, I would like to join if there are still open slots for the US time.

I'm on EST and my PSN is CESARR64.

Thank you,
Hows it going, I have tried several times to contact you on the PSN, are you still interested in racing?
Yes. I don’t understand why I’m not getting your messages. We’re friends, right? Let me check again. Meanwhile, I’m definitely interested.