Doctor Who

  • Thread starter JR98
I loved this episode and the opening scene to it was just hilarious.

My favourite line in the entire episode was "This is called the Bootstrap Paradox, Google it" According to Google, this is what it is: "The past event is then partly or entirely the cause of the future event, which is the past event's cause. Since a causal loop has no independent origin, it is also called a bootstrap paradox, predestination paradox or ontological paradox."
Thought the latest episode was pretty boring, tbh.
The flashback to the tenth Doctor and Donna was good, but the whole episode felt a bit uneventful. I might have to watch it a second time to like it.
Thought the latest episode was pretty boring, tbh.
The flashback to the tenth Doctor and Donna was good, but the whole episode felt a bit uneventful. I might have to watch it a second time to like it.
I thought it wasn't as good as previous episodes as well. Although part 2 looks promising
Saw the latest episode. I found last week's episode pretty disappointing, but this one was pretty good.
I personally think that it would have been better if Clara became a villain. We could see how she was becoming more like the current Doctor in this season (happy to sacrifice the lives of others, etc.). It would have been an interesting twist.

The parallels to ISIS were a bit too much. They could have made it a bit more subtle...also, why the hell did all of the UNIT soldiers walk into the church?! That was the worst part of the episode, IMO.

Zygon Clara's evil grin, though. HNNNGGG
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Really great episode, last weeks episode wasn't that great IMO but this one is probably my favourite this season so far. Can't wait for next weeks episode.

I think this is probably Clara's last episode. Or last episode was her last. Maybe she'll be brought back to life but by the looks of things it seems Clara is gone.
I would also like to voice my approval for the last episode, the best of the series so far and I loved villain Clara, she can be bad on me anytime! :sly:

Anyway the Mirror have reported that the number of episodes in next year series will be halved to six, this is because Peter Capaldi doesn't have the time to do them all and is doing other projects like starring in two episodes of VEEP and directing a film on his time in a punk rock band, the series will of course be supplemented with a Christmas special, the ratings for the show have been getting gradually smaller in the last few years but the Beeb are insistent that this isn't the end as the show makes them £60 million a year...
I would also like to voice my approval for the last episode, the best of the series so far and I loved villain Clara, she can be bad on me anytime! :sly:

Anyway the Mirror have reported that the number of episodes in next year series will be halved to six, this is because Peter Capaldi doesn't have the time to do them all and is doing other projects like starring in two episodes of VEEP and directing a film on his time in a punk rock band, the series will of course be supplemented with a Christmas special, the ratings for the show have been getting gradually smaller in the last few years but the Beeb are insistent that this isn't the end as the show makes them £60 million a year...
Kind of annoying it's put down to 6 episodes next season, but considering 9 only has 12 episodes it isn't too bad. Tomorrow's episode is going to be amazing

According to YT comments Clara doesn't die this episode, she apparently gets killed off in episode 10.
Just saw the latest episode.
Totally And Radically Driving In Space :lol:

I thought the episode was pretty good. Capaldi's speech at the end was brilliant. Definitely the best part of the episode.

I preferred Bonnie to Clara. I find her a more interesting character. She wasn't a slightly irritating know-it-all like she's been for the last few episodes.

While on the topic of Clara I found an interesting theory. Just a warning, it might spoil the rest of the season.
The Magician’s Apprentice sees the Doctor missing, having issues a last will and testament, a Time Lord confession, He is found by Clara, The Master and UNIT in medieval Britain undergoing a midlife crisis. What happened between the Christmas episode and now?

Here’s the theory. In some unseen adventure with Clara, she dies, as a direct result of travelling with the Doctor. It sends him doolally, he seeks meditation and fails very badly at it. He sees Clara, in her timeline before her death and suddenly becomes a hugger. His flash suit has gone, he now wears a hoodie and sunglasses, he is a Grim Reaper.

And suddenly the Doctor is beset by dilemmas about changing history and the impact it could have, and starts crossing his timeline like rarely before. He returns to Davros as a boy to impart the idea of mercy, so that the Clara Dalek would be able to say the word. In The Witch’s Familiar, he also finds the concept of Clara dying at the gunstalk of a Dalek impossible – it means that history has changed.

In Under The Lake and Before The Flood we see ghosts, their eyes mirroring the Doctor’s sunglasses. Again, he time travels within the story, even doubling back on himself once, as the idea of changing time and history emerge again. The Doctor gives himself the idea of Clara dying, becoming a ghost, which spurs him to find a way to fudge it with holograms.

And now in The Girl Who Died, Clara goes to Valhalla, again something the Doctor finds totally unacceptable. He realises that he chose his face, as he is the Doctor who saves people. Can he save Clara, as well as Ashildr? He changes history so that she lives forever, will he be able to change Clara’s history as easily? Who else could that second healing device be used upon?

Is Clara really the Girl Who Died? Could she end up being the Woman Who Lived? Will the Doctor find a way?

The final series titles are Sleep No More, Face The Raven, Heaven Sent and Hell Bound… the penultimate of which will be “the first episode of Doctor Who to feature only the Doctor, without any companions or guest actors.”

We’ve been led to believe the Doctor is facing his own death. Could it be Clara’s instead? Is this his confession?

Capaldi’s Doctor is King Lear. Clara is Cordelia. And Lear trying to hold on to his daughter for as long as possible, knowing she’s already lost.

Just saw the latest episode.
We’ve been led to believe the Doctor is facing his own death. Could it be Clara’s instead? Is this his confession?
Huge story spoilers for episode 10:

Well, according to alot of YT comments, Clara dies in Episode 10 so I'm guessing she dies then and the last 2 episodes will not feature any companions. Then we'll see the new companion in the first episode of Season 10 or maybe at the end of S9 Ep 12.
Mixed feelings about the latest episode.
I didn't find it too bad, but I felt that it could have been a lot better. I didn't like the sleep dust monsters, I think that it would have been better if the monsters were people that had been transformed due to sleep deprivation.

Also, why on earth did no one think of using their guns (apart from Nagata)?*

*The 'Grunt' using his gun as a club doesn't count.
Thought the latest episode was pretty good.
I wasn't a huge fan of Clara during her run (although she certainly had some great moments) but I'll be sad to see her go.

Getting tired of Ashildr. She was alright in 'The Girl Who Died' but after that, I found her character dull. The fact that Clara died makes me dislike her even more.

On the bright side, we finally get to see the Doctor properly angry.
While it was sad to see Clara go, I think it was about time she went, I think 3 years is long enough for a companion. Can't wait to see who the new companion will be.
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Thought the last episode was good, wasn't that impressed with Clara's death scene, I think they built it up a bit but in the end it was a bit meh..
Saw the latest episode, loved it. Can't wait until next week's episode.
Didn't know that the Doctor had a mind palace like Sherlock (mind TARDIS?).

Best episode of the season IMO, it was a lot darker than I expected it to be. The Doctor constantly dying... damn, that was depressing to watch. As always, fantastic acting by Capaldi.

Hopefully we get to see more of Gallifrey next week.
Saw the latest episode, not as good as I hoped it would be.
The episode started off good. Loved Capaldi's attitude when he arrived at Gallifrey. Him banishing Rassilon was cold, and something I can't imagine 9, 10 or 11 doing.

Then it all went downhill when Clara was brought back. I'm not surprised that this happened, just disappointed. Her death in Face The Raven was good, the way she accepted her death. Then it was all undone in this episode. I was really hoping that she would refuse to stay with the Doctor and go back and face her death or even better, not return in the first place!

Gallifrey was underused, too. A story involving the Doctor, the General (before he regenerated) and the President would have been great. But of course, the only reason why Gallifrey was used was so that Clara could be brought back...

Not even going to talk about Ashildr, I've gotten sick of her. Too many appearances in this season, IMO.

I did like the references to past episodes, though (the Doctor's dislike of pears, the diner in The Impossible Astronaught), probably more that I missed).

I'm disappointed that Timothy Dalton didn't return to play Rassilon too, he was great in The End of Time.

On the bright side, the Doctor's new Sonic looks good. The Christmas special, on the other hand...
Thought it was a decent end to an average series, I don't know what it was but everything just seemed half-arsed this series...
The Christmas special looks like it's going to be bad, but I won't judge it until I've seen it.

Edit: I just saw it. I thought it was rubbish, with the exception of the last fifteen minutes.
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Man with the announcement of a new companion, all the emotions of losing Clara have come back.

I started watching New Who at the end of 2013 so Clara has been the longest lasting companion for me in the sense that with all the others, I could just move right on to the next season. I dunno why there was a lot of hate for her in her run but she's been my favorite companion to date. It sucked to see her go as she had great chemistry with both Smith and Capaldi but all good things must come to an end.

Peal Mackie has some BIG shoes to fill...