Digital foundry compared the tracks to flying low in a flight sim game

  • Thread starter shenfrey


DF loved the cars however. Are the tracks really that bad? I don’t remember them being super poor in GT sport, have the tracks took a downgrade in this game, so that the cars can look better?
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DF loved the cars however. Are the tracks really that bad? I don’t remember them being super poor in GT sport, have the tracks took a downgrade in this game, so that the cars can look better?

I don't think they look that bad at all. I'm sure if you went into photomode and analyse stuff outside the circuit it might not stand up to scrutiny but who's doing that?

The real circuits look pretty accurate to reality and the fantasy tracks have definitely been upgraded and look pretty darn good to me.
I think it looks very nice on PS5, definitely a step up from GT Sport. Car models look fantastic, and while track detail isn't always amazing, the game can look very good.

The video makes a solid point about GT7's environments. Polyphony has done a great job at making GT Sport and GT7 look really natural in terms of color, lighting, and car design. It can definitely look lifelike at times; however this makes it easy to spot flaws in the world if you're paying attention. Especially in unflattering lighting.

I'm fine with them compromising on detail around the track if it means keeping an overall natural look to the game (I'm not a fan of Forza's art direction at all for example). The main thing PD could improve on is particle effects. We need more dirt, smoke, rubber, etc on the track, and cars need to look dirtier by the end of a race.
You can see the baked maps being interpolated at some tracks. I can't remember which mission it was, but Daytona transitioning in to night, you can see the shadows in front of you getting replaced based on the distance from the car.
Tracks look amazing to me on PS5. Deep forest and Trial mountain especially from what I have seen so far. Not played on all tracks yet though.
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Are the tracks really that bad? I don’t remember them being super poor in GT sport, have the tracks took a downgrade in this game, so that the cars can look better?
Lets just say that they have a lot of catching up to do

I'm pleasantly surprised how good Trial Mountain looks, even Deep Forest doesn't look as bad as i thought it would be.
But, some circuits from GTS (Dragon Trail, Brands Hatch, Sardegna, Kyoto...) disappointed me with their rough and average looking visuals. Like they didn't put much effort into them.
I think Spa is probably closest to photorealism from all tracks in the game. Distant mountains look amazing here, I just hope they add a historical version of the track.
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